Utility methods implement common, often re-used operations which are helpful for accomplishing tasks in many classes. In UnitTestBot, utility methods include those related to creating instances, checking deep equality, mocking, using lambdas and so on — miscellaneous methods necessary for generated tests.
Previously, UnitTestBot generated utility methods for each test class when they were needed — and only those which were necessary for the given class. They were declared right in the generated test class, occupying space. Generating multiple test classes often resulted in duplicating utility methods and consuming even more space.
For now UnitTestBot provides a special UtUtils
class containing all utility methods if at least one test class needs some of them. This class is generated once and the specific methods are imported from it if necessary. No need for utility methods — no UtUtils
class is generated.
We create a separate UtUtils
class for each supported language (if required).
Here is an example of a documentation comment inherent to every UtUtils
As one can see, the comment mentions two characteristics of the UtUtils
- Version
If the generated tests require additional utility methods, the
existing UtUtils
class is upgraded and gets a new version number, which should be defined here:
2. Mockito support
UnitTestBot uses Mockito framework to implement mocking. When generated tests imply mocking, the
utility method should be configured — it should have a check: whether the compared object is a mock or not. That is why the UtUtils
class for the tests with mocking differs from the one without mocking support.
If you have previously generated tests with mocking, the next generated UtUtils
class supports mocking as well —
even if
its version is upgraded or current tests do not need mocking, so that the existing tests can still
rely on the proper methods from UtUtils
class is usually located in the chosen Test sources root near the generated test classes. The corresponding package name mentions the language of the generated tests: e.g. org.utbot.runtime.utils.java
If you want to test UtUtils
class generation using UnitTestBot project itself, refer to the Manual testing of
UtUtils class generation #1233.
UnitTestBot does not currently support generating tests for classes from multiple modules simultaneously. If this option was possible, we would probably have to generate a separate UtUtils
class for each module. Perhaps we could find a special location for a UtUtils
class reachable from every module.
For now, you can generate separate UtUtils
classes for different modules only if you manually choose the different Test sources roots when generating tests.