- Lecture videos now on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWmXHcz_53Q2BXsWviGgEqdlSHmfsjSzC
- Some parts removed: announcements, breaks, activities, Zoom crashes.
- hw9 deadline passed - no more assignments!
- I haven't started yet on making the final exam, but see https://piazza.com/class/kb2e6nwu3uj23?cid=429 for the format.
- Once the exam launches on Dec 8 at 3:30pm, Piazza will be closed for public questions (except announcements by me), but you can ask questions privately.
- Next class (Thursday) is the last lecture.
- We'll run tutorials this week as usual.
- Extra office hours for next week added to the calendar.
Today: guest lecture by Sina Fazelpour.
Bio: Sina is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University's Philosophy Department. He is also a fellow of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council on Data Policy for 2020-2021. Sina received his PhD in Philosophy from UBC where he was a graduate research fellow at The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics, and taught in the Cognitive Systems Program during that time. Prior to philosophy, he did a bachelor's degree in electrical and biomedical engineering at McMaster University, and a master’s in medical biophysics at the University of Toronto.
Today's class will be recorded but will only be available privately via Canvas.