index 18a8008b..8794b56d 100644
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ That assumes you built with `--release`. To run the debug version, use `xray_deb
XRAY_SRC_PATH=. script/xray_debug .
-Once a blank window has opened, press cmd-t to open the file selection menu. Search for a file, and press enter to open it. The contents of the file should appear in the window. If something does not go as expected, check the dev tools (cmd-shift-i) for errors.
+Once a blank window has opened, press cmd-t to open the file selection menu. Search for a file, and press enter to open it. The contents of the file should appear in the window. If something does not go as expected, check the dev tools (alt-cmd-i) for errors.
## Running tests and benchmarks