Learn how to create enterprise and production ready Microservices with Spring, Spring Cloud, Docker and Kubernetes.
- Section 1 - Introduction to Microservices Architecture
- Section 2- Building microservices using Spring Boot
- Section 3 - How do we right size our microservices & identify boundaries
- Section 4 - Handle deployment, portability & scalability of microservices using Docker
- Section 5 - Deep Dive on Cloud Native Apps & 15-Factor methodology
- Section 6 - Configurations Management in Microservices
- Section 7 - Using MySQL DBs inside microservices
- Section 8 - Service Discovery & Service Registration in microservices
- Section 9 - Gateway, Routing & Cross cutting concerns in Microservices
- Section 10 - Making Microservices Resilient
- Section 11 - Observability and monitoring of microservices
- Section 12 - Microservices Security
- Section 13 - Event Driven microservices using RabbitMQ,Spring Cloud Functions & Stream
- Section 14 - Event Driven microservices using Kafka,Spring Cloud Functions & Stream
- Section 15 - Container Orchestration using Kubernetes
- Section 16 - Deep dive on Helm
- Section 17 - Server-side service discovery and load balancing using Kubernetes
- Section 18 - Deploying microservices into cloud K8s cluster
- Section 19 - Introduction to K8s Ingress, Service Mesh (Istio) & mTLS
- Section 20 - Congratulations & Thank You
- Good understanding on Java and Spring concepts
- Basic understanding on SpringBoot & REST services is a bonus but not mandatory
- Interest to learn and explore about Microservices
- Spring Boot - https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot
- Create SpringBoot project - https://start.spring.io
- DTO pattern blog - https://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/dataTransferObject.html
- Model Mapper - http://modelmapper.org/
- Map Struct - https://mapstruct.org/
- Spring Doc - https://springdoc.org/
- Open API - https://www.openapis.org/
- Lucidchart Blog - https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/ddd-event-storming
- Docker website - https://www.docker.com
- Docker hub website - https://hub.docker.com
- Buildpacks website - https://buildpacks.io
- Google Jib website - https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib
- Docker compose website - https://docs.docker.com/compose/
- Twelve-Factor methodology - https://12factor.net
- Beyond the Twelve-Factor App book - https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/beyond-the-twelve-factor/9781492042631/
- Spring Cloud website - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud
- Spring Cloud Config website - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-config
- Spring Cloud Bus website - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-bus
- RabbitMQ website - https://www.rabbitmq.com
- Hookdeck website- https://hookdeck.com
- Spring Cloud Netflix website - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-netflix
- Spring Cloud OpenFeign - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-openfeign
- Netflix Blog - https://netflixtechblog.com/netflix-oss-and-spring-boot-coming-full-circle-4855947713a0
- Resilience4j website - https://resilience4j.readme.io
- Spring Cloud Gateway website - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-gateway
- Stripe RateLimitter pattern blog - https://stripe.com/blog/rate-limiters
- Apache Benchmark website - https://httpd.apache.org
- Grafana website - https://grafana.com
- Grafana Loki setup - https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/getting-started/
- Micrometer website - https://micrometer.io
- Prometheus website - https://prometheus.io/
- Grafana Dashboards - https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/
- OpenTelemetry website - https://opentelemetry.io/
- OpenTelemetry automatic instrumentation - https://opentelemetry.io/docs/instrumentation/java/automatic/
- Keycloak website - https://www.keycloak.org/
- Apache Kafka website - https://kafka.apache.org
- Docker compose file for Kafka - https://github.com/bitnami/containers/blob/main/bitnami/kafka/docker-compose.yml
- Local Kubernetes Cluster with Docker Desktop - https://docs.docker.com/desktop/kubernetes/
- Kubernetes Dashboard - https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/web-ui-dashboard/
- Helm website - https://helm.sh
- Chocolatey website - https://chocolatey.org/
- Bitnami Helm charts GitHub repo - https://github.com/bitnami/charts
- Spring Cloud Kubernetes website - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-kubernetes
- Spring Cloud Kubernetes Blog - https://spring.io/blog/2021/10/26/new-features-for-spring-cloud-kubernetes-in-spring-cloud-2021-0-0-m3
- GCP website - https://cloud.google.com
- GCP SDK installation - https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install
- Kubernetes Ingress - https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/
- Ingress Controllers - https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress-controllers/
- Istio (Service mesh) - https://istio.io
Maven Command | Description |
"mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true" | To generate a jar inside target folder |
"mvn spring-boot:run" | To start a springboot maven project |
"mvn spring-boot:build-image" | To generate a docker image using Buildpacks. No need of Dockerfile |
"mvn compile jib:dockerBuild" | To generate a docker image using Google Jib. No need of Dockerfile |
Docker Command | Description |
"docker build . -t eazybytes/accounts:s4" | To generate a docker image based on a Dockerfile |
"docker run -p 8080:8080 eazybytes/accounts:s4" | To start a docker container based on a given image |
"docker images" | To list all the docker images present in the Docker server |
"docker image inspect image-id" | To display detailed image information for a given image id |
"docker image rm image-id" | To remove one or more images for a given image ids |
"docker image push docker.io/eazybytes/accounts:s4" | To push an image or a repository to a registry |
"docker image pull docker.io/eazybytes/accounts:s4" | To pull an image or a repository from a registry |
"docker ps" | To show all running containers |
"docker ps -a" | To show all containers including running and stopped |
"docker container start container-id" | To start one or more stopped containers |
"docker container pause container-id" | To pause all processes within one or more containers |
"docker container unpause container-id" | To unpause all processes within one or more containers |
"docker container stop container-id" | To stop one or more running containers |
"docker container kill container-id" | To kill one or more running containers instantly |
"docker container restart container-id" | To restart one or more containers |
"docker container inspect container-id" | To inspect all the details for a given container id |
"docker container logs container-id" | To fetch the logs of a given container id |
"docker container logs -f container-id" | To follow log output of a given container id |
"docker container rm container-id" | To remove one or more containers based on container ids |
"docker container prune" | To remove all stopped containers |
"docker compose up" | To create and start containers based on given docker compose file |
"docker compose down" | To stop and remove containers |
"docker compose start" | To start containers based on given docker compose file |
"docker compose down" | To stop the running containers |
"docker run -p 3306:3306 --name accountsdb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=accountsdb -d mysql" | To create a MySQL DB container |
"docker run -p 6379:6379 --name eazyredis -d redis" | To create a Redis Container |
"docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:22.0.3 start-dev" | To create Keycloak Container |
Apache Benchmark command | Description |
"ab -n 10 -c 2 -v 3 http://localhost:8072/eazybank/cards/api/contact-info" | To perform load testing on API by sending 10 requests |
Kubernetes Command | Description |
"kubectl apply -f filename" | To create a deployment/service/configmap based on a given YAML file |
"kubectl get all" | To get all the components inside your cluster |
"kubectl get pods" | To get all the pods details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get pod pod-id" | To get the details of a given pod id |
"kubectl describe pod pod-id" | To get more details of a given pod id |
"kubectl delete pod pod-id" | To delete a given pod from cluster |
"kubectl get services" | To get all the services details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get service service-id" | To get the details of a given service id |
"kubectl describe service service-id" | To get more details of a given service id |
"kubectl get nodes" | To get all the node details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get node node-id" | To get the details of a given node |
"kubectl get replicasets" | To get all the replica sets details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get replicaset replicaset-id" | To get the details of a given replicaset |
"kubectl get deployments" | To get all the deployments details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get deployment deployment-id" | To get the details of a given deployment |
"kubectl get configmaps" | To get all the configmap details inside your cluster |
"kubectl get configmap configmap-id" | To get the details of a given configmap |
"kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp" | To get all the events occured inside your cluster |
"kubectl scale deployment accounts-deployment --replicas=1" | To set the number of replicas for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl set image deployment gatewayserver-deployment gatewayserver=eazybytes/gatewayserver:s11 --record" | To set a new image for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl rollout history deployment gatewayserver-deployment" | To know the rollout history for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl rollout undo deployment gatewayserver-deployment --to-revision=1" | To rollback to a given revision for a deployment inside your cluster |
"kubectl get pvc" | To list the pvcs inside your cluster |
"kubectl delete pvc data-happy-panda-mariadb-0" | To delete a pvc inside your cluster |
Helm Command | Description |
"helm create [NAME]" | Create a default chart with the given name |
"helm dependencies build" | To recompile the given helm chart |
"helm install [NAME] [CHART]" | Install the given helm chart into K8s cluster |
"helm upgrade [NAME] [CHART]" | Upgrades a specified release to a new version of a chart |
"helm history [NAME]" | Display historical revisions for a given release |
"helm rollback [NAME] [REVISION]" | Roll back a release to a previous revision |
"helm uninstall [NAME]" | Uninstall all of the resources associated with a given release |
"helm template [NAME] [CHART]" | Render chart templates locally along with the values |
"helm list" | Lists all of the helm releases inside a K8s cluster |