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!!! info "Research Project Allocations, Accounting and Reporting" The Research Support and Accounting Departments of the University keep track of the list of research projects funded within the University. Starting 2021, a new procedure has been put in place to provide a detailed reporting of the HPC usage for such projects. As part of this process, the following actions are taken by the ULHPC team:
1. a dedicated [project account](../slurm/accounts.md) `<name>` (normally the acronym of the project) is created for accounting purpose at the Slurm level (L3 account - see [Account Hierarchy](../slurm/accounts.md));
2. a dedicated project directory with the same name (`<name>`) is created, allowing to share data within a group of project researchers, under `$PROJECTHOME/<name>`, _i.e._, `/work/projects/<name>`
You are then **entitled to submit jobs associated to the project using `-A <name>`** such that the HPC usage is reported accurately.
The ULHPC team will provide to the project PI (Principal Investigator) and the [Research Support](https://wwwen.uni.lu/university/about_the_university/organisation_charts/organisation_chart_rectorate_central_administration/research_support_department) department a regular report detailing the corresponding HPC usage.
In all cases, job [billing](../jobs/billing.md) under the conditions defined in the [Job Accounting and Billing](../jobs/billing.md) section may apply.
You can request a new project directory under ServiceNow (HPC → Storage & projects → Request for a new project).
See quotas for detailed information about inode, space quotas, and file system purge policies. Your projects backup directories are backed up weekly, according to the policy detailed in the ULHPC backup policies.
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You can request changes for your project directory (quotas extension, add/remove a group member) under ServiceNow:
- HPC → Storage & projects → Extend quota/Request information
- HPC → User access & accounts → Add/Remove user within project