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Please check out the FastDeploy is already installed in your environment. You can refer to FastDeploy Installation to install the pre-compiled FastDeploy, or customize your installation.
This document shows an inference sample on the CPU using the PaddleClas classification model MobileNetV2 as an example.
import fastdeploy as fd
model_url = "https://bj.bcebos.com/fastdeploy/models/mobilenetv2.tgz"
fd.download_and_decompress(model_url, path=".")
- For more examples, you can refer to examples/runtime.
option = fd.RuntimeOption()
# **** CPU Configuration ****
# Initialise runtime
runtime = fd.Runtime(option)
# Get model input name
input_name = runtime.get_input_info(0).name
# Constructing random data for inference
results = runtime.infer({
input_name: np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224).astype("float32")
When loading is complete, you can get the following output information indicating the initialized backend and the hardware devices.
[INFO] fastdeploy/fastdeploy_runtime.cc(283)::Init Runtime initialized with Backend::OrtBackend in device Device::CPU.