Problem: fuzzing is a versatile technique for generating values to be used as method arguments. Normally, to generate values, one needs information on a method signature, or rather on the parameter types (if a fuzzer is able to "understand" them). The white-box approach also requires AST, and the grey-box approach needs coverage information. To generate values that may serve as method arguments, the fuzzer uses generators, mutators, and predefined values.
Generators yield concrete objects created by descriptions. The basic description for creating objects is type. Constants, regular expressions, and other structured object specifications (e.g. in HTML) may also be used as descriptions.
Mutators modify the object in accordance with some logic that usually means random changes. To get better results, mutators obtain feedback (information on coverage and the inner state of the program) during method call.
Predefined values work well for known problems, e.g. incorrect symbol sequences. To discover potential problems, one can analyze parameter names as well as the specific constructs or method calls inside the method body.
The general API for using the fuzzer looks like this:
params = "number", "string", "object<object, number>: number, string",
seedGenerator = (type: Type) -> seeds
details: (constants, providers, etc)
).forEveryGeneratedValues { values: List ->
feedback = exec(values);
return feedback
The fuzzer gets the list of types, which can be provided in different formats: as a string, an object, or a Class<*> in Java. The seed generator accepts these types and produces seeds. The seeds are base objects for value generation and mutations.
It is the fuzzer, which is responsible for choosing, combining and mutating values from the seed set. The fuzzer API should not provide access to the inner fuzzing logic. Only general configuration is available.
The general fuzzing process gets the list of parameter descriptions as input and returns the corresponding list of values. The simplest description is the specific object type, for example:
[Int, Bool]
In this particular case, the fuzzing process can generate the set of all the pairs having integer as the first value
and true
or false
as the second one.
If values -3, 0, 10
are generated to be the Int
values, the set of all the possible combinations has six items:
(-3, false), (0, false), (10, false), (-3, true), (0, true), (10, true)
Depending on the programming language,
one may use interface descriptions or annotations (type hints) instead of defining the specific type.
Fuzzing platform (FP) is not able to create the concrete objects as it does not deal with the specific languages.
It can still convert the descriptions to the known constructs it can work with.
Say, in most of the programming languages, any integer may be represented as a bit array, and the fuzzer can construct and modify bit arrays. So, in the general case, the boundary values for the integer are these bit arrays:
- [0, 0, 0, ..., 0] — zero
- [1, 0, 0, ..., 0] — minimum value
- [0, 1, 1, ..., 1] — maximum value
- [0, 0, ..., 0, 1] — plus 1
- [1, 1, 1, ..., 1] — minus 1
One can correctly use this representation for unsigned integers as well:
- [0, 0, 0, ..., 0] — zero (minimum value)
- [1, 0, 0, ..., 0] — maximum value / 2
- [0, 1, 1, ..., 1] — maximum value / 2 + 1
- [0, 0, ..., 0, 1] — plus 1
- [1, 1, 1, ..., 1] — maximum value
Thus, FP interprets the Byte and Unsigned Byte descriptions in different ways: in the former case, the maximum value is [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], while in the latter case it is [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]. FP types are described in detail further.
During the fuzzing process, some parameters get the refined description, for example:
public boolean isNaN(Number n) {
if (!(n instanceof Double)) {
return false;
return Double.isNaN((Double) n);
In the above example, let the parameter be Integer
. Considering the feedback, the fuzzer suggests that nothing but Double
might increase coverage, so the type may be downcasted to Double
. This allows for filtering out a priori unfitting values.
Predefined, or statically generated, values help to define the initial range of values, which could be used as method arguments.
These values allow us to:
- check if it is possible to call the given method with at least some set of values as arguments;
- gather statistics on executing the program;
- refine the parameter description.
Dynamic values are generated in two ways:
- internally, via mutating the existing values, successfully performed as method arguments (i.e. seeds);
- externally, via obtaining feedback that can return not only the statistics on the execution (the paths explored, the time spent, etc.) but also the set of new values to be blended with the values already in use.
Dynamic values should have a higher priority for a sample; that is why they should be chosen either first or at least more likely than the statically generated ones. In general, the algorithm that guides the fuzzing process looks like this:
# dynamic values are stored with respect to their return priority
dynamic_values = empty_priority_queue()
# static values are generated beforehand
static_values = generate()
# "good" values
seeded_values = []
filters = []
# the loop runs until coverage reaches 100%
while app.should_fuzz(seeded_values.feedbacks):
# first we choose all dynamic values
# if there are no dynamic values, choose the static ones
value = dynamic_values.take() ?: static_values.take_random()
# if there is no value or it was filtered out (static values are generated in advance — they can be random and unfitting), try to generate new values via mutating the seeds
if value is null or filters.is_filtered(value):
value = mutate(seeded_values.random_value())
# if there is still no value at this point, it means that there are no appropriate values at all, and the process stops
if value is null: break
# run with the given values and obtain feedback
feedback = yield_run(value)
# feedback says if it is reasonable to add the current value to the set of seeds
if feedback is good:
seeded_values[feedback] += value
# feedback may also provide fuzzer with the new values
if feedback has suggested_value:
dynamic_values += feedback.suggested_values() with high_priority
# mutate the static value thus allowing fuzzer to alternate static and dynamic values
if value.is_static_generated:
dynamic_values += mutate(seeded_values.random_value()) with low_priority
Sometimes it is reasonable to modify the source code so that it makes applying fuzzer to it easier. This is one of possible approaches: to split the complex if-statement into the sequence of simpler if-statements. See Circumventing Fuzzing Roadblocks with Compiler Transformations for details.
There are two types of generators:
- yielding values of primitive data types: integers, strings, booleans
- yielding values of recursive data types: objects, lists
Sometimes it is necessary not only to create an object but to modify it as well. We can apply fuzzing to
the fuzzer-generated values that should be modified. For example, you have the
class, and you need to
modifications for it using put(key, value)
. For this purpose, you may request for applying the fuzzer to six
parameters (key, value, key, value, key, value)
and get the necessary modified values.
Primitive type generators allow for yielding:
- Signed integers of a given size (8, 16, 32, and 64 bits, usually)
- Unsigned integers of a given size
- Floating-point numbers with a given size of significand and exponent according to IEEE 754
- Booleans: True and False
- Characters (in UTF-16 format)
- Strings (consisting of UTF-16 characters)
The fuzzer should be able to provide out-of-the-box support for these types — be able to create, modify, and process them. To work with multiple languages, it is enough to specify the possible type size and to describe and create concrete objects based on the FP-generated values.
The recursive types include two categories:
- Collections (arrays and lists)
- Objects
Collections may be nested and have n dimensions (one, two, three, or more).
Collections may be:
- of a fixed size (e.g., arrays)
- of a variable size (e.g., lists and dictionaries)
Objects may have:
- Constructors with parameters
- Modifiable inner fields
- Modifiable global values (the static ones)
- Calls for modifying methods
FP should be able to create and describe such objects in the form of a tree. The semantics of actual modifications is under the responsibility of a programming language.
FP does not use the concept of type for creating objects. Instead, FP introduces the task concept — it encapsulates the description of a type, which should be used to create an object. Generally, this task consists of two blocks: the task for initializing values and the list of tasks for modifying the initialized value.
Task = [
Initialization: [T1, T2, T3, ..., TN]
Modification(Initialization): [
М1: [T1, T2, ..., TK],
М2: [T1, T2, ..., TJ],
МH: [T1, T2, ..., TI],
Thus, we can group the tasks as follows:
1. Trivial task = [
Modification(Initialization): []
2. Task for creating an array = [
Initialization: [UNSIGNED.INT]
2. Task for creating an array = [
Initialization: [UNSIGNED.INT]
Modification(UNSIGNED.INT) = [[T * UNSIGNED.INT]]
where "*" means repeating the type the specified number of times
3. Task for creating an object = [
Initialization: [Т1, Т2, ... ТN],
Modification(UNSIGNED.INT) = [
Therefore, each programming language defines how to interpret a certain type and how to infer it. This allows fuzzer to store and mutate complex objects without any additional support from the language.