This projects relies on several components you need to have installed on your system.
This repository is hosted on GitHub. Git interactions with this repository (push, pull etc.) are performed over SSH using the port 8022.
To clone this repository, proceed as follows (adapt accordingly):
$ mkdir -p ~/git/
$ cd ~/git/
$ git clone [email protected]:ULHPC/sw.git # SSH clone
# OR
$ git clone
$ cd sw
# IMPORTANT: run 'make setup' only **AFTER** LMOD etc. is installed
You will have to allow the public SSH key attached to your account on the cluster i.e. ~/.ssh/id_{rsa | ed25519}.pub
to clone this repository, as well as the ULHPC fork repository on Github.
If you do not yet have an existing key pair, create a new one with ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -o -a 100
for instance.
# If not yet existing
$> ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -o -a 100
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (~/<login>/.ssh/id_ed25519):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in ~/<login>/.ssh/id_ed25519.
Your public key has been saved in ~/<login>/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:sdUuyil97pUQppAy7ZWsXTcEqKRjSOumFH55K2+pPkA <login>@<cluster>
The key s randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
| .... |
| . ..o.. o |
| . ooo+.= = + |
| Eo ++.= B + . |
|o.....o S o . |
| +oo . o o o . |
|.oo . + = . o |
|. o + . o . |
| .o*. .o |
# Get key content
$> cat ~/.ssh/
ssh-ed25519 XXXX <login>@<cluster>
Gitlab: Copy the above key as part of the Repository as Deploy Key (under Repository
Settings > CI/CD > Deploy Keys
)- Title: "
<cluster> / <login>
" - Key: the key content
- Tick "
Write access allowed
" - "Add Key"
- Title: "
Enable also this key as part of the
repository -
Github: go in the
Settings / Deploy keys (theeasybuild-easyconfigs
fork) andULHPC/sw
Settings / Deploy keys (public export)- Select "Add deploy key"
- Title: "
<cluster> cluster / <login>
" - Key: the key content
- DO NOT tick Allow write access (unless you want to be able to do it from the cluster)
- "Add Key"
Lmod is a Lua based module system that easily handles the MODULEPATH
Hierarchical problem.
It is drop-in replacement for TCL/C modules and reads TCL modulefiles directly.
LMod is NOT COMPLIANT with Environment Modules 3.x or 4.X
In particular, Lmod add many interesting features on top of the traditional implementation focusing on an easier interaction (search, load etc.) for the users and is in use on the UL HPC facility
The best is to use HomeBrew
$> brew install lua luarocks
# Homebrew does not provide special Lua dependencies
$> luarocks-5.2 install luafilesystem
$> luarocks-5.2 install luaposi
Note: You can also use --local
option (or the --tree <path>
) to have the LUA packages installed in ~/.luarocks
(or <path>
). If you use --tree <path>
, you need to update the environmental variables LUA_PATH
as follows:
export LUA_PREFIX="$HOME/.local/share/luarocks"
export LUA_PATH="$LUA_PREFIX/share/lua/5.2/?.lua;$LUA_PATH"
export LUA_CPATH="$LUA_PREFIX/lib/lua/5.2/?.so;$LUA_CPATH"
Now it should be fine to install LMod:
$> brew install lmod
After this installation:
command is located in$(brew --prefix lmod)/libexec
and you probably wants to make an alias for italias lmod='$(brew --prefix lmod)/libexec/lmod'
You may want to load LMOD variables from your favorite shell init script:
source $(brew --prefix lmod)/init/$(basename $SHELL)
Prerequisites: You need to have the EPEL testing repositories in the sources list. (Do not enable it by default). Then install the Lmod package using this repo.
$> yum install epel-release -y
$> yum install --enable-repo=epel-testing Lmod
You will have to create the resif3
virtual environment with Python 3 to use this repository.
Two options are proposed to you:
- rely on the fact that Python 3.3 and later provide built-in support for virtual environments via the
module in the standard library. - use the combination of
In addition, a direnv configuration file is proposed at the root of the repository to automatically create and activate (resp. deactivate) this virtual environment when entering (resp. leaving) this repository.
- On your laptop, you probably want to favor the Option 2 (
), combined with direnv to have the most flexible and transparent interaction with this repository- See this blog post for a general overview
- On the cluster, you probably want to to favor the Option 1 (
direnv is an extension for your shell. It augments existing shells with a new feature that can load and unload settings (activate a python virtual environment, set environment variables) depending on the current directory through a simple .envrc
file placed at the root of the repository.
Enabling direnv
is optional but STRONGLY encouraged on your local laptop
Here the direnv configuration file .envrc
is set to automatically load the appropriate virtual environment (named resif3
-- see .python-virtualenv
- official direnv installation notes
- personnal blog post
# Mac OS
brew install direnv
# Fedora / Ubuntu / Arch
{ dnf install | apt install | pacman -S } direnv
# Manual install with stow (CentOS)
yum install stow
mkdir -p /usr/local/stow/direnv-2.21.2/bin
curl -o /usr/local/stow/direnv-2.21.2/bin/direnv -fL
chmod +x /usr/local/stow/direnv-2.21.2/bin/direnv
cd /usr/local/stow/
stow direnv-2.21.2 # Now check /usr/local/bin/direnv
Once direnv is installed, then use:
make setup-direnv
to create the appropriate setup under ~/.config/direnv
- setup
which you can source in your favorite shell configuration (.bashrc
...) to enable direnv on your system- reference file:
- reference file:
- setup
which override the default direnv-stdlib and is mandatory to allow for the.envrc
configuration of this repository to work- reference file:
- reference file:
- provides a sample
file you may want to use for your other projects.
As suggested, you will have to adapt (and source) your favorite shell configuration.
The following should permit to cover also pyenv[-virtualenv]
(put it typically at the end of your .bashrc
/ .zshrc
) -- assuming $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
is defined.
# XDG Base Directory Specification
# See
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share
for f in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/*/; do
. ${f}
Note Direnv is now installed also on iris
cluster, so you may want to enable it also on your account.
pyenv lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and combined with pyenv-virtualenv
(a pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv (a.k.a. python-virtualenv)), it permits to transparently manage python virtual environments for you.
- Installation notes: see again this blog post.
# Mac OS
brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
# Linux
curl -L | bash
git clone $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv
Now you can run the following command to setup your local machine in a compliant way:
make setup-pyenv
As suggested, you will have to adapt (and source) our favorite shell configuration (see above).
Then you can install the appropriate Python version defined in .python-version
pyenv install --list
pyenv install $(head .python-version)
pyenv versions
The default direnv expects you to have the virtual environment set in ~/venv/resif3
python3 -m venv ~/venv/resif3
source ~/venv/resif3/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
Whatever option you choose, you should now be able to install the required packages within the resif3
virtual environment using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
OR, simply run:
make setup-python
PENDING REVIEW -- pyenv is no longer required
You will have to create the dedicated virtualenv that will be used:
- install
- install
- create the appropriate virtualenv
### By default using the system python
# get interactive job
$> si
# Install pyenv
# See
$> git clone ~/git/
# Default bash config -- see ~/.config/shell/custom/
$> cat
# Initialization of the pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv
# - pyenv:
# - pyenv-virtualenv:
export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/git/"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
if [ -n "$(which pyenv 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
$> source ~/.config/shell/custom/
$> pyenv install $(head .python-version)
# Install pyenv-virtualenvs
# See
git clone $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
# Create appropriate virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv $(head .python-version) $(head .python-virtualenv)
# Activate it
pyenv activate $(head .python-virtualenv)
# Check enabled virtualenvs
pyenv virtualenvs
3.7.4/envs/resif3 (created from /home/users/ULHPC/git/
* resif3 (created from /home/users/ULHPC/git/
# Install dependencies
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
: Once cloned and LMod installed, initiate your local copy of the repository by running:
$> cd ~/git/
$> make setup
This will initiate the Git submodules of this repository (see .gitmodules
) and setup the git flow layout for this repository.
It will also install the latest version of Easybuild
Later on, you can upgrade the local repository by pulling the latests commits etc. by running
$> make up
ULHPC organization maintain a local fork of the official easyconfigs under ULHPC/easyconfigs
. This permits to contribute back to the EasyBuild community.
If you want to use the scripts/PR-*
ones, you SHOULD have a local clone of that repository in ~/git/
) and configure your working copy with the appropriate upstream
Adapt the Github user if needed -- a dedicated file under settings/custom/
for instance can be used to hold your preferable settings at this level.
Optionally, you can set custom paths in the files .Makefile.before
) and settings/
Proceed as follows:
mkdir -p ~/git/
cd ~/git/
git clone [email protected]:ULHPC/easybuild-easyconfigs.git
cd easybuild-easyconfigs
# Add 'upstream' remote
git remote add upstream
# check it
git remote -v
origin [email protected]:ULHPC/easybuild-easyconfigs.git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:ULHPC/easybuild-easyconfigs.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
# checkout the branch master
git checkout -b main --track origin/main
# ... and return to develop branch which should be your default
git checkout develop
At any moment of time, you can update this repository and synchronize with both the origin
and upstream
remotes by running from this repository (i.e. ULHPC/sw
make fork-easyconfigs-update
Now it's time to install Easybuild -- see also UL HPC Tutorial on Easybuild.
The script scripts/
will take care of that from the settings set in settings/
(i.e. install under apps/local
### On iris, you need to be on computing node to access the 'module' command
# ./script/get-interactive-job -c1
./scripts/ -n # Dry-run
See contributing/
Custom sources are stored in this repository under sources/
through the Git LFS extension, a system for managing and versioning large files in association with a Git repository.
In particular, you need to install git-lfs client.
- Under Linux, use
for Easybuild build processes - Under Mac OS, you need to create and mount a ram based disk.
- Create a disk:
hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((2 * 1024 * SIZE_IN_MB))
will return the name of the ramdisk.
- Format and mount the disk:
diskutil eraseVolume HFS+ shm /dev/<disk2>
- Access the disk under
- Create a disk:
# Creating a 500MB ramdisk:
$> hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$((2 * 1024 * 500))
$> diskutil eraseVolume HFS+ shm /dev/disk2
Started erase on disk2
Unmounting disk
Initialized /dev/rdisk2 as a 500 MB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume
Mounting disk
Finished erase on disk2 shm
On your laptop
### On your laptop
source settings/
eb --version
eb --show-config
# check that you are able to interact/update the ULHPC fork copy
make fork-easyconfigs-update
# check that you can interact with github
eb --check-github # All checks PASSed!
On iris/aion
### On iris, this will go on a broadwell node
source settings/${ULHPC_CLUSTER}.sh
# enable SSH agent
eval "$(ssh-agent)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
eb --version
eb --show-config
# check that you are able to interact/update the ULHPC fork copy
make fork-easyconfigs-update
# check that you can interact with github
eb --check-github # ONLY new-pr and update-pr should FAIL
# reason is that most probably you don't want the ssh key on the cluster authorized
# to push on ULHPC fork
eval "$(ssh-agent -k)"