A clone of Atari’s 1979 hit, Asteroids.
Add session high score in the top/center
Add local high score list (3 initials + score)
Add blinking engine graphic
Add 3 asteroid breaking sounds (large is deep, medium less so, small not)
Add flying saucer (large and small)
Add additional Asteroids graphics (random choice on spawn)
Perhaps move from image to primitives…
Wait to spawn - don’t spawn into an asteroid (use a box to determine)
Add ship explosion animation (breaking into vectors)
Add streaking (like the classic vector arcade)
Add pulsating projectile (much brighter than everything else, more exciting - classic arcade)
Make projectile life distance based rather than game loop time
Flickering engine graphic and sound
Add right and left aligned text (score/level/etc)
Make menus more appropriate to the original
Fix hitbox on player’s ship - overlaps should not occur
Add music sounds that increase in frequency to induce tension in the player
Add command line option for screen resolution and windowed/fullscreen
Ariel H. Pillet - Refactorings, sounds, and more
Ben Scheirman - Game programming advice, improved hitboxes, particles v2, rotation (and fixes I’ve yet to merge)
Originally created to facilitate a Gosu training at the Lone Star Ruby Conference 2010 called Ruby Intrigue (presented by Intridea). The original class can be found here: github.com/intridea/ruby_intrigue