| 1 | +3b09002 (HEAD -> master, tag: 5.0.1, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fixing the hackish type definition, fixes #105 |
| 2 | +2e3d1bb (tag: 5.0.0) Updating typescript module definition |
| 3 | +5715622 (origin/modernize, modernize) Updating `.npmignore` |
| 4 | +19b39a7 Modernizing build & outputs |
| 5 | +b326ec5 (tag: 4.2.1) Fixing case where rounding results in the wrong exponent, fixes #103 |
| 6 | +5b362af Updating travis-ci.org config |
| 7 | +ab80f87 (tag: 4.2.0) Updating dependencies, version bump to release #102 |
| 8 | +b9f7fb4 build |
| 9 | +63a453f update docs for localeOptions |
| 10 | +6505945 add support for localeOptions |
| 11 | +4a1ef85 Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 |
| 12 | +732a7db Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 |
| 13 | +dd8f754 (tag: 4.1.2) Refactoring `locale` option to accept `String` or `Boolean` values, re-organizing code such that an `exponent` output skips unneeded ops |
| 14 | +3b71615 (tag: 4.1.1) Fixing order of ops that could've impacted `object` output |
| 15 | +26d4972 (tag: 4.1.0) Adding `locale` option which overrides `separator`, fixes #96 |
| 16 | +81e5499 (tag: 4.0.0) Updating README |
| 17 | +a0b268f Removing deprecated `suffixes` option with a major version bump, updating README & LICENSE copyrights, updating dev dependencies |
| 18 | +5bcc3c4 Updating travis-ci.org configuration |
| 19 | +fb9bd3e (tag: 3.6.1) Including ES6 version with `npm install`, updating grunt build such that more files are linted |
| 20 | +dc04050 oops |
| 21 | +8603992 (tag: 3.6.0) Adding `separator` option, fixes #93 |
| 22 | +20baedd (tag: 3.5.11) Updating build dependencies, travis-ci.org config, fixing banner alignment in uglify output |
| 23 | +c48db38 Add CDNJS version badge in README.md |
| 24 | +7c172ea (tag: 3.5.10) Fucking webstorm!!!! |
| 25 | +b93909e Updating `uglify` dependency |
| 26 | +54d9770 (tag: 3.5.9) Removing loader script as it apparently breaks browserify/webpack loading (sigh) |
| 27 | +0e07bba (tag: 3.5.8) Adding `index.js` to load es5 or es6 depending on the test environment |
| 28 | +2edf1a3 (tag: 3.5.7) Adding `babili` task to minify the es6 file, fixes #86 |
| 29 | +77db546 (tag: 3.5.6) Building missing files, updating README |
| 30 | +422f427 (tag: 3.5.5) Changing things such that you can do `filesize(0, {exponent: n})` and get the correct result, adding a test, fixes #85 |
| 31 | +7c75121 Updating example in README |
| 32 | +1f6c51f Updating example in README |
| 33 | +727db07 (tag: 3.5.4) Adding `fullforms` for overriding full form |
| 34 | +d957df3 (tag: 3.5.3) Fixing `0 bytes` |
| 35 | +7bc227e (tag: 3.5.2) Updating README |
| 36 | +1dee34f (tag: 3.5.1) Correcting `longform` to `fullform` |
| 37 | +7d8b650 (tag: 3.5.0) Adding `longform` flag, fixing markdown in README |
| 38 | +7009d45 (tag: 3.4.3) Oops, fixes #84 |
| 39 | +4d1e9ea (tag: 3.4.2) Simplifying `filesize.partial()` & adding a test |
| 40 | +245aa6d (tag: 3.4.1) Fixing alignment of the example in README |
| 41 | +de2e388 Changing a statement to be a little easier to read, updating build status graphic to be SVG for better rendering on various devices |
| 42 | +c1d40b5 Updating `travis-ci.org` config 'cause the eslint dep requires es6 engine without a `strictEngine` (so pro) |
| 43 | +1ba7b0c (tag: 3.4.0) Creating `filesize.partial()` for creating a partial application / functional programming style, updating dependencies, fixing lint errors, updating README & LICENSE copyright year, updating README to cover `filesize.partial()` |
| 44 | +18d31a8 improve format |
| 45 | +81bc1d2 Adding a downloads shield to the README ... 'cause why not |
| 46 | +4cef8ec (tag: 3.3.0) Updating travis-ci.org build config to use latest stable versions of nodejs 4.x & 5.x |
| 47 | +d795026 Minor optimization by looking at the exponent vs the string length |
| 48 | +70048cb Handling bits, and `base` collision |
| 49 | +1a1a18d Adding support for IEC standard via new `standard` descriptor property (defaults to `jedec`), fixes #80 |
| 50 | +0521336 Updating a comment |
| 51 | +cc2ad7a (tag: 3.2.1) Fixing invalid results for small & large bit values, fixes #77 |
| 52 | +5e73b68 add test case for huge number |
| 53 | +914d458 (tag: 3.2.0) Fixing a poor choice in wording by marking `suffixes` for deprecation & moving to `symbols`, updating README (fixes #72, #73) |
| 54 | +f7a059f (tag: 3.1.6) Fixing kilobit & kilobyte symbols by ensuring JEDEC for base 2 & SI for base 10, fixes #69 |
| 55 | +df5d39d Updating travis-ci to test node 5.4.x |
| 56 | +ad2eeb1 Removing `.idea` file from npm, fixes #71 |
| 57 | +71cc5a5 (tag: 3.1.5) Fixing package.json |
| 58 | +6afd5ac Fixing `bit` suffix & updating build to use latest version of babel, fixes #68 |
| 59 | +cc96df2 Add bower manifest |
| 60 | +d60a6e2 (tag: 3.1.4) Version bump |
| 61 | +ed50e65 Correctly check for AMD loader |
| 62 | +20b4ac4 (tag: 3.1.3) Updating the package manifest for npm |
| 63 | +1a4aab0 Update license attribute |
| 64 | +a4448cd (tag: 3.1.2) Removing unneeded nesting of conditionals |
| 65 | +4fd4373 (tag: 3.1.1) Updating travis file |
| 66 | +fc3714f Updating to transpiler to `babel` 4.0.0, reformatting some statements for readability, moving `consts` to the top of the lib |
| 67 | +f214346 (tag: 3.1.0) Refactored to ES6, with transpiling to ES5 |
| 68 | +db1df8e Update README.md |
| 69 | +905c6b5 Added Gitter badge |
| 70 | +93ad043 (tag: 3.0.2) Fixing an error in exponent calculation such that `ceil` is utilized & added two tests, fixes #59 |
| 71 | +0af5ea1 (tag: 3.0.1) Adding the ability to specify the `exponent` used for determining the file size, and adding `exponent` as an output value (feature request by email) |
| 72 | +a7fe91b (tag: 3.0.0, origin/3.0) Refactoring `filesize()` to output `Array` & `Object` shapes, & changing default `base` to `2`, reformatting code based on IDE settings (not included) |
| 73 | +f53152d add composer.json |
| 74 | +d3df0b0 (tag: 2.0.4, origin/2.0) Fixes #55 by avoiding type mutation, fixing CI tests by removing node 0.8.x |
| 75 | +fd448ab (origin/edge) Adding exabyte, zettabyte, yottabyte, exabit, zettabit, & yottabit sizes |
| 76 | +9598e10 Removing a file |
| 77 | +7e46fd9 Generating a String instead of an Array for 'unix mode' |
| 78 | +98f34a1 Changing the method of generating `result` |
| 79 | +d5a1f9d Adding language overriding via optional `suffixes` dictionary |
| 80 | +d68c555 Updating README |
| 81 | +984404d Adding node.js 0.10.x to travis-ci file |
| 82 | +09a7dbc Completing 2.0.0 |
| 83 | +c401052 Initial refactor for 2.0.0 |
| 84 | +290fa44 Typo |
| 85 | +49ecfc2 Minor change |
| 86 | +c148806 Updating example in README |
| 87 | +15ff11b Switching to base 10 |
| 88 | +223b8ea Correcting `kilobit` & `kilobyte` symbols |
| 89 | +baa4450 Updating README |
| 90 | +20a039e Updating README |
| 91 | +f2c05e1 Updating README |
| 92 | +9865d46 Updating `.npmignore` |
| 93 | +191baa4 Returning `grunt-cli` to `package.json` |
| 94 | +e9b9a99 Updating `README.md` examples |
| 95 | +11f0d72 Removing unused grunt module |
| 96 | +2c249e7 Updated grunt build, implemented `jshint` for linting, fixes #32 |
| 97 | +642966b Making `0` case faster |
| 98 | +fdf8b22 Treating bytes as cardinal numbers |
| 99 | +1914018 Updating `.npmignore` to ignore unneeded files for distribution, fixes #28 |
| 100 | +94d7b00 Updating README.md |
| 101 | +7a3aa08 Added a `third` optional boolean argument to disable `bit` sizes, fixes #25 |
| 102 | +7648fee Caching variables in closure scope, upgraded to grunt 0.4.0, fixed license link in README.md |
| 103 | +d1428f6 Changing how 0 is handled (less wasted ops) |
| 104 | +5075979 Adding support for zero as a parameter |
| 105 | +e5965f0 Optimizations; kudos to @marktucker for looking over the lib |
| 106 | +785ae92 :gem: Added travis.yml file :gem: |
| 107 | +0fb401c Optimizing the negative number flip using the simplest method (minus operator) |
| 108 | +1e538f6 Fixing license link in banner |
| 109 | +3f347fa Removing unnecessary `typeof` operators |
| 110 | +fb27fd3 Utilizing Math.abs(), updating the banner |
| 111 | +0feae20 Adding support for negative sizes, fixes #12 |
| 112 | +e1a3ea5 Adding license for proper attribution in a retail product |
| 113 | +4a167c2 Adding license for proper attribution in a retail product |
| 114 | +bfa1398 Refactored to utilize regex tests instead of string comparisons, minor version bump |
| 115 | +2222c6e Fixing shorthand for `bit` suffixes |
| 116 | +1d0eb61 Updated README |
| 117 | +5ffc824 Updated README |
| 118 | +5341f0b Version bump |
| 119 | +97a497c Extended size ranges to support Byte - PetaByte based on the new standard definitions |
| 120 | +f487a26 Fixing a test |
| 121 | +8315027 Specified the base/radix for parseInt() & simplified the number cast |
| 122 | +3a17140 :gem: Travis CI image/link in readme :gem: |
| 123 | +497a6f9 :gem: Added travis.yml file :gem: |
| 124 | +edae6f2 Shouldn't have been in the commit |
| 125 | +c42ae05 Correcting dir structure |
| 126 | +cc36eac Fixing npm path |
| 127 | +39e6529 Implemented a grunt build process & unit tests |
| 128 | +ce70843 Updating npm package.json, moving tag |
| 129 | +6cfdca0 Removing deprecated variables, moving tag |
| 130 | +cf2c698 (tag: 1.6.5) Removing unnecessary ops, making the AMD loading anonymous, updated docblock |
| 131 | +6f0172e Add jam ignore |
| 132 | +6878d5f Alignment |
| 133 | +c485923 Updating npm package.json |
| 134 | +95507e1 Added a missing semicolon |
| 135 | +f2126d0 Made it faster |
| 136 | +a2eefc4 Updating readme & package.json copy |
| 137 | +dbfa5fc Updated read me |
| 138 | +9dc9455 Getting the node.js export correct (i think) |
| 139 | +007f1ef Reverting nodejs exports structure, original was correct; bumping version to move npm forward |
| 140 | +fae6fb7 Fixing nodejs export |
| 141 | +59d04ab Generated a proper package.json |
| 142 | +141cf32 Added package.json |
| 143 | +79c826a Updating docblock |
| 144 | +2b14b66 (tag: 1.6.0) Added support for node.js |
| 145 | +ecf074c Updated read me |
| 146 | +e9991cd Updated read me |
| 147 | +f3e8803 Updated read me |
| 148 | +4165623 Updated read me |
| 149 | +33b074c (tag: 1.5.0) Added an optional third boolean parameter to emulate "ls -lh" output, which overrides "pos" parameter |
| 150 | +329e874 (tag: 1.4.0) Add parameter validation, fixed byte output, updated docblock |
| 151 | +21e2aa7 Fixing AMD loading |
| 152 | +1375bdc Removing window references |
| 153 | +326e4f4 (tag: 1.3.0) Really, this time... |
| 154 | +41901ec Fixing AMD loading (for real) |
| 155 | +5c177a9 (tag: 1.2.0) Fixing AMD loading |
| 156 | +319e420 Updated README |
| 157 | +8339154 Updated README |
| 158 | +3ba0ccd Breaking when finding the right divisor |
| 159 | +38de690 Updated README |
| 160 | +829b250 (tag: 1.1.0) Added 'byte' as the smallest size, fixes S3 file size computing, etc. |
| 161 | +11f5015 Updated README |
| 162 | +c1f49eb (tag: 1.0.0) Initial code commit |
| 163 | +7078c4f Initial commit |
0 commit comments