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MPSServer HTTP routes

Most routes return an OperationResult, encoded in JSON.

It contains three fields:

  • success: boolean value
  • message: string value
  • value: it could be anything

Data structures


  • id: NodeInfo
  • name: string
  • concept: string
  • abstractConcept: boolean

NodeInfoDetailed extends NodeInfo

  • containingLink: string
  • children: NodeInfoDetailed[]
  • properties: {string -> any}
  • refs: {string -> ReferenceInfo}


  • id: NodeIDInfo
  • model: ModelInfo

abstract NodeIDInfo

RegularNodeIDInfo extends NodeIDInfo

  • regularId: number


  • qualifiedName: string
  • uuid: UUID
  • foreignName: string
  • intValue: number
  • readOnly: boolean

Global routes

GET /: return the message MPS Server up and running.. It can be used to verify that the MPS Server is up.

GET /server/extensions: return a list of the extensions that were loaded. The list is composed by the names of such extensions.

GET /languages: return a list of LanguageInfo, including all languages which are part of the LanguageRegistry. LanguageInfo contains two fields: qualifiedName and sourceModuleName.

GET /modules: return a list of ModuleInfo. It traverses the modules which are part of the repository. It consider the flags includeReadOnly and includePackaged (both default to false) to decide how to filter the modules. including all languages which are part of the LanguageRegistry. ModuleInfo contains these fields: name, uuid, foreignName, packaged, readOnly.

  • query parameter includeReadOnly, flag, default false. If set include read-only modules in the list
  • query parameter includePackaged, flag, default false. If set include packaged modules in the list

GET /solutions: return a list of SolutionInfo. It traverses the modules which are part of the repository, considering only the solutions. It consider the flags includeReadOnly and includePackaged (both default to false) to decide how to filter the modules. including all languages which are part of the LanguageRegistry. ModuleInfo contains these fields: name, uuid, foreignName, packaged, readOnly, usedLanguages.

  • query parameter includeReadOnly, flag, default false. If set include read-only modules in the list
  • query parameter includePackaged, flag, default false. If set include packaged modules in the list
  • query parameter languages, list of strings. It select only solutions having all of these languages

POST /persistence/saveAll: it saves all pending changes to models on disk.

POST /persistence/reloadAll: it throws away all pending changes, reloading the content of models from disk.

GET /persistence/changedModels: it returns a list of all models which are changed and either need to save data on disk or to be reloaded from disk.

POST /git/addAndCommit: it adds all the files to the staging area and then commit. The message can be specified as the body of this request. Otherwise it defaults to commit without description.

POST /git/push: it pushes. The body can specify the remote, otherwise by default origin is used.

GET /git/currentBranch: it returns the name of the current branch.

Module routes

GET /modules/:moduleName: it returns ModuleInfoDetailed. It contains all fields of ModuleInfo plus a list of models. For each model we get a ModelInfo. ModelInfo contains the fields qualifiedName, uuid, foreignName, intValue, readOnly.

  • query parameter includeModelsWithoutUUID, flag, default false. If set include modules which have not a UUID

Model routes

GET /models/:modelName: return an instance of ModelInfoDetailed. It is ModelInfo with an additional list of roots. Each root is a NodeInfo.

GET /models/:modelName/concept/:conceptName: return the roots of the model which has the precise concept indicated. For each root a NodeInfo is returned.

POST /models/:modelName/reload: the specific model is reloaded.

POST /models/:modelName/save: the specific model is saved.

GET /models/:modelName/:nodeId: the specific node is returned. The value is a NodeInfoDetailed.

POST /models/:modelName/:nodeId/action/:actionName: it invokes a register concept specific action. These actions are registered through MPS Server extensions. These actions may produce any result. That result is returned.

Nodes routes

GET /nodes/:conceptName: this returns all roots of that concept. For each node a NodeInfo structure is returned.

GET /nodes/:modelName/:nodeId:/property/:propertyName: this returns the value of a given property.

PUT /nodes/:modelName/:nodeId:/property/:propertyName: this sets the value of a given property. The value should be specified in the body.