Zone.js patches most standard APIs, such as DOM event listeners and XMLHttpRequest
in the browser, as well as EventEmitter
and the fs
API in Node.js, so they can operate within a zone.
In this document, all patched API are listed.
For non-standard APIs, please see
There are several patch mechanisms:
- Wrap: Makes callbacks run in zones, allowing applications to receive
callbacks. - Task: Similar to the JavaScript VM, applications can receive
, andonHasTask
callbacks:- MacroTask
- MicroTask
- EventTask
Some APIs which should be treated as Tasks, but are currently still patched in the wrap way.
Web APIs
API | Patch Mechanism | Others |
setTimeout/clearTimeout | MacroTask | app can get handlerId, interval, args, isPeriodic(false) through |
setImmediate/clearImmediate | MacroTask | same with setTimeout |
setInterval/clearInterval | MacroTask | isPeriodic is true, so setInterval will not trigger onHasTask callback |
requestAnimationFrame/cancelAnimationFrame | MacroTask | |
mozRequestAnimationFrame/mozCancelAnimationFrame | MacroTask | |
webkitRequestAnimationFrame/webkitCancelAnimationFrame | MacroTask | |
alert | wrap | |
prompt | wrap | |
confirm | wrap | |
Promise | MicroTask | |
EventTarget | EventTask | see below Event Target for more details |
HTMLElement on properties | EventTask | see below on properties for more details |
XMLHttpRequest.send/abort | MacroTask | |
XMLHttpRequest on properties | EventTask | |
IDBIndex on properties | EventTask | |
IDBRequest on properties | EventTask | |
IDBOpenDBRequest on properties | EventTask | |
IDBDatabaseRequest on properties | EventTask | |
IDBTransaction on properties | EventTask | |
IDBCursor on properties | EventTask | |
WebSocket on properties | EventTask | |
MutationObserver | wrap | |
WebkitMutationObserver | wrap | |
FileReader | wrap | |
registerElement | wrap |
- For browsers supporting
, Zone.js just patchesEventTarget
, so everything that inherits fromEventTarget
will also be patched. - For browsers that do not support
, Zone.js will patch the following APIs in the IDL that inherit fromEventTarget
ApplicationCache | EventSource | FileReader | InputMethodContext |
MediaController | MessagePort | Node | Performance |
SVGElementInstance | SharedWorker | TextTrack | TextTrackCue |
TextTrackList | WebKitNamedFlow | Window | Worker |
WorkerGlobalScope | XMLHttpRequest | XMLHttpRequestEventTarget | XMLHttpRequestUpload |
IDBRequest | IDBOpenDBRequest | IDBDatabase | IDBTransaction |
IDBCursor | DBIndex | WebSocket |
The following on
properties, such as onclick
, onreadystatechange
, are patched in zone.js as EventTasks:
copy | cut | paste | abort |
blur | focus | canplay | canplaythrough |
change | click | contextmenu | dblclick |
drag | dragend | dragenter | dragleave |
dragover | dragstart | drop | durationchange |
emptied | ended | input | invalid |
keydown | keypress | keyup | load |
loadeddata | loadedmetadata | loadstart | message |
mousedown | mouseenter | mouseleave | mousemove |
mouseout | mouseover | mouseup | pause |
play | playing | progress | ratechange |
reset | scroll | seeked | seeking |
select | show | stalled | submit |
suspend | timeupdate | volumechange | waiting |
mozfullscreenchange | mozfullscreenerror | mozpointerlockchange | mozpointerlockerror |
error | webglcontextrestored | webglcontextlost | webglcontextcreationerror |
API | Patch Mechanism | Others |
setTimeout/clearTimeout | MacroTask | app can get handlerId, interval, args, isPeriodic(false) through |
setImmediate/clearImmediate | MacroTask | same with setTimeout |
setInterval/clearInterval | MacroTask | isPeriodic is true, so setInterval will not trigger onHasTask callback |
process.nextTick | Microtask | isPeriodic is true, so setInterval will not trigger onHasTask callback |
Promise | MicroTask | |
EventEmitter | EventTask | All APIs inherit EventEmitter are patched as EventTask |
crypto | MacroTask | |
fs | MacroTask | all async methods are patched |
, addEventListener
, prependEventListener
, and on
will be patched once as EventTasks, while removeEventListener
and removeAllListeners
will remove those EventTasks.
Zone.js does not patch the Electron API. However, in Electron, both browser APIs and Node APIs are patched. Therefore, if you want to include Zone.js in an Electron application, please use dist/zone-mix.js
replaces the global Error
and adds zone information to the stack trace. It also addresses the 'this' issue. This problem can occur when creating an error without new
: this
will be undefined
in strict mode and global
in non-strict mode, potentially leading to difficult-to-detect issues.
const error = Error();
makes sure that this
is ZoneAwareError
even without new
wraps the global Promise
and allows it to run in zones as a MicroTask. It also passes mostly all Promise A+ tests.
Event unpatching means calling the native implementation immediately, without any additional functionality such as task tracking, zone capturing, etc.
Sometimes we don't want certain events
to be patched by zone.js
. We can instruct zone.js
to leave these events
This can be done through __Zone_ignore_on_properties
and __zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS
, which should be available on the window
object. It is usually recommended to declare these lists in the <head>
element before your code is loaded. Once the zone.js code is executed and all the patches are initialized, the __Zone_ignore_on_properties
and __zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS
lists will no longer be read:
// Disable patching `on` properties for the following targets:
const targets = [
// This is declared without `let` or `const`, so it will become a property
// of the global `window` object:
__Zone_ignore_on_properties = [];
// For the following targets, the `onscroll` property will not be patched.
// Therefore, when using `window.onscroll = () => {}`, the callback will
// always be invoked inside the root zone, because the implementation is not
// patched and the task is not tracked for the current target:
targets.forEach((target) => {
target: target,
ignoreProperties: ['scroll'],
// When calling `addEventListener` with the `scroll` event, `zone.js` will
// invoke the native browser `addEventListener` implementation immediately:
__zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS = ['scroll'];
When we declare events in __zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS
, their callbacks will not be intercepted by zone.js, since zone.js calls the native addEventListener
of the EventTarget
(not the patched function):
__zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS = ['scroll'];
Zone.current.fork({ name: 'child' }).run(() => {
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
console.log(Zone.current); // <root>
Note that for __Zone_ignore_on_properties
, we need to specify object prototypes (like Document.prototype
), with window
being the exception. This is because on
properties are part of the prototypes.
When the target
is Document.prototype
and ignoreProperties
is a list containing ['scroll']
, then document.onscroll
will not be patched.
Note that __Zone_ignore_on_properties
allows for individually unpatching events, but this only applies to on
properties. In contrast, __zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS
affects all events with the specified name. For example, if you're dealing with a library that uses FileReader
and sets the load
event using reader.onload = () => { ... }
, you can simply use __Zone_ignore_on_properties = [{ target: FileReader.prototype, ignoreProperties: ['load'] }]
. However, if the library adds a load
event listener using addEventListener
, you would need to use __zone_symbol__UNPATCHED_EVENTS = ['load']
, which would affect other targets as well. For instance, the load
event of XMLHttpRequest
would also be unpatched.