By the end of this chapter, we should be able to:
* Explore the filesystem and its hierarchy.
* Explain the filesystem architecture.
* Compare files and identify different file types.
* Back up and compress data.
In Linux (and all UNIX-like operating systems) it is often said “Everything is a file”, or at least it is treated as such. This means whether you are dealing with normal data files and documents, or with devices such as sound cards and printers, you interact with them through the same kind of Input/Output (I/O) operations. This simplifies things: you open a “file” and perform normal operations like reading the file and writing on it (which is one reason why text editors, which you will learn about in an upcoming section, are so important).
On many systems (including Linux), the filesystem is structured like a tree. The tree is usually portrayed as inverted, and starts at what is most often called the root directory, which marks the beginning of the hierarchical filesystem and is also sometimes referred to as the trunk, or simply denoted by /. The root directory is not the same as the root user. The hierarchical filesystem also contains other elements in the path (directory names), which are separated by forward slashes (/), as in /usr/bin/emacs, where the last element is the actual file name.
In this section, you will learn about some basic concepts, including the filesystem hierarchy, as well as about disk partitions.
Linux supports a number of native filesystem types, expressly created by Linux developers, such as: * ext3 * ext4 * squashfs * btrfs.
It also offers implementations of filesystems used on other alien operating systems, such as those from: * Windows (ntfs, vfat) * SGI (xfs) * IBM (jfs) * MacOS (hfs, hfs+).
Many older, legacy filesystems, such as FAT, are also supported.
It is often the case that more than one filesystem type is used on a machine, based on considerations such as the size of files, how often they are modified, what kind of hardware they sit on and what kind of access speed is needed, etc. The most advanced filesystem types in common use are the journaling varieties: ext4, xfs, btrfs, and jfs. These have many state-of-the-art features and high performance, and are very hard to corrupt accidentally.
Each filesystem on a Linux system occupies a disk partition. Partitions help to organize the contents of disks according to the kind and use of the data contained. For example, important programs required to run the system are often kept on a separate partition (known as root or /) than the one that contains files owned by regular users of that system (/home). In addition, temporary files created and destroyed during the normal operation of Linux may be located on dedicated partitions. One advantage of this kind of isolation by type and variability is that when all available space on a particular partition is exhausted, the system may still operate normally.
The pictures shows the use of the gparted utility, which displays the partition layout on a system which has three operating systems on it: RHEL 8, CentOS 7, Ubuntu and Windows.
Before you can start using a filesystem, you need to mount it on the filesystem tree at a mount point. This is simply a directory (which may or may not be empty) where the filesystem is to be grafted on. Sometimes, you may need to create the directory if it does not already exist.
Warning: If you mount a filesystem on a non-empty directory, the former contents of that directory are covered-up and not accessible until the filesystem is unmounted. Thus, mount points are usually empty directories.
The mount command is used to attach a filesystem (which can be local to the computer or on a network) somewhere within the filesystem tree. The basic arguments are the device node and mount point. For example,
$ sudo mount /dev/sda5 /home
will attach the filesystem contained in the disk partition associated with the /dev/sda5 device node, into the filesystem tree at the /home mount point. There are other ways to specify the partition other than the device node, such as using the disk label or UUID.
To unmount the partition, the command would be:
$ sudo umount /home
Note the command is umount, not unmount! Only a root user (logged in as root, or using sudo) has the privilege to run these commands, unless the system has been otherwise configured.
If you want it to be automatically available every time the system starts up, you need to edit /etc/fstab accordingly (the name is short for filesystem table). Looking at this file will show you the configuration of all pre-configured filesystems. man fstab will display how this file is used and how to configure it.
Executing mount without any arguments will show all presently mounted filesystems.
The command df -Th (disk-free) will display information about mounted filesystems, including the filesystem type, and usage statistics about currently used and available space.
It is often necessary to share data across physical systems which may be either in the same location or anywhere that can be reached by the Internet. A network (also sometimes called distributed) filesystem may have all its data on one machine or have it spread out on more than one network node. A variety of different filesystems can be used locally on the individual machines; a network filesystem can be thought of as a grouping of lower level filesystems of varying types.
Many system administrators mount remote users' home directories on a server in order to give them access to the same files and configuration files across multiple client systems. This allows the users to log in to different computers, yet still have access to the same files and resources.
The most common such filesystem is named simply NFS (the Network Filesystem). It has a very long history and was first developed by Sun Microsystems. Another common implementation is CIFS (also termed SAMBA), which has Microsoft roots. We will restrict our attention in what follows to NFS.
We will now look in detail at how to use NFS on the server.
On the server machine, NFS uses daemons (built-in networking and service processes in Linux) and other system servers are started at the command line by typing:
$ sudo systemctl start nfs
The text file /etc/exports contains the directories and permissions that a host is willing to share with other systems over NFS. A very simple entry in this file may look like the following:
/projects *
This entry allows the directory /projects to be mounted using NFS with read and write (rw) permissions and shared with other hosts in the domain. As we will detail in the next chapter, every file in Linux has three possible permissions: read (r), write (w) and execute (x).
After modifying the /etc/exports file, you can type exportfs -av to notify Linux about the directories you are allowing to be remotely mounted using NFS. You can also restart NFS with sudo systemctl restart nfs, but this is heavier, as it halts NFS for a short while before starting it up again. To make sure the NFS service starts whenever the system is booted, issue sudo systemctl enable nfs. (Note: On RHEL/CentOS 8, the service is called nfs-server, not nfs).
On the client machine, if it is desired to have the remote filesystem mounted automatically upon system boot, /etc/fstab is modified to accomplish this. For example, an entry in the client's /etc/fstab might look like the following:
servername:/projects /mnt/nfs/projects nfs defaults 0 0
You can also mount the remote filesystem without a reboot or as a one-time mount by directly using the mount command:
$ sudo mount servername:/projects /mnt/nfs/projects
Remember, if /etc/fstab is not modified, this remote mount will not be present the next time the system is restarted. Furthermore, you may want to use the nofail option in fstab in case the NFS server is not live at boot.
In this section, you will learn to identify and differentiate between the most important directories found in Linux. We start with ordinary users' home directory space.
Each user has a home directory, usually placed under /home. The /root ("slash-root") directory on modern Linux systems is no more than the home directory of the root user (or superuser, or system administrator account).
On multi-user systems, the /home directory infrastructure is often mounted as a separate filesystem on its own partition, or even exported (shared) remotely on a network through NFS.
Sometimes, you may group useIn this section, you will learn to identify and differentiate between the most important directories found in Linux. We start with ordinary users' home directory space.
Each user has a home directory, usually placed under /home. The /root ("slash-root") directory on modern Linux systems is no more than the home directory of the root user (or superuser, or system administrator account).
On multi-user systems, the /home directory infrastructure is often mounted as a separate filesystem on its own partition, or even exported (shared) remotely on a network through NFS.
Sometimes, you may group users based on their department or function. You can then create subdirectories under the /home directory for each of these groups. For example, a school may organize /home with something like the following:
/home/faculty/ /home/staff/ /home/students/rs based on their department or function. You can then create subdirectories under the /home directory for each of these groups. For example, a school may organize /home with something like the following:
/home/faculty/ /home/staff/ /home/students/
The /bin directory contains executable binaries, essential commands used to boot the system or in single-user mode, and essential commands required by all system users, such as cat, cp, ls, mv, ps, and rm.
Likewise, the /sbin directory is intended for essential binaries related to system administration, such as fsck and ip. To view a list of these programs, type:
$ ls /bin /sbin
some of the newest Linux distributions /usr/bin and /bin are actually just symbolically linked together, as are /usr/sbin and /sbin.
Certain filesystems, like the one mounted at /proc, are called pseudo-filesystems because they have no permanent presence anywhere on the disk.
The /proc filesystem contains virtual files (files that exist only in memory) that permit viewing constantly changing kernel data. /proc contains files and directories that mimic kernel structures and configuration information. It does not contain real files, but runtime system information, e.g. system memory, devices mounted, hardware configuration, etc. Some important entries in /proc are:
/proc/cpuinfo /proc/interrupts /proc/meminfo /proc/mounts /proc/partitions /proc/version
/proc has subdirectories as well, including:
/proc/<Process-ID-#> /proc/sys
The /dev directory contains device nodes, a type of pseudo-file used by most hardware and software devices, except for network devices. This directory is:
* Empty on the disk partition when it is not mounted
* Contains entries which are created by the udev system, which creates and manages device nodes on Linux, creating them dynamically when devices are found. The /dev directory contains items such as:
1. /dev/sda1 (first partition on the first hard disk)
2. /dev/lp1 (second printer)
3. /dev/random (a source of random numbers).
The /var directory contains files that are expected to change in size and content as the system is running (var stands for variable), such as the entries in the following directories:
* System log files: /var/log
* Packages and database files: /var/lib
* Print queues: /var/spool
* Temporary files: /var/tmp.
The /var directory may be put on its own filesystem so that growth of the files can be accommodated and any exploding file sizes do not fatally affect the system. Network services directories such as /var/ftp (the FTP service) and /var/www (the HTTP web service) are also found under /var.
The /etc directory is the home for system configuration files. It contains no binary programs, although there are some executable scripts. For example, /etc/resolv.conf tells the system where to go on the network to obtain host name to IP address mappings (DNS). Files like passwd, shadow and group for managing user accounts are found in the /etc directory. While some distributions have historically had their own extensive infrastructure under /etc (for example, Red Hat and SUSE have used /etc/sysconfig), with the advent of systemd there is much more uniformity among distributions today.
Note that /etc is for system-wide configuration files and only the superuser can modify files there. User-specific configuration files are always found under their home directory.
The /boot directory contains the few essential files needed to boot the system. For every alternative kernel installed on the system there are four files:
1. vmlinuz
The compressed Linux kernel, required for booting.
2. initramfs
The initial ram filesystem, required for booting, sometimes called initrd, not initramfs.
3. config
The kernel configuration file, only used for debugging and bookkeeping.
Kernel symbol table, only used for debugging.
Each of these files has a kernel version appended to its name.
The Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) files such as /boot/grub/grub.conf or /boot/grub2/grub2.cfg are also found under the /boot directory.
/lib contains libraries (common code shared by applications and needed for them to run) for the essential programs in /bin and /sbin. These library filenames either start with ld or lib. For example, /lib/
Most of these are what is known as dynamically loaded libraries (also known as shared libraries or Shared Objects (SO)). On some Linux distributions there exists a /lib64 directory containing 64-bit libraries, while /lib contains 32-bit versions.
One often uses removable media, such as USB drives, CDs and DVDs. To make the material accessible through the regular filesystem, it has to be mounted at a convenient location. Most Linux systems are configured so any removable media are automatically mounted when the system notices something has been plugged in.
While historically this was done under the /media directory, modern Linux distributions place these mount points under the /run directory. For example, a USB pen drive with a label myusbdrive for a user name student would be mounted at /run/media/student/myusbdrive.
There are some additional directories to be found under the root directory:
The /usr directory tree contains theoretically non-essential programs and scripts (in the sense that they should not be needed to initially boot the system) and has at least the following sub-directories:
Now that you know about the filesystem and its structure, let’s learn how to manage files and directories.
diff is used to compare files and directories. This often-used utility program has many useful options (see: man diff) including:
ou can compare three files at once using diff3, which uses one file as the reference basis for the other two. For example, suppose you and a co-worker both have made modifications to the same file working at the same time independently. diff3 can show the differences based on the common file you both started with. The syntax for diff3 is as follows:
Many modifications to source code and configuration files are distributed utilizing patches, which are applied, not surprisingly, with the patch program. A patch file contains the deltas (changes) required to update an older version of a file to the new one. The patch files are actually produced by running diff with the correct options, as in:
$ diff -Nur originalfile newfile > patchfile
To apply a patch, you can just do either of the two methods below:
$ patch -p1 < patchfile
$ patch originalfile patchfile
The first usage is more common, as it is often used to apply changes to an entire directory tree, rather than just one file, as in the second example. To understand the use of the -p1 option and many others, see the man page for patch.
In Linux, a file's extension often does not categorize it the way it might in other operating systems. One cannot assume that a file named file.txt is a text file and not an executable program. In Linux, a filename is generally more meaningful to the user of the system than the system itself. In fact, most applications directly examine a file's contents to see what kind of object it is rather than relying on an extension. This is very different from the way Windows handles filenames, where a filename ending with .exe, for example, represents an executable binary file.
The real nature of a file can be ascertained by using the file utility. For the file names given as arguments, it examines the contents and certain characteristics to determine whether the files are plain text, shared libraries, executable programs, scripts, or something else.
There are many ways you can back up data or even your entire system. Basic ways to do so include the use of simple copying with cp and use of the more robust rsync.
Both can be used to synchronize entire directory trees. However, rsync is more efficient, because it checks if the file being copied already exists. If the file exists and there is no change in size or modification time, rsync will avoid an unnecessary copy and save time. Furthermore, because rsync copies only the parts of files that have actually changed, it can be very fast.
cp can only copy files to and from destinations on the local machine (unless you are copying to or from a filesystem mounted using NFS), but rsync can also be used to copy files from one machine to another. Locations are designated in the target:path form, where target can be in the form of someone@host. The someone@ part is optional and used if the remote user is different from the local user.
rsync is very efficient when recursively copying one directory tree to another, because only the differences are transmitted over the network. One often synchronizes the destination directory tree with the origin, using the -r option to recursively walk down the directory tree copying all files and directories below the one listed as the source.
rsync is a very powerful utility. For example, a very useful way to back up a project directory might be to use the following command:
$ rsync -r project-X archive-machine:archives/project-X
Note that rsync can be very destructive! Accidental misuse can do a lot of harm to data and programs, by inadvertently copying changes to where they are not wanted. Take care to specify the correct options and paths. It is highly recommended that you first test your rsync command using the -dry-run option to ensure that it provides the results that you want.
To use rsync at the command prompt, type rsync sourcefile destinationfile, where either file can be on the local machine or on a networked machine; The contents of sourcefile will be copied to destinationfile.
A good combination of options is shown in:
$ rsync --progress -avrxH --delete sourcedir destdir
File data is often compressed to save disk space and reduce the time it takes to transmit files over networks.
Linux uses a number of methods to perform this compression, including:
Command Usage gzip The most frequently used Linux compression utility bzip2 Produces files significantly smaller than those produced by gzip xz The most space-efficient compression utility used in Linux zip Is often required to examine and decompress archives from other operating systems
These techniques vary in the efficiency of the compression (how much space is saved) and in how long they take to compress; generally, the more efficient techniques take longer. Decompression time does not vary as much across different methods.
In addition, the tar utility is often used to group files in an archive and then compress the whole archive at once.
gzip is the most often used Linux compression utility. It compresses very well and is very fast. The following table provides some usage examples:
Command Usage gzip * Compresses all files in the current directory; each file is compressed and renamed with a .gz extension zgip -r projectX Compresses all files in the projectX directory, along with all files in all of the directories under projectX gunzip foo De-compresses foo found in the file foo.gz. Under the hood, the gunzip command is actually the same as gzip –d
bzip2 has a syntax that is similar to gzip but it uses a different compression algorithm and produces significantly smaller files, at the price of taking a longer time to do its work. Thus, it is more likely to be used to compress larger files.
Examples of common usage are also similar to gzip:
Command Usage
bzip2 * Compresses all of the files in the current directory and replaces each file with a file
renamed with a .bz2 extension
bunzip2 *.bz2 Decompresses all of the files with an extension of .bz2 in the current directory. Under the
hood, bunzip2 is the same as calling bzip2 -d
xz is the most space efficient compression utility used in Linux and is used to store archives of the Linux kernel. Once again, it trades a slower compression speed for an even higher compression ratio.
Some usage examples:
Command Usage
xz * Compresses all of the files in the current directory and replaces each file with one with a .xz
xz foo Compresses foo into foo.xz using the default compression level (-6), and removes foo if
xz -dk bar.xz Decompresses bar.xz into bar and does not remove bar.xz even if decompression is successful
xz -dcf a.txt b.txt.xz > abcd.txt Decompresses a mix of compressed and uncompressed files to standard output,
using a single command
xz -d *.xz Decompresses the files compressed using xz
Compressed files are stored with a .xz extension.
The zip program is not often used to compress files in Linux, but is often required to examine and decompress archives from other operating systems. It is only used in Linux when you get a zipped file from a Windows user. It is a legacy program.
Command Usage zip backup * Compresses all files in the current directory and places them in the zip -r ~ Archives your login directory (~) and all files and directories under it in unzip Extracts all files in and places them in the current directorya
Historically, tar stood for "tape archive" and was used to archive files to a magnetic tape. It allows you to create or extract files from an archive file, often called a tarball. At the same time, you can optionally compress while creating the archive, and decompress while extracting its contents.
Here are some examples of the use of tar:
Command Usage tar xvf mydir.tar Extract all the files in mydir.tar into the mydir directory tar zcvf mydir.tar.gz mydir Create the archive and compress with gzip tar jcvf mydir.tar.bz2 mydir Create the archive and compress with bz2 tar Jcvf mydir.tar.xz mydir Create the archive and compress with xz tar xvf mydir.tar.gz Extract all the files in mydir.tar.gz into the mydir directory Note: You do not have to tell tar it is in gzip format
You can separate out the archiving and compression stages, as in:
$ tar cvf mydir.tar mydir ; gzip mydir.tar
$ gunzip mydir.tar.gz ; tar xvf mydir.tar
but this is slower and wastes space by creating an unneeded intermediary .tar file.
The dd program is very useful for making copies of raw disk space. For example, to back up your Master Boot Record (MBR) (the first 512-byte sector on the disk that contains a table describing the partitions on that disk), you might type:
dd if=/dev/sda of=sda.mbr bs=512 count=1
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb
to make a copy of one disk onto another, will delete everything that previously existed on the second disk.
An exact copy of the first disk device is created on the second disk device.
Do not experiment with this command as written above, as it can erase a hard disk!
Exactly what the name dd stands for is an often-argued item. The words data definition is the most popular theory and has roots in early IBM history. Often, people joke that it means disk destroyer and other variants such as delete data!