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File metadata and controls

864 lines (752 loc) · 37.8 KB

Note: This proposal is currently inactive, with active work having moved on to the component-model repo. The proposal could become active again in the future if there is renewed interest in adding the module linking concepts to Core WebAssembly.

This explainer introduces the Module Linking proposal, which allows WebAssembly modules to define, import and export modules and instances.

  1. Problem
  2. Use Cases
  3. Additional Requirements
  4. Proposed Additions
    1. Single-level Imports
    2. Module and Instance Types
    3. Instance Imports and Aliases
    4. Module Imports and Nested Instances
    5. Nested Modules
    6. Module and Instance Exports
    7. Binary Format Considerations
    8. Summary
  5. Use Cases Revisited
  6. Additional Requirements Revisited
  7. FAQ


Currently, WebAssembly modules have no way to define how they are to be instantiated and linked together without relying on host-specific conventions. Consequently, the only portable way to link modules today is to statically link them, in a language/toolchain-specific manner which prevents modular code reuse, leads to code duplication in production and keeps languages separate. We would like to enable a portable, host- and language-independent ecosystem of composable WebAssembly modules.

Use Cases

To motivate the proposed solution, we consider 2 use cases whose requirements aren't satisfied by simpler solutions. After the proposal is introduced, the use cases are revisited with worked-out examples using the proposal.

Link-time Virtualization

When using a first-class instantiation API like the JS API's instantiate, the imports of the module-to-be-instantiated appear as explicit arguments supplied by the caller. This has several useful properties that should be preserved by a pure-wasm linking solution:

First, it enables applications to easily enforce the Principle of Least Authority, passing modules only the imports necessary to do their job. There are currently cases of Web applications relying on this property to sandbox untrusted plugins.

Second, it enables client modules to fully or partially virtualize the imports of their dependencies without extraordinary challenge or performance overhead. For example, if a module imports a set of file operations and a client wants to reuse this module on a system without builtin file I/O, the client should be able to virtualize the file operations with an in-memory implementation. Virtualization also enhances the ability of developers to apply the Principle of Least Authority, by allowing a client module to not only pass subsets of capabilities, but to also dynamically attenuate capabilities. Lastly, virtualization allows developers to locally test modules intended for later deployment by mocking deployment APIs with local implementations. In general, if virtualization is well-supported and efficient, software reusability and composability are increased.

While it is possible to perform virtualization at run-time, e.g., passing function references for all virtualizable operations, this approach would be problematic as a basis for a highly-virtualizable ecosystem since it would require modules to intentionally opt into virtualization by choosing to receive first-class function references instead of using function imports. In the limit, to provide maximum flexibility to client code, toolchains would need to avoid all use of imports, effectively annulling a core part of wasm. Because of their more-static nature, imports are inherently more efficient and optimizable than first-class function references, so this would also have a negative performance impact.

Thus, to avoid the problems of run-time virtualization, a wasm linking solution should enable link-time virtualization such that a parent module can specify all the imports of its dependencies (without any explicit opt-in on the part of those dependencies), just as with the JS API's instantiate. Note that it's possible to achieve run-time virtualization by supplying link-time function imports that perform dynamic dispatch on their parameters. Link-time virtualization is thus a fairly general mechanism to enable multiple styles of virtualization.

As an example, given the static dependency graph on the left (where all 3 modules import wasi_file), it should be possible for parent.wasm to generate the linked instance graph on the right:

Here, parent.wasm is creating a virtualized version of its imported wasi_file and then passing this on to the child. Thus, "wasi_file" doesn't name a single global implementation; rather it names an interface which can be variously implemented. Indeed, even parent.wasm doesn't know whether it received the host's native implementation of wasi_file or some other implementation supplied by another module that imports parent.wasm (hence the ? in the diagram). As mentioned above, there may not even be a "native" implementation of wasi_file. Critically, though, it is parent.wasm that gets to determine which wasi_file instance child.wasm gets to import and child.wasm has no way to circumvent this.

Shared-Everything Dynamic Linking

"Dynamic Linking" refers to keeping modules separate until load-time so that common modules can be shared by multiple programs. This avoids the need to statically link (i.e., duplicate) the shared modules into each program. "Shared-Everything" linking refers to the case where the linked modules share memory and tables and is distinguished from the Shared-Nothing Linking case enabled by Interface Types. Shared-everything dynamic linking in wasm effectively emulates native dynamic linking, which has the same goals.

Modules are dynamically linked by creating module instances that can call each others' functions, either directly through calls to function imports or indirectly through call_indirect. One challenge unique to shared-everything dynamic linking is controlling exactly which module instances share memory. A design where sharing code equates to sharing memory may seem natural, but this sacrifices isolation. Lack of isolation can lead to difficult bugs that only appear when independent programs are composed. Lack of isolation also enables new kinds of supply-chain attacks. Ideally, to maximize isolation, each "program" (for some definition of "program" defined by the toolchain) should be able to generate a fresh memory each time the program is run, regardless of which of its modules are shared with other programs.

For example, it should be possible to take the static dependency graph of the application on the left, which contains two programs (zipper and imgmgk) and three shared modules (libc, libzip and libimg), and create the dynamically-linked instance graph on the right at application runtime.

Moreover, the linking mechanism must allow the developers of each individual module, program and application to independently deal with the inevitable version changes (major and minor) of their dependencies.

Additional Requirements

In addition to being able to satisfy the above use cases, there are two more general requirements to be considered:

  • No GC dependency: Since we wish to use this feature to implement dynamic linking of C/C++/Rust programs, and since C/C++/Rust programs aim to run on hosts that don't contain a GC, this proposal should not require a general garbage collection algorithm to implement; reference-counting should suffice.

  • Enable AOT compilation: Today, using static linking of libraries, wasm hosts are able to use a simple, Ahead-of-Time compilation model to generate high-performance machine code images that can be immediately instantiated and run. Switching to dynamic linking should not hurt hosts' ability to perform the same degree of optimization.

This proposal is checked against these requirements below.

Proposed Additions

The central idea of this proposal is to allow a client module to import its dependencies as modules. In contrast, today, modules can only import the exports of already-created instances. Importing dependencies as modules allows clients to control how the dependencies are instantiated (supplying the imports) and linked (exposing the exports) which in turn enables the advanced use cases mentioned above. In addition to the central addition of module imports, several other complementary additions are proposed to finish the picture. The complete list is summarized at the end.

Single-level Imports

An additional form of import is added which has only one import string instead of the usual two:

  (import "a" "b" (func))  ;; legal today
  (import "x" (func))      ;; illegal today, legalized with this proposal

In general, this addition removes a long-standing source of awkwardness on the Web: when ESM-integration isn't used, the first ("module") name string is usually unnecessary leading tools to unnecessarily invent ad hoc module names like env.

Single-level imports have a backwards-compatible interpretation on the Web. For the JS API, the following JS snippet would instantiate the above module:

const importObj = {
  a: {
    b: () => {}
  x: () => {}
WebAssembly.instantiate(module, importObj);

For ESM-integration, single-level imports could potentially map to the ESM default export.

Module and Instance Types

The wasm spec currently classifies modules with a type, specifically a function type mapping imports to exports. However, to describe a full module interface, the names of imports and exports must be known as well. Thus, this proposal enriches the existing module type by adding names to imports and exports.

Thus far, module types only appear as an internal detail of the wasm spec; they aren't explicitly represented in the text or binary format. This proposal additionally gives module types a text and binary format representation.

The module type text format is derived from the existing module definition text format (extended with single-level imports) by simply dropping all internal details. This is symmetric to how function types are derived from function definitions by dropping function bodies. For example, this module:

  (memory (import "a") 1 2)
  (func (import "b") (param i32))
  (table (export "c") 1 funcref)
  (func $notImportedOrExported (result i64)
    i64.const 0
  (func (export "d") (result f32)
    f32.const 0

has a module type:

  (memory (import "a") 1 2)
  (func (import "b") (param i32))
  (table (export "c") 1 funcref)
  (func (export "d") (result f32))

Just as with module definitions, the above module type is actually an abbreviation in the text format for:

  (import "a" (memory 1 2))
  (import "b" (func (param i32)))
  (export "c" (table 1 funcref))
  (export "d" (func (result f32)))

Although module types list imports and exports in a particular order, module subtyping allows a supplied module definition's imports and exports to have a different order as long as all the fields are present. Moreover, module subtyping is covariant in exports and contravariant in imports (including allowing a subtype to have more exports and fewer imports than its supertype). These permissive subtyping rules provide modules additional flexibility to evolve without breaking existing clients. Since module types are checked at instantiation-time, this extra flexibility shouldn't affect runtime performance.

In WebAssembly there is also the separate concept of a module instance, which is the result of instantiating a module with imports. An instance type is mostly just the module type with the imports removed (with the only future complication being Type Imports used in export signatures). For example, the above module, when instantiated, would have instance type:

  (export "c" (table 1 funcref))
  (export "d" (func (result f32)))

Like module types, the exports of an instance type are ordered, but instance subtyping allows arbitrary reordering and compatible extension.

Just like function types, module and instance types can either be written inline or factored out into an explicit type definition that can be reused via $identifier. For example, an instance type can be defined:

(type $WasiFile (instance
  (export "read" (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
  (export "write" (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))

and then reused later via (type $WasiFile).

In many examples shown below, type definitions are needed for both a module type and the instance type produced when that module type is instantiated. In such cases, to avoid duplicating all the exports, a new "zero-level export" (export $InstanceType) form is added which injects all the exports of $InstanceType into the containing module type. For example, here is the type of a module which implements the above-defined $WasiFile interface via Win32 operations:

  (import "Win32" "ReadFile" (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
  (import "Win32" "WriteFile" (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
  (export $WasiFile)

Lastly, just as the current text format conventions recommend .wat as the extension of a file that contains a module definition, this proposal includes a new recommendation for text files containing a bare module or instance type be suffixed .wit. .wit files can be used as part of the toolchain ecosystem for describing a module's interface without including its definition. For example, this can be used to generate compatible source-language declarations. Like .wat files, .wit files are not consumed directly by the host.

Module and Instance types can also be used to describe the types of imports:

Instance Imports and Aliases

Just as a function, memory, table or global can be imported by specifying a function, memory, table or global type, instances can be imported by specifying an instance type:

  (import "i" (instance $i
    (export "f1" (func))
    (export "f2" (func (param i32)))

This module imports an instance that exports two functions, f1 and f2.

Since instances have no observable identity (a moduleinst is just an immutable record containing the addresses of its fields in the store) there should be no semantic difference between the previous module and this next one:

  (import "i" "f1" (func))
  (import "i" "f2" (func (param i32)))

To achieve this in a (binary and text) backwards-compatible way, multi-level imports are recast as syntactic sugar for single-level imports of instances. (In pathological cases of interleaving between two module strings, the text/binary rules would specify that the aggregate instance import would appear at the position of the first of its fields.) Thus, the above two modules both parse and decode to the same abstract syntax.

From inside a module definition, the exports of an imported instance can be accessed by creating an alias:

  (import "i" (instance $i
    (export "f1" (func))
    (export "f2" (func (param i32)))
  (alias $i "f1" (func $f))
  (func (export "run")
    call $f

This alias definition adds the f1 export of the import $i into the function index space of the module so that it may later be referenced via the identifier/index $f by instructions like call.

Similar to imports, aliases can also be written in an inverted form that puts the definition kind first:

(func $f (alias $i "f1"))  ;; ≡ (alias $i "f1" (func $f))

As syntactic sugar, aliases may be created implicitly via a new form of syntactic sugar:

  (import "i" (instance $i
    (export "f1" (func))
    (export "f2" (func (param i32)))
  (func (export "run")
    call (func $i "f1")

The expression (func $i "f1") adds a new alias definition if an equivalent one doesn't exist. (This is symmetric to how a typeuse works for function types.) Thus the above two modules would produce the same abstract syntax and binary encoding. This new inline-alias form is allowed everywhere an index or identifier is allowed currently.

Aliases are not restricted to functions: all exportable definitions can be aliased. One situation where an explicit alias definition may be required is for a default memory or table:

  (import "libc" (instance $libc
    (export "mem" (memory 1))
    (export "tbl" (table 0 funcref))
  (alias $libc "mem" (memory))  ;; aliases "mem" at memory index 0 (= default)
  (alias $libc "tbl" (table))   ;; aliases "tbl" at table index 0 (= default)
    i32.load  ;; accesses the default memory, $libc.mem
    table.get ;; accesses the default table, $libc.tbl

The benefit of instance imports is that they allow potentially-large groups of fields to be passed around as a single unit, which can be useful when linking significant dependencies. Also, practically, instance imports allow the module-name strings to be factored out in the text and binary formats.

Module Imports and Nested Instances

A module can similarly be imported by declaring the expected module type. Once a module is imported, it can be instantiated with an instance definition. For example, in this code:

  (import "M" (module $M
    (import "in" (func))
    (export "out" (func $out))
  (import "f" (func $f))
  (instance $i (instantiate $M (import "in" (func $f))))
  (func (export "run")
    call (func $i "out")

the outer module imports a module $M and a function $f and then instantiates $M, passing $f for the import in and producing a fresh instance $i. instance definitions have the form:

instance-def  ::= (instance <id>? <instance-init>)
instance-init ::= (instantiate <moduleidx> <import-arg>*)
import-arg    ::= (import <name> <import-val>)
import-val    ::= (func <funcidx>)
                | (memory <memidx>)
                | (table <tableidx>)
                | (global <globalidx>)
                | (instance <instanceidx>)
                | (module <moduleidx>)

where <instanceidx> and <moduleidx> are indices into the new module and instance index spaces created by module/instance imports/definitions. Validation requires that every <name> imported by <moduleidx> is satisfied by an <import-arg> with a matching <name>. Validation also requires all <import-arg> <name>s to be unique. Symmetric to the module subtyping rules described above, superfluous <name>s are valid.

In the future, new productions could be added to <instance-init> allowing alternatives to instantiate for creating instances, such as direct tupling of individual definitions into an instance, without an intermediate module.

In general, the arguments of instantiate can refer to any preceding type, import, module, instance or alias definition. This includes all imports and the local definitions that precede the instantiate in module order. For example, the following module (with desugared aliases) is valid:

  (import "a" (instance $a (export "f" (func))))
  (import "b" (module $B (import "g" (func)) (export "h" (func))))
  (alias $a "f" (func $a.f))
  (instance $b1 (instantiate $B (import "g" (func $a.f))))
  (alias $b1 "h" (func $b1.h))
  (instance $b2 (instantiate $B (import "g" (func $b1.h))))

Notably, instantiate cannot refer to any local function, memory, table or global definitions. The reason for this is that, when instantiating a module M, the nested instances of M are created before the moduleinst of M itself and, thus, local function, memory, table and global definitions do not exist when the nested instances are created. For example, the following module is not valid:

  (import "A" (module $A (import "f" (func))))
  (func $g ...)
  (instance $a (instantiate $A (import "f" (func $g)))) ;; error, $g not visible to instantiate

From the perspective of a WebAssembly embedding, this proposal changes module_instantiate(M) from always creating a single moduleinst to instead creating a DAG of moduleinsts, with M's moduleinst as the returned root.

Nested Modules

Symmetric to nested instances, modules can contain nested modules via module definitions. Nested modules are injected into the same module index space as module imports and thus can be instantiated the same way. For example:

  (module $CHILD
    (func (export "hi")
  (instance $child (instantiate $CHILD))
  (func (export "run")
    call (func $child "hi")

Unlike most source-language nested functions/classes, nested modules have no special access to their parents' state. However, since modules and types are closed, stateless expressions which would otherwise be duplicated, sharing is allowed between nested and outer modules via a new kind of "outer" alias. To prevent cross-module cycles, outer aliases in a nested module can only refer to definitions in outer modules that precede it (in text, binary and abstract syntax order).

As an example, when an instance import is passed from a parent module to its child module, the child can use an outer alias to avoid duplicating the instance type:

(module $PARENT
  (type $FileOps (instance
    ... many function exports
  (import "fileops" (instance $fileops (type $FileOps)))
  (module $CHILD
    (alias outer $PARENT $FileOps (type $FOps))
    (import "fileops" (instance $fops (type $FOps)))
  (instance $child (instantiate $CHILD (import "fileops" (instance $fileops))))

The outer keyword in an alias definition indicates that the aliased definition is found by a pair of: the outer module and the desired definition within that outer module. This pair can be specified in the text format via two identifiers, as shown in this example. In the binary format, the pair is specified via De Bruijn index. Each module's identifier namespace is disjoint and thus it would be a parsing error in this example if $CHILD attempted to use $FileOps directly. Moreover, $FOps could be renamed to $FileOps without any shadowing taking place.

A new form of inline sugar is added for outer aliases, symmetric to the export alias sugar introduced above. For example, the above $CHILD module could have been equivalently written:

  (module $CHILD
    (import "fileops" (instance $fops (type outer $PARENT $FileOps)))

which would generate the same abstract syntax and binary representation.

One subtle related detail is that (in preparation for type imports and exports) module and instance types are like nested modules in that they create new, empty index- and name-spaces. For example, in the following example, outer aliases must be used in order to reuse the $Libc and $FileOps type definitions in the module type of $IN_MEMORY_FS:

(module $PARENT
  (type $Libc (instance
  (type $FileOps (instance
  (import "in-memory-fs" (module $IN_MEMORY_FS
    (import "libc" (instance (type outer $PARENT $Libc)))
    (export "fileops" (instance (type outer $PARENT $FileOps)))

These aliases are necessary since, within the scope of the type of $IN_MEMORY_FS, the type index space is initially empty.

In general, language-independent tools can merge multiple .wasm files in a dependency graph into one .wasm file by performing transformations that do not require relocations or any other metadata from the toolchain. The reverse transformation is also possible: the nested modules of a .wasm can be split out into their own .wasm files by duplicating outer-aliased definitions. Thus, bundling and packaging tools have a high degree of flexibility in determining the final deployment artifacts.

In the future, nested modules may be independently useful for feature testing or supplying first-class module references (via ref.module $module-index) to run-time instantiation APIs.

Module and Instance Exports

Lastly, symmetric to all other kinds of definitions, modules and instances can be exported. For example:

  (import "a" (module $a ...))
  (module $b ...)
  (import "c" (instance $c ...))
  (instance $d ...)

  (export "e1" (module $a))
  (export "e2" (module $b))
  (export "e3" (instance $c))
  (export "e4" (instance $d))

Therefore, module and instance types can appear in both the imports and exports of module types and instance types.

Consequently, instances can be nested N levels deep. Correspondingly, the inline-alias syntax is extended to allow a sequence of N export names:

  (import "i" (instance $i
    (export "j" (instance
      (export "k" (func))))))
  (func (call (func $i "j" "k")))

which desugars to:

  (import "i" (instance $i
    (export "j" (instance
      (export "k" (func))))))
  (alias $i "j" (instance $j))
  (alias $j "k" (func $k))
  (func (call $k))

Symmetric to the "zero-level export" mentioned above which is allowed in module types, zero-level exports are also allowed in module definitions as a convenient way to define a module's exports to be that of a given instance.

For example, this module:

  (module $M (func (export "foo")))
  (instance $i (instantiate $M))
  (export $i)

exports the function foo. If $i were instead exported with a normal single-level export, the outer module would instead export an instance (which itself exported foo).

Binary Format Considerations

This proposal defines three new sections in the binary format:

  • Module Section: contains a list of module definitions, encoded using the same module binary format production that decodes top-level modules (making module a recursive production). Due to nested modules only being able to refer to preceding parent definitions, in a streaming-compilation scenario, nested modules may be compiled as soon as their bytes are received.
  • Instance Section: contains a list of instance definitions, currently all defined via instantiate.
  • Alias Section: contains a list of alias definitions, both to enclosing modules' module and type definitions, and to preceding instance definitions' exports.

The tricky thing about aliases is that they need to both refer to and be referred to by instance definitions. Moreover, once the Type Imports proposal is incorporated, instances will contain type exports which type and module definitions will need to reference. Keeping all the sections monolithic would therefore necessarily create cycles between them, which wasm has thus far avoided by design. To prevent illegal cycles, validation would need to implement a cycle-checking algorithm.

To avoid this complexity, this proposal instead loosens the section ordering rules such that the 5 initial sections (Type, Import, Module, Instance, Alias) can appear in any order, any number of times each. When a section is present multiple times, its definitions are concatenated. When validating a definition in one of these sections, the validation index spaces are defined to only contain the definitions up to that point. Thus, a validation algorithm can represent each index space with a vector that is appended to as each section is validated with vector bounds checking ensuring acyclicy.

To ease implementation and preserve the property that imports always occupy the first indices of an index space, one constraint is placed on the initial section ordering: all Import Sections must precede all Module and Instance Sections.

As an example, the text module:

  (import "a" (instance $a (export "f" (func))))
  (module $M
    (import "g" (func))
    (func (export "h")))
  (instance $m1 (instantiate $M (import "g" (func $a "f"))))
  (instance $m2 (instantiate $M (import "g" (func $m1 "h"))))
  (func $x (call (func $m2 "h")))

could be encoded with the binary section sequence:

  1. Type Section, defining an instance type (for $a) and function type (for $x)
  2. Import Section, defining the import $a, referencing (1)
  3. Module Section, defining the module $M, which is allowed to alias the parent module's []->[] function type (referencing (1))
  4. Alias Section, injecting the f export of $a into the function index space, referencing (2)
  5. Instance Section, defining the instance $m1, referencing (3) and (4)
  6. Alias Section, injecting the g export of $m1 into the function index space, referencing (5)
  7. Instance Section, defining the instance $m2, referencing (3) and (6)
  8. Alias Section, injecting the g export of $m2 into the function index space, referencing (7)
  9. Function Section, declaring $x in the function index space, referencing (1)
  10. Code Section, defining $x

This repository also contains an initial proposal for the binary format updates.


To summarize the proposed changes (all changes in both text and binary format):

  • The module field of import becomes optional (allowing single-level imports).
  • New module and instance type constructors are added that may be used to define types in the type section.
  • New module and instance cases are added to importdesc, referencing module and instance type definitions in the type section.
  • A new Module Section is added which contains module definitions, encoded using the same binary format as top-level modules.
  • A new Instance Section is added which contains a sequence of instance definitions.
  • A new Alias Section is added which contains a sequence of alias definitions.
  • New module and instance cases are added to exportdesc and the export string becomes optional (allowing zero-level exports).

Use Cases Revisited

Worked examples of the above use cases are given in separate docs:

Additional Requirements Revisited

Reconsidering the requirements stated above:

  • No GC dependency: The instances that can be created by this proposal are all necessarily kept alive by a parent instance. Thus, insofar as a host is able to avoid GC in the status quo (without nested instances), a host can continue to avoid the need for GC. Technically, a host could obtain a reference to a nested instance, drop all references to its parent instances, and thus be able to collect the unreachable parent instances as garbage. However, this would only be an optional optimization and should never be required for correct execution because there is a bounded amount of garbage created. Moreover, hosts could continue to manage the lifetime of instances by treating [stores] as the atomic unit of lifetime.
  • Enable AOT compilation: Nested instance definitions are declarative enough to allow an AOT compiler to trivially connect exports to imports to the same degree as a static linker, assuming it knows the resolution of all module imports. In fact, when all module imports are known, a simple, language-agnostic tool can transpile a .wasm module using the features of this proposal into a .wasm module using only multi-memory.


How does this relate to ESM-integration?

The Module Linking proposal extends the behavior of module_instantiate(M, args) to potentially instantiate a small, encapsulated DAG of instances rooted at M's instance, with M being in charge of distributing args to its children in the DAG. The ESM-integration spec determines when to call module_instantiate(M, args), and for which modules M and which values args. Thus, the two proposals are naturally complementary:

  • ESM-integration defines how a root wasm module imports host dependencies (where every module in the ESM module map is considered a host dependency).
  • The Module Linking proposal defines how a wasm module can privately instantiate its dependencies in a way that encapsulates state while sharing code.

With this division of labor, a root wasm module M loaded via ESM-integration can import all of its dependencies as module imports, using ESM-integration to fetch and cache the modules while still allowing M to completely control the instantiation and linking steps.

In particular, ESM-integration would be extended to support this proposal so that, when a module M is loaded by ESM-integration, for single-level module imports:

  • the module import's string is resolved to a URL and fetched as usual
  • the response's Content-Type must be application/wasm
  • the fetched wasm module's imports are not recursively fetched as usual
  • the fetched wasm module is validated and decoded into a module which is:
    • supplied as an arg to module_instantiate(M, args)
    • stored in the module map for future sharing with other module imports

More generally, when ESM-integration loads a module with a single-level imports:

  • If the import is of module type, it is fetched as described above.
  • If the import is of instance type, it is treated the same way as a two-level import is today, with the imported instance type's exports serving as the second level.
  • Any other type of import is treated as a regular import of the default export.

With this extension, a single JS app will be able to load multiple wasm programs using ESM import statements and have these programs safely and transparently share library code as described in shared-everything dynamic linking example.