McDock: Simple Monte Carlo docking algorithm in C++
Note: you need Open Babel installed (and working) to do the following.
git clone
If you have Open Babel installed in a non-standard path, add this to the OBDIR
variable in the Makefile
Now compile McDock:
cd mcdock
- The host molecule is minimized
- A rotamer search is performed for the ligand
- Each rotamer is energy minimized
- A number of Monte Carlo Metropolis-Hastings (i.e. constant temperature) docking simulations is performed for each rotamer - the number of trajectories and steps for each trajectory is given in the input line, as well as the MC temperature.
- The final docking conformation in minimized
- The binding energy is calculated
The binding energy is calculated as:
Ebind = E - [Ehost + Eligand_min]
Where E
is the energy of a specific binding conformation, Ehost
is the energy of the minimized host molecule, and Eligand_min
is the energy of the ligand in the lowest-energy conformation from the minimzed rotamer search.
The MC move is combination of random translations and rotations.
- The conformers found from the rotamer search is saved in the file
. - The last motif from each trajectory is saved in the file
. - The strongest binding motif is saved in the file
The possible program options are:
Running McDock 0.2 alpha
Usage: ./mcdock --target --ligand [--args]
Optional arguments:
--energy [string] Potential energy function "MMFF94" (default),
"UFF", "PM6-D3H4" (requires MOPAC).
--temperature [float] Temperature in units of [R T] (default = 1.0).
--trajectories [int] Number of independent trajectories (default = 10).
--mc-steps [int] Number of Monte Carlo steps in each trajectories (default = 1000).
--no-rotor-search Disable rotor search. (default = perform rotor search).
The possible potential energy functions are the MMFF
and UFF
force fields as implemented in Open Babel.
If MOPAC is installed in /opt/mopac/
it is possible to use the semi-empirical method PM6-D3H4
as well.
Running McDock for 2000 steps, with 5 trajectories at temperature T = 0.3 (in units of R T), using the MMFF94 force field:
./mcdock --target xyz/ --ligand xyz/ \
--trajectories 5 --temperature 0.3 --mc-steps 2000 --energy MMFF94
The energy is printed in units of kcal/mol. The MC temperature unit is R T where R is the ideal gas constant.
This will generate something like the following output:
Running McDock 0.2 alpha
Target (minimized) E = -33.4960 kcal/mol file: xyz/
Performing rotor search for ligand molecule file: xyz/
..tot conformations = 3
..tot confs tested = 3
..below energy threshold = 3
Found 1 rotatable bonds
Rotamer 0 E = 20.2736 kcal/mol
Rotamer 1 E = 19.9836 kcal/mol
Rotamer 2 E = 20.2721 kcal/mol
Rotamer 3 E = 24.2927 kcal/mol
Lowest energy conformation E = 19.9836 kcal/mol
Running 5 trajectories for 2000 steps.
MC temperature (tau) = 0.3000
Conformation: Trajectory: Acceptance rate: Final Ebind:
1 / 4 1 / 5 7.40 % -9.0204 kcal/mol <---- New lowest
1 / 4 2 / 5 9.50 % -11.8772 kcal/mol <---- New lowest
1 / 4 3 / 5 19.74 % -2.4114 kcal/mol
1 / 4 4 / 5 9.15 % -10.1515 kcal/mol
1 / 4 5 / 5 6.25 % -10.1287 kcal/mol
2 / 4 1 / 5 8.80 % -8.3443 kcal/mol
2 / 4 2 / 5 12.99 % -10.4063 kcal/mol
2 / 4 3 / 5 9.40 % -10.6525 kcal/mol
2 / 4 4 / 5 15.54 % -8.1072 kcal/mol
2 / 4 5 / 5 7.95 % -8.9660 kcal/mol
3 / 4 1 / 5 5.85 % -11.0246 kcal/mol
3 / 4 2 / 5 12.14 % -11.3170 kcal/mol
3 / 4 3 / 5 6.95 % -10.3502 kcal/mol
3 / 4 4 / 5 11.84 % -8.1763 kcal/mol
3 / 4 5 / 5 8.10 % -6.1784 kcal/mol
4 / 4 1 / 5 8.40 % -4.8038 kcal/mol
4 / 4 2 / 5 7.55 % -3.6463 kcal/mol
4 / 4 3 / 5 7.20 % -3.3909 kcal/mol
4 / 4 4 / 5 24.74 % -1.4923 kcal/mol
4 / 4 5 / 5 9.90 % -1.9934 kcal/mol
Optimized E_bind = -11.8772 kcal/mol Elapsed time = 8.47 seconds
A "good" temperature will usually yield an acceptance rate around 20 %.
McDock is licensed under the MIT open source license. Cite the use of McDock by citing this github repository.