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TensorPCA or TPCA is shot for Tensor Principal Component Analysis, it is an extension of PCA to tensor (higher dimensional) datasets that estimates tensor factor models. TensorPCA is a Python package that implements the algorithm introduced in the paper Tensor Principal Component Analysis.

For a brief introduction of the tensor factor model, please check out my website.


In your terminal, cd to a directory where you want to save the package, then run

git clone
cd TensorPCA
pip install -e .

TensorPCA Guide

Functionality of TensorPCA includes

  1. tensor matricization (unfolding),
  2. tensor factor model estimation,
  3. hypothesis test for selecting number of factors,
  4. generating random tensor data.


Run to check if the package is successfully installed.

Quick Start

For a quick start, we can first randomly generate a 3-dim tensor factor model by the following code:

from TensorPCA.dgp import DGP

R = 2 # rank, number of factors
# tensor size TxNxJ
T = 40
N = 30
J = 20

Y, s, M = DGP((T,N,J),R)

The above code assigns the randomly generated tensor to variable Y, the scale components to variable s, and the vector components to variable M. Note that, s and M are the true parameters that generate the tensor Y.

Then following code inputs the tensor Y into a class of functions:

from TensorPCA.tensorpca import TensorPCA

Z = TensorPCA(Y)

The class has method tensor matricization (unfolding):

Z.unfold(0) # to unfold the tensor in its first dimension
Z.unfold(1) # to unfold the tensor in its second dimension
Z.unfold(2) # to unfold the tensor in its third dimension

We can also estimate the tensor factor model by the code:

s_hat, M_hat = Z.t_pca(2) # to estimate a 2-factor model

Lastly, for the hypothesis

H0 H1
$\leq$ k factors the number of factors > k, but $\leq$ K

the following code implements the above test in each dimension:

from TensorPCA.hyptest import dist

TW_dist = dist(1, 3) # approximating the statistic distribution with k=1, K=3

Stat, pValue = Z.ranktest(TW_dist)

where k=1, K=3.

The output pValue would reject the null hypothesis because tensor Y has two 2 factors.

Note: The distribution approximation process takes considerable amount of time, thus we have provided pre-created distributions for k=(1,...,9) and K=(k+1,...,10).


If you use TensorPCA in an academic paper, please cite

Babii, Andrii, Eric Ghysels, and Junsu Pan. "Tensor Principal Component Analysis." arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12981 (2022).

If you have any question, please contact [email protected]