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File metadata and controls

104 lines (80 loc) · 4.01 KB

Writing a plugin for the Amahi Platform

An Amahi platform plugin is an RoR engine. For simplicity we call them plugins.

Plugins should be located in plugins/ and can be generated with a generator. You need to clone this platform code and cd to the base of it, then run:

rails generate plugin FooBar

This will generate a plugin called FooBar in the plugin/ directory of the app. The name of the directory is the class name for the plugin and it should be CamelCased for best results.

It will output the files generated. You may want to remember these. You probably will have to configure some of these files to fine tune for the name of the plugin, new controllers, views, etc., etc. Each plugin is essentially a rack app that is close to a Rails app.


Each plugin has to have a file called config/amahi_plugin.yml with details of the plugin, for example:

# human readable name (no localization supported yet)
# for example, it may be used as the text of the tab or the page title, etc.
name: Foo Bar Tab
# class to be mounted
class: FooBar
kind: tab
# url where it will be mounted in the platform
url: /tab/foobar

No two apps have may use the same class or url to be mounted.

In case you are adding plugin as a subtab under a tab(Fuzzbar) :

# human readable name (no localization supported yet)
# for example, it may be used as the text of the tab or the page title, etc.
name: Foo Bar Sub Tab
# class to be mounted
class: FooBar
kind: subtab
# url where it will be mounted in the platform
url: /tab/fuzzbar/foobar

Adding Tabs and Subtabs

To add visible tabs in a plugin, one has to do it programmatically at plugin initialization time with what in RoR is known as an initializer.

Example for initialization for a plugin (e.g. plugin/foo_bar/config/initializers/plugin_init.rb )

# plugin initialization -- set up a tab by calling
#Checks for Existing tab with the same controller.
unless t = Tab.find("foobar")
# - first argument to is the controller that it will hooked up to
# - second argument is a string, the label for the tab. This will support internationalization in the future
# - third argument is the route it should be mounted on, example /tab/foobar
	t ="foobar", "FooBar", "/tab/apps")
# add any subtabs to this tab with what you need.
# The params are
# - controller
# - the label
# for example
t.add("index", "All Foo Bars")
t.add("advanced", "Advanced Settings for Foos")
# this subtab has a third parameter -- denoting it's an advanced subtab
t.add("expert", "Expert Settings", true)
t.add("other", "Other Settings")

To add a plugin as a subtab of an existing tab(Fuzzbar) :

# plugin initialization -- set up a tab by calling
#Checks for Existing tab with the same controller.
unless t = Tab.find("fuzzbar")
	t ="fuzzbar", "FuzzBar", "/tab/Fuzzbar")
t.add("foobar", "Foobar")

##Making a plugin Fullscreen Add the following line in the controller class of the plugin to make it fullscreen:

class FooController < ApplicationController

	before_action :admin_required
	layout 'fullscreen'
	def index
	##code here
	##other action methods


  • One folder = One plugin. This is a must. To install an Amahi plugin manually, all there needs to be done is copy a single folder into the plugins/ directory and done. It's good for manual installation, it's good for automatic installation.
  • Plugins are activated automatically. We only need to restart the server (manual if in development), or programmatically if installing in production by touching tmp/restart.txt. No need to go into the DB ahave have to set anything. Any settings needed should be auto-generated.
  • We will tend towards adding hooks to various areas to be able to override nicely in plugins.
  • Try to not override views, so that behavior changing in the main app will not break plugins.

To Do

  1. Localization support for the labels and the sublabels

  2. Support for subtabs (and tabs?) supported only when advanced settings are enabled