- Author(s): Kevin Perry
Concatenates an asynchronous sequence of asynchronous sequences that share an Element
type together sequentially where the elements from the resulting asynchronous sequence are comprised in order from the elements of the first asynchronous sequence and then the second (and so on) or until an error occurs. Similar to chain()
, except the number of asynchronous sequences to concatenate is not known up front.
Optionally allows inserting the elements of a separator asynchronous sequence in between each of the other sequences.
let sequenceOfURLs: AsyncSequence<URL> = ...
let sequenceOfLines = sequenceOfURLs.map { $0.lines }
let joinedWithSeparator = sequenceOfLines.joined(separator: ["===================="].async)
for try await lineOrSeparator in joinedWithSeparator {
This example shows how an AsyncSequence
of URL
s can be turned into an AsyncSequence
of the lines of each of those files in sequence, with a separator line in between each file.
extension AsyncSequence where Element: AsyncSequence {
public func joined() -> AsyncJoinedSequence<Self> {
return AsyncJoinedSequence(self)
extension AsyncSequence where Element: AsyncSequence {
public func joined<Separator: AsyncSequence>(separator: Separator) -> AsyncJoinedBySeparatorSequence<Self, Separator> {
return AsyncJoinedBySeparatorSequence(self, separator: separator)
public struct AsyncJoinedSequence<Base: AsyncSequence>: AsyncSequence where Base.Element: AsyncSequence {
public typealias Element = Base.Element.Element
public struct Iterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
public mutating func next() async rethrows -> Base.Element.Element?
public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator
extension AsyncJoinedSequence: Sendable
Base: Sendable,
Base.Element: Sendable,
Base.Element.Element: Sendable,
Base.AsyncIterator: Sendable,
Base.Element.AsyncIterator: Sendable { }
extension AsyncJoinedSequence.Iterator: Sendable
Base: Sendable,
Base.Element: Sendable,
Base.Element.Element: Sendable,
Base.AsyncIterator: Sendable,
Base.Element.AsyncIterator: Sendable { }
public struct AsyncJoinedBySeparatorSequence<Base: AsyncSequence, Separator: AsyncSequence>: AsyncSequence
where Base.Element: AsyncSequence, Separator.Element == Base.Element.Element {
public typealias Element = Base.Element.Element
public struct Iterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
public mutating func next() async rethrows -> Base.Element.Element?
public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator
extension AsyncJoinedBySeparatorSequence: Sendable
Base: Sendable,
Base.Element: Sendable,
Base.Element.Element: Sendable,
Base.AsyncIterator: Sendable,
Separator: Sendable,
Separator.AsyncIterator: Sendable,
Base.Element.AsyncIterator: Sendable { }
extension AsyncJoinedBySeparatorSequence.Iterator: Sendable
Base: Sendable,
Base.Element: Sendable,
Base.Element.Element: Sendable,
Base.AsyncIterator: Sendable,
Separator: Sendable,
Separator.AsyncIterator: Sendable,
Base.Element.AsyncIterator: Sendable { }
The resulting AsyncJoinedSequence
or AsyncJoinedBySeparatorSequence
type is an asynchronous sequence, with conditional conformance to Sendable
when the arguments conform.
When any of the asynchronous sequences being joined together come to their end of iteration, the Joined
sequence iteration proceeds to the separator asynchronous sequence, if any. When the separator asynchronous sequence terminates, or if no separator was specified, it proceeds on to the next asynchronous sequence. When the last asynchronous sequence reaches the end of iteration the AsyncJoinedSequence
or AsyncJoinedBySeparatorSequence
then ends its iteration. At any point in time if one of the comprising asynchronous sequences ever throws an error during iteration the AsyncJoinedSequence
or AsyncJoinedBySeparatorSequence
iteration will throw that error and end iteration.
The Swift Algorithms package has additional synchronous variants of joined()
. It is conceivable to bring asynchronous variants of those over to AsyncSequence
The variant that takes a single element as a separator is straightforward, but can be trivially replicated with [element].async
. However, it may be beneficial for performance to reimplement this directly.
There is another variant that takes a closure that allows one to customize the separator based on the return value of a closure. That closure is passed each of the two consecutive asynchronous sequences (not the two neighboring elements in consecutive sequences). This variant arguably has the greatest utility when the sequence type conforms to Collection
, allowing either the count
or any arbitrary element to be obtained directly. With AsyncSequence
, it is less likely that this function with provide a similar level of utility, so it has been omitted.
Because joined()
is essentially identical to flatMap { $0 }
, it was considered that this should be called flatten()
instead. However, it is preferable to follow the lead of the Swift standard library's joined()
The Swift standard library has functions on synchronous sequences (joined()
, joined(separator:)
) that perform similar (but synchronous) tasks.