General tests
✓ should be deployed
✓ is able to receive ethers
✓ reverts if threshold not yet met (38ms)
✓ activates if threshold is met (54ms)
✓ reverts if already activated (54ms)
✓ create new proposal revert reasons (364ms)
✓ create new proposal (261ms)
✓ start vote && quorum (147ms)
✓ cast, cancel and change vote (415ms)
✓ castVote fails if user does not have voting power (136ms)
✓ cannot vote when vote is closed (212ms)
✓ verify proposal state (457ms)
✓ cannot execute proposals that are not queued (127ms)
✓ test proposal execution in queued mode (298ms)
✓ cannot cancel expired, failed or executed proposals (423ms)
✓ fail for invalid quorum (195ms)
✓ fail for invalid minimum threshold (352ms)
✓ test change periods (509ms)
✓ proposer cancel proposal (146ms)
✓ allows anyone to cancel a proposal if creator balance fell below threshold (199ms)
✓ allows cancellation only when proposal is in warmup or active state (388ms)
✓ test proposal with only value transfer (260ms)
abrogation proposal
✓ reverts if proposal id is not valid
✓ works only if proposal is in queued state (571ms)
✓ fails if user does not voting power above threshold (257ms)
✓ reverts for invalid proposal id
✓ reverts if abrogation proposal is not created (93ms)
✓ reverts if abrogation proposal expired (281ms)
✓ reverts if user does not have voting power (266ms)
✓ reverts if user tries to double vote (263ms)
✓ updates the amount of votes (289ms)
✓ allows user to change vote (311ms)
✓ changes initial proposal state to cancelled if accepted (376ms)
✓ does not change initial proposal state if not accepted (324ms)
cancel vote
✓ reverts if abrogation proposal is not created (89ms)
✓ reverts if abrogation proposal expired (220ms)
✓ reverts if user tries to cancel vote if not voted (249ms)
✓ allows users to cancel their votes (301ms)
✓ reverts if proposal state is not canceled (91ms)
✓ reverts if abrogate proposal failed (301ms)
✓ works if abrogation proposal was accepted (353ms)
stored parameters
✓ stores parameters on proposal on creation (108ms)
✓ parameters changed mid-flight do not affect running proposals (728ms)
43 passing (11s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
contracts/ | 95.31 | 84.06 | 92.11 | 95.33 | |
Bridge.sol | 100 | 75 | 100 | 100 | |
Governance.sol | 94.54 | 85.34 | 88.89 | 94.54 |... 463,472,473 |
Parameters.sol | 100 | 78.57 | 100 | 100 | |
contracts/interfaces/ | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
IBarn.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
IBridge.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
All files | 95.31 | 84.06 | 92.11 | 95.33 | |