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Android Studio support

Installing Android Studio

Install the latest version of Android Studio

Installing Lombok plugin

Lombok plugin is not required to use UnitTest Bot. However, if this plugin is required for your own goals, do the following:


Install and setup gradle version 7.2+ (version 7.4 tested)

Use JDK 11 for Gradle in
File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle -> Gradle JVM

If you want to use JDK 8, you can:

  1. Generate tests with JDK 8
  2. Switch to JDK 11 and compile tests
  3. Switch back to JDK 8 and run tests

The reason for it is the Android Gradle Plugin, which requires Java 11 to build anything.

Running in Android Studio

For now, running Utbot is supported only for Kotlin libraries. You can create one like this:

To run generated tests, you must create separate JUnit configuration.
("Green arrows" will not work, since they launch Android Emulator.)

Debug Intellij code

At first, when entering Intellij code, you might be presented with decompiled code.

If you try to debug it, you might soon find out that it does not match sources.


To fix this, you are able to connect alternative Intellij sources using jar-files from AS.

File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> +

After that, you might want to enable "Choose sources switch":

Crucial differences from Intellij IDEA

Host Android SDK

Android Studio uses host Android SDK to build project, which is basically a stub(mock) version of real Android SDK, that is supposed to be found on a real device.

It means that, for instance, the constructor of java.lang.Object in that SDK throws Exception explicitly, saying "Stub!".

The main idea is that user is not supposed to run anything on host machine, they must use real device or emulator.

That leads to the inability to analyze Android SDK, thus we have to take real java from Gradle JDK, for example.

KtClass tree in View-based modules

UtBot Plugin window won't even show up if you try to analyze code from the visual components inside AS. That is because insead of PsiClass tree we find KtClass tree.

TODO: There is something to be done about this...


Maven can't install some dependencies

  1. Proxy might have been installed automatically > Solution: remove gradle-wrapper file
  2. Mockito can't be found > Solution: specify version explicitly

No target device found

File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Testing -> Run android tests with Gradle(or smth like that)

Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8

Solution: Use JUNIT (manually create run config for it), not Gradle!

Also, turn off 'build before run' for tests, if you use Java 11 in your project.

TODO: how to create config

(!) In Generation Window, you have to set correct source root(src/test/java).

Test events were not received

Solution: Use JUNIT (manually create run config for it), not Gradle!

TODO: how to create config

(!) In Generation Window, you have to set correct source root(src/test/java).

Can't run tests because Android project complains about 'tools.jar'

The project is messed up, copy sources and make a clean one.

TODO: a better solution?

java: Cannot run program AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/bin/java

The project is messed up, copy sources and make a clean one.

TODO: a better solution?

[possible] not found

Use latest Kotlin in UTBotJava/utbot-intellij/build.gradle:

intellij.plugins = [..., 'org.jetbrains.kotlin',...]