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Instrumented process API: handling errors and results

In UnitTestBot Java, there are three processes:

  • IDE process
  • Engine process
  • Instrumented process

The IDE process launches the plugin so a user can request test generation. Upon the user request, the Engine process is initiated — it is responsible for the input values generation.

Here, in the Engine process, there is a ConcreteExecutor class, conveying the generated input values to the InstrumentedProcess class. The InstrumentedProcess class creates the third physical process — the Instrumented process that runs the user functions concretely with the provided input values and returns the execution result.

A client is an object that uses the ConcreteExecutor directly — it works in the Engine process as well.

ConcreteExecutor expects an Instrumentation object, which is responsible for, say, mocking static methods. In UnitTestBot Java, we use UtExecutionInstrumentation that implements the Instrumentation interface.

Basically, if an exception occurs in the Instrumented process, it is rethrown to the client object in the Engine process via Rd.

Concrete execution outcomes

ConcreteExecutor is parameterized with UtExecutionInstrumentation. When the ConcreteExecutor::executeAsync method is called, it leads to one of the three possible outcomes:

  • InstrumentedProcessDeathException

Some errors lead to the instant termination of the Instrumented process. Such errors are wrapped in InstrumentedProcessDeathException. Prior to processing the next request, the Instrumented process is restarted automatically, though it can take time. InstrumentedProcessDeathException means that there is an Instrumented process internal issue. Nonetheless, this exception is handled in the Engine process.

  • InstrumentedProcessError

Errors that do not cause the Instrumented process termination are wrapped in InstrumentedProcessError. The process is not restarted, so client's requests will be handled by the same process. We believe that the Instrumented process state is consistent but in some tricky situations it may be not. These situations should be reported as bugs. InstrumentedProcessError also means that there is an Instrumented process internal issue that should be handled by the client object (in the Engine process). The issue may occur because the client provides the wrong configuration or parameters, but the Instrumented process cannot exactly determine what's wrong with the client's data: one can find a description of the phase the exception has been thrown from.

  • UtConcreteExecutionResult

If the Instrumented process performs well, or something is broken but the Instrumented process knows exactly what is wrong with the input, UtConcreteExecutionResult is returned. The Instrumented process guarantees that the state is consistent. A UtConcreteExecutionResult::result field helps to find the exact reason for a failure:

  • UtSandboxFailure — permission violation;
  • UtTimeoutException — test execution time exceeds the provided time limit (UtConcreteExecutionData::timeout);
  • UtExecutionSuccess — successful test execution;
  • UtExplicitlyThrownException — explicitly thrown exception for a target method (via throw instruction);
  • UtImplicitlyThrownException — implicitly thrown exception for a target method (NPE, OOB, etc., or an exception thrown inside the system library).

Error handling implementation

The pipeline of UtExecutionInstrumentation::invoke includes 6 phases:

  1. ValueConstructionPhase — constructs values from the models;
  2. PreparationPhase — prepares statics, etc.;
  3. InvocationPhase — invokes the target method;
  4. StatisticsCollectionPhase — collects coverage and execution-related data;
  5. ModelConstructionPhase — constructs the result models from the heap objects (Any?);
  6. PostprocessingPhase — restores statics, clears mocks, etc.

Each phase can throw two kinds of exceptions:

  • ExecutionPhaseStop — indicates that the phase tries to stop the invocation pipeline completely because it already has a result. The returned result is the ExecutionPhaseStop::result field.
  • ExecutionPhaseError — indicates that an unexpected error has occurred during the phase execution, and this error is rethrown to the Engine process.

PhasesController::computeConcreteExecutionResult then matches on the exception type:

  • it rethrows the exception if the type is ExecutionPhaseError,
  • it returns the result if type is ExecutionPhaseStop.


Concrete execution is limited in time: the UtExecutionInstrumentation::invoke method is subject to timeout as well.

For UtExecutionInstrumentation in the Instrumented process, we wrap the phases that can take a long time with the executePhaseInTimeout block. This block tracks the elapsed time. If a phase wrapped with this block exceeds the timeout, it returns TimeoutException.

One cannot be sure that the cancellation request immediately breaks the invocation pipeline inside the Instrumented process. Invocation is guaranteed to finish within timeout. It may or may not finish earlier. The request that has been sent to the Instrumented process is uncancellable by design.

Even if the TimeoutException occurs, the Instrumented process is ready to process the new requests.