Some functions:
✔️ Share ongoing request(s) by parameters as key.
✔️ Cache results of every request (in-memory / custom cache).
✔️ Provide a convenient function to get cached or request new data based on passed arguments.
The real-life reason and inspiration is to reduce network workload in big applications with a lot of independent components that may use the same API-endpoints at the nearly same time.
Basic case:
val cachedSource = CachedSource<String, Int>(
source = { params -> api.getSomething(params) }
scope.launch {
cachedSource.get("some request parameter", FromCache.CACHED_THEN_LOAD, maxAge = 5_000)
.catch {
// Handle error if needed
.collect {
// Use received value(s)
Wrapper for your data source (usually API call or DB-request). Provides Flow of data or errors in several ways.
Construct it with your data source and optional parameters:
val cachedSource = CachedSource<P, T>(
source = { api.getSomething() },
cache = ...,
timeProvider = ...,
dispatcher = ...,
Use .get()
or .getRaw()
function with a variety of options to get a Flow of cached / loaded data:
params = ...,
fromCache = ...,
shareOngoingRequest = ...,
maxAge = ...,
additionalKey = ...,
.collect {
Use .updates
and .errors
(SharedFlow) to observe all updates and errors without .get()
.collect { (params, result) ->
Enum with request options:
Wrapper that can share ongoing request(s) if there is any in progress with the given params.
It's used in CachedSource but you can use it independently.
Main differences from shareIn + WhileSubscribed:
- Requester focuses on the emission of a single value.
- Rethrows possible exception to downstreams (shareIn swallows exceptions and trows to the specified scope).
- Can share multiple streams with distinct keys at the same time.
val requester = Requester(source)
requester.requestShared("some request params")
.collect {
Interface for a how you store your cache. There is default in-memory implementation MemoryCache.
Main functions:
get(params: P, additionalKey: Any?): CachedData<T>?
put(value: T, params: P, additionalKey: Any?, time: Long)
Add implementation 'io.github.andrew0000:universal-cache:$latest_version'
to the module-level build.gradle
- Add
maven { url '' }
to theallprojects
section in top-levelbuild.gradle
For example (settings.gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
- Add
implementation 'com.github.Andrew0000:Universal-Cache:$latest_version'
to the module-levelbuild.gradle