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Manipulating Text

Learning Objectives

        * Display and append to file contents using cat and echo. 
        * Edit and print file contents using sed and awk.
        * Search for patterns using grep.
        * Use multiple other utilities for file and text manipulation.


cat is short for concatenate and is one of the most frequently used Linux command line utilities. It is often used to read and print files, as well as for simply viewing file contents. To view a file, use the following command:

$ cat

For example, cat readme.txt will display the contents of readme.txt on the terminal. However, the main purpose of cat is often to combine (concatenate) multiple files together. You can perform the actions listed in the table using cat.

The tac command (cat spelled backwards) prints the lines of a file in reverse order. Each line remains the same, but the order of lines is inverted. The syntax of tac is exactly the same as for cat, as in:

$ tac file $ tac file1 file2 > newfile

Command Usage cat file1 file2 Concatenate multiple files and display the output; i.e. the entire content of the first file is followed by that of the second file cat file1 file2 > newfile Combine multiple files and save the output into a new file cat file >> existingfile Append a file to the end of an existing file cat > file Any subsequent lines typed will go into the file, until CTRL-D is typed cat >> file Any subsequent lines are appended to the file, until CTRL-D is typed

Using cat Interactively

cat can be used to read from standard input (such as the terminal window) if no files are specified. You can use the > operator to create and add lines into a new file, and the >> operator to append lines (or files) to an existing file. We mentioned this when talking about how to create files without an editor.

To create a new file, at the command prompt type cat > and press the Enter key.

This command creates a new file and waits for the user to edit/enter the text. After you finish typing the required text, press CTRL-D at the beginning of the next line to save and exit the editing.

Another way to create a file at the terminal is cat > << EOF. A new file is created and you can type the required input. To exit, enter EOF at the beginning of a line.

Note that EOF is case sensitive. One can also use another word, such as STOP.


echo simply displays (echoes) text. It is used simply, as in:

$ echo string

echo can be used to display a string on standard output (i.e. the terminal) or to place in a new file (using the > operator) or append to an already existing file (using the >> operator).

The –e option, along with the following switches, is used to enable special character sequences, such as the newline character or horizontal tab.

        \n  represents newline
        \t  represents horizontal tab.

echo is particularly useful for viewing the values of environment variables (built-in shell variables). For example, echo $USERNAME will print the name of the user who has logged into the current terminal.

The following table lists echo commands and their usage:

Command Usage echo string > newfile The specified string is placed in a new file echo string >> existingfile The specified string is appended to the end of an already existing file echo $variable The contents of the specified environment variable are displayed

Working with Large Files

System administrators need to work with configuration files, text files, documentation files, and log files. Some of these files may be large or become quite large as they accumulate data with time. These files will require both viewing and administrative updating. In this section, you will learn how to manage such large files.

Viewing somefile can be done by typing either of the two following commands:

$ less somefile $ cat somefile | less

By default, man pages are sent through the less command. You may have encountered the older more utility which has the same basic function but fewer capabilities: i.e. less is more!


head reads the first few lines of each named file (10 by default) and displays it on standard output. You can give a different number of lines in an option.

For example, if you want to print the first 5 lines from grub.cfg, use the following command:

$ head –n 5 grub.cfg

You can also just say head -5 grub.cfg.


tail prints the last few lines of each named file and displays it on standard output. By default, it displays the last 10 lines. You can give a different number of lines as an option. tail is especially useful when you are troubleshooting any issue using log files, as you probably want to see the most recent lines of output.

For example, to display the last 15 lines of somefile.log, use the following command:

$ tail -n 15 somefile.log

*You can also just say tail -15 somefile.log.

To continually monitor new output in a growing log file:

$ tail -f somefile.log

This command will continuously display any new lines of output in atmtrans.log as soon as they appear. Thus, it enables you to monitor any current activity that is being reported and recorded.

Viewing Compressed Files

When working with compressed files, many standard commands cannot be used directly. For many commonly-used file and text manipulation programs, there is also a version especially designed to work directly with compressed files. These associated utilities have the letter "z" prefixed to their name. For example, we have utility programs such as zcat, zless, zdiff and zgrep.

Here is a table listing some z family commands:

Command Description $ zcat compressed-file.txt.gz To view a compressed file $ zless somefile.gz or $ zmore somefile.gz To page through a compressed file $ zgrep -i less somefile.gz To search inside a compressed file $ zdiff file1.txt.gz file2.txt.gz To compare two compressed files

Note that if you run zless on an uncompressed file, it will still work and ignore the decompression stage. There are also equivalent utility programs for other compression methods besides gzip, for example, we have bzcat and bzless associated with bzip2, and xzcat and xzless associated with xz.


sed is a powerful text processing tool and is one of the oldest, earliest and most popular UNIX utilities. It is used to modify the contents of a file or input stream, usually placing the contents into a new file or output stream. Its name is an abbreviation for stream editor.

sed can filter text, as well as perform substitutions in data streams.

Data from an input source/file (or stream) is taken and moved to a working space. The entire list of operations/modifications is applied over the data in the working space and the final contents are moved to the standard output space (or stream).

Command Usage sed -e command Specify editing commands at the command line, operate on file and put the output on standard out (e.g. the terminal) sed -f scriptfile Specify a scriptfile containing sed commands, operate on file and put output on standard out

sed Basic Operations

Command Usage sed s/pattern/replace_string/ file Substitute first string occurrence in every line sed s/pattern/replace_string/g file Substitute all string occurrences in every line sed 1,3s/pattern/replace_string/g file Substitute all string occurrences in a range of lines sed -i s/pattern/replace_string/g file Save changes for string substitution in the same file

You must use the -i option with care, because the action is not reversible. It is always safer to use sed without the –i option and then replace the file yourself, as shown in the following example:

$ sed s/pattern/replace_string/g file1 > file2

The above command will replace all occurrences of pattern with replace_string in file1 and move the contents to file2. The contents of file2 can be viewed with cat file2. If you approve you can then overwrite the original file with mv file2 file1.


As with sed, short awk commands can be specified directly at the command line, but a more complex script can be saved in a file that you can specify using the -f option. Command Usage awk ‘command’ file Specify a command directly at the command line awk -f scriptfile file Specify a file that contains the script to be executed

awk Basic Operations

Command Usage awk '{ print $0 }' /etc/passwd Print entire file awk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd Print first field (column) of every line, separated by a space awk -F: '{ print $1 $7 }' /etc/passwd Print first and seventh field of every line

File Manipulation Utilities

In managing your files, you may need to perform tasks such as sorting data and copying data from one location to another. Linux provides numerous file manipulation utilities that you can use while working with text files. In this section, you will learn about the following file manipulation programs:


You will also learn about regular expressions and search patterns.


ort is used to rearrange the lines of a text file, in either ascending or descending order according to a sort key. You can also sort with respect to particular fields (columns) in a file. The default sort key is the order of the ASCII characters (i.e. essentially alphabetically).

sort can be used as follows:

Syntax Usage sort Sort the lines in the specified file, according to the characters at the beginning of each line cat file1 file2 | sort Combine the two files, then sort the lines and display the output on the terminal sort -r Sort the lines in reverse order sort -k 3 Sort the lines by the 3rd field on each line instead of the beginning

When used with the -u option, sort checks for unique values after sorting the records (lines). It is equivalent to running uniq (which we shall discuss) on the output of sort.


uniq removes duplicate consecutive lines in a text file and is useful for simplifying the text display.

Because uniq requires that the duplicate entries must be consecutive, one often runs sort first and then pipes the output into uniq; if sort is used with the -u option, it can do all this in one step.

To remove duplicate entries from multiple files at once, use the following command:

sort file1 file2 | uniq > file3


sort -u file1 file2 > file3

To count the number of duplicate entries, use the following command:

uniq -c filename


Suppose you have a file that contains the full name of all employees and another file that lists their phone numbers and Employee IDs. You want to create a new file that contains all the data listed in three columns: name, employee ID, and phone number. How can you do this effectively without investing too much time?

paste can be used to create a single file containing all three columns. The different columns are identified based on delimiters (spacing used to separate two fields). For example, delimiters can be a blank space, a tab, or an Enter. In the image provided, a single space is used as the delimiter in all files.

paste accepts the following options:

        -d delimiters, which specify a list of delimiters to be used instead of tabs for separating consecutive values on a single line. Each delimiter is used in turn; when the list has been exhausted, paste begins again at the first delimiter.
        -s, which causes paste to append the data in series rather than in parallel; that is, in a horizontal rather than vertical fashion.


o paste contents from two files one can do:

$ paste file1 file2

The syntax to use a different delimiter is as follows:

$ paste -d, file1 file2

Common delimiters are 'space', 'tab', '|', 'comma', etc.


Suppose you have two files with some similar columns. You have saved employees’ phone numbers in two files, one with their first name and the other with their last name. You want to combine the files without repeating the data of common columns. How do you achieve this?

The above task can be achieved using join, which is essentially an enhanced version of paste. It first checks whether the files share common fields, such as names or phone numbers, and then joins the lines in two files based on a common field.


To combine two files on a common field, at the command prompt type join file1 file2 and press the Enter key.

For example, the common field (i.e. it contains the same values) among the phonebook and cities files is the phone number, and the result of joining these two files is shown in the screen capture.


split is used to break up (or split) a file into equal-sized segments for easier viewing and manipulation, and is generally used only on relatively large files. By default, split breaks up a file into 1000-line segments. The original file remains unchanged, and a set of new files with the same name plus an added prefix is created. By default, the x prefix is added. To split a file into segments, use the command split infile.

To split a file into segments using a different prefix, use the command split infile .

We will apply split to an American-English dictionary file of over 99,000 lines:

$ wc -l american-english 99171 american-english

where we have used wc (word count, soon to be discussed) to report on the number of lines in the file. Then, typing:

$ split american-english dictionary

will split the American-English file into 100 equal-sized segments named dictionaryxx. The last one will of course be somewhat smaller.

Regular Expressions and Search Patterns

Regular expressions are text strings used for matching a specific pattern, or to search for a specific location, such as the start or end of a line or a word. Regular expressions can contain both normal characters or so-called meta-characters, such as * and $.

Search Patterns Usage .(dot) Match any single character a|z Match a or z $ Match end of string ^ Match beginning of string

  •               Match preceding item 0 or more times

For example, consider the following sentence: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Some of the patterns that can be applied to this sentence are as follows: Command Usage a.. matches azy b.|j. matches both br and ju ..$ matches og l.* matches lazy dog l.y matches lazy the. matches the whole sentence


grep is extensively used as a primary text searching tool. It scans files for specified patterns and can be used with regular expressions, as well as simple strings, as shown in the table:

Command Usage grep [pattern] Search for a pattern in a file and print all matching lines grep -v [pattern] Print all lines that do not match the pattern grep [0-9] Print the lines that contain the numbers 0 through 9 grep -C 3 [pattern] Print context of lines (specified number of lines above and below the pattern) for matching the pattern. Here, the number of lines is specified as 3


strings is used to extract all printable character strings found in the file or files given as arguments. It is useful in locating human-readable content embedded in binary files; for text files one can just use grep.

For example, to search for the string my_string in a spreadsheet:

$ strings book1.xls | grep my_string


The tr utility is used to translate specified characters into other characters or to delete them. The general syntax is as follows:

$ tr [options] set1 [set2]

The items in the square brackets are optional. tr requires at least one argument and accepts a maximum of two. The first, designated set1 in the example, lists the characters in the text to be replaced or removed. The second, set2, lists the characters that are to be substituted for the characters listed in the first argument. Sometimes these sets need to be surrounded by apostrophes (or single-quotes (')) in order to have the shell ignore that they mean something special to the shell. It is usually safe (and may be required) to use the single-quotes around each of the sets as you will see in the examples below.

For example, suppose you have a file named city containing several lines of text in mixed case. To translate all lower case characters to upper case, at the command prompt type cat city | tr a-z A-Z and press the Enter key.

Command Usage tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Convert lower case to upper case tr '{}' '()' < inputfile > outputfile Translate braces into parenthesis echo "This is for testing" | tr [:space:] '\t' Translate white-space to tabs echo "This is for testing" | tr -s [:space:] Squeeze repetition of characters using -s echo "the geek stuff" | tr -d 't' Delete specified characters using -d option echo "my username is 432234" | tr -cd [:digit:] Complement the sets using -c option tr -cd [:print:] < file.txt Remove all non-printable character from a file tr -s '\n' ' ' < file.txt Join all the lines in a file into a single line


tee takes the output from any command, and, while sending it to standard output, it also saves it to a file. In other words, it tees the output stream from the command: one stream is displayed on the standard output and the other is saved to a file.

For example, to list the contents of a directory on the screen and save the output to a file, at the command prompt type ls -l | tee newfile and press the Enter key.

Typing cat newfile will then display the output of ls –l.


wc (word count) counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file or list of files. Options are given in the table below.

Option Description –l Displays the number of lines -c Displays the number of bytes -w Displays the number of words

By default, all three of these options are active.

For example, to print only the number of lines contained in a file, type wc -l filename and press the Enter key.


cut is used for manipulating column-based files and is designed to extract specific columns. The default column separator is the tab character. A different delimiter can be given as a command option.

For example, to display the third column delimited by a blank space, at the command prompt type ls -l | cut -d" " -f3 and press the Enter key.