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clion generate tests

Olga Naumenko edited this page May 17, 2023 · 2 revisions

Generate tests with default configuration

Make sure the UnitTestBot C/C++ client is connected to the server, and try UnitTestBot C/C++ on a simple example project (e.g., c-example) or go ahead and apply the tool to your real-life code.

Build and configure your project

As soon as you perform the initial setup, two messages appear in the notification area (lower right):

  1. "UTBot: Build directory not found! Build directory does not exist on server filesystem." — select Generate build directory.

  1. "UTBot: Project not configured File compile_commands.json is missing in the build directory." — select Generate Missing JSON Files.

You can also configure the project later: in the Status Bar (lower right), select the UTBot widget and choose Configure Project.

Generate tests

With UnitTestBot C/C++ you can generate tests for a project, a folder, a file, a function, or a line; tests with the prompted result, and tests that fail an assertion.

In the CLion Project tool window, select the folder or a file, right-click and choose the required command:

  • UTBot: Generate Tests For Current File (for a selected file only)

  • UTBot: Generate Tests For Folder
  • UTBot: Generate Tests For Project

In the Editor, place the caret at the function body. Right-click, scroll down the menu, select UTBot Generate Tests... and choose the required option:

  • for Current File

You can generate tests for '*.c' files.

  • for Current Function

Only public functions (declared in a corresponding header file) are considered as test targets.

  • for Current Line

You can generate tests that cover a specific line.

  • that Fail Current Assertion

We do not recommend to include tests that fail an assertion to a common test suite with regular checks as a failure triggers the engine to terminate test execution.

  • with Prompted Result

UnitTestBot C/C++ cannot solve NP-hard problems, so do not use this feature on hash functions. Set up a condition (an equation or inequation) the target output should satisfy: choose a proper operator (in C syntax) and insert a value (constants supported only).

You can also generate tests for code snippet, which is unrelated to a project: open the snippet, go to Navigate > Search Everywhere and enter UTBot: Generate Tests For Code Snippet.

All these commands are available via Search Everywhere: go to Navigate > Search Everywhere and enter UTBot: Generate Tests.

Note: it may take time to analyze a big project — check the progress bar. Once analysis is completed, the tests folder appears in your project folder: test names look like test_%filename%.cpp.

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