Starting with Antrea v2.2, Antrea supports PacketCapture for network diagnosis.
It can capture specified number of packets from real traffic and upload them to a
supported storage location. Users can create a PacketCapture
CR to trigger
packet capture on the target traffic flow.
PacketCapture is disabled by default. If you
want to enable this feature, you need to set feature gate PacketCapture
to true
the antrea-config
ConfigMap for antrea-agent
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: antrea-config
namespace: kube-system
antrea-agent.conf: |
PacketCapture: true
When starting a new packet capture, you can provide the following information to identify the target traffic flow:
- Source Pod, or IP address
- Destination Pod, or IP address
- Transport protocol (TCP/UDP/ICMP)
- Transport ports
- Direction (SourceToDestination/DestinationToSource/Both)
You can start a new packet capture by creating a PacketCapture
CR. An optional fileServer
field can be specified to store the generated packets file. Before that,
a Secret named antrea-packetcapture-fileserver-auth
located in the same Namespace where
Antrea is deployed must exist and carry the authentication information for the target file server.
You can also create the Secret using the following kubectl
kubectl create secret generic antrea-packetcapture-fileserver-auth -n kube-system --from-literal=username='<username>' --from-literal=password='<password>'
If no fileServer
field is present in the CR, the captured packets file will be saved in the
antrea-agent Pod (the one on the same Node with the source or destination Pod in the CR). The result
path information will be available in .status.FilePath
And here is an example of PacketCapture
kind: PacketCapture
name: pc-test
url: sftp:// # Define your own sftp url here.
# Host public key (as a base64-encoded string) that will be accepted when connecting to the file server.
# Get this key from your SSH server configuration, or from a known_hosts file.
# If omitted, any host key will be accepted, which is insecure and not recommended.
hostPublicKey: AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBCUI6Yi9KbkiPXK2MzqYYtlluw7v_WQz071JZPdZEKr # Replace with your own.
timeout: 60
number: 5
namespace: default
name: frontend
# Available options for source/destination could be `pod` (a Pod), `ip` (a specific IP address). These 2 options are mutually exclusive.
namespace: default
name: backend
# Available options for direction: `SourceToDestination` (default), `DestinationToSource` or `Both`.
direction: SourceToDestination # optional to specify
ipFamily: IPv4
protocol: TCP # support arbitrary number values and string values in [TCP,UDP,ICMP] (case insensitive)
dstPort: 8080 # Destination port needs to be set when the protocol is TCP/UDP.
The CR above starts a new packet capture of TCP flows from a Pod named frontend
to the port 8080 of a Pod named backend
using TCP protocol. It will capture the first 5 packets
that meet this criterion and upload them to the specified sftp server. Users can download the
packet file from the sftp server (or from the local antrea-agent Pod) and analyze its content
with network diagnose tools like Wireshark or tcpdump.
Note: This feature is not supported on Windows for now.