diff --git a/apl/tabular-operators/externaldata-operator.mdx b/apl/tabular-operators/externaldata-operator.mdx
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+title: externaldata
+description: 'This page explains how to use the externaldata operator in APL.'
+The `externaldata` operator in APL allows you to retrieve data from external storage sources, such as Azure Blob Storage, AWS S3, or HTTP endpoints, and use it within queries. You can specify the schema of the external data and query it as if it were a native dataset. This operator is useful when you need to analyze data that is stored externally without importing it into Axiom.
+The `externaldata` operator currently supports external data sources with a file size of maximum 5 MB.
+The `externaldata` operator is currently in public preview. For more information, see [Features states](/getting-started-guide/feature-states).
+## For users of other query languages
+If you come from other query languages, this section explains how to adjust your existing queries to achieve the same results in APL.
+Splunk does not have a direct equivalent to `externaldata`, but you can use `inputlookup` or `| rest` commands to retrieve data from external sources.
+```sql Splunk example
+| inputlookup external_data.csv
+```kusto APL equivalent
+externaldata (id:string, timestamp:datetime) ["https://storage.example.com/data.csv"] with (format="csv")
+In SQL, the equivalent approach is to use `OPENROWSET` to access external data stored in cloud storage.
+```sql SQL example
+SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'https://storage.example.com/data.csv', FORMAT = 'CSV') AS data;
+```kusto APL equivalent
+externaldata (id:string, timestamp:datetime) ["https://storage.example.com/data.csv"] with (format="csv")
+## Usage
+### Syntax
+externaldata (FieldName1:FieldType1, FieldName2:FieldType2, ...) ["URL1", "URL2", ...] [with (format = "FormatType", ignoreFirstRecord=false)]
+### Parameters
+| Parameter | Description |
+| `FieldName1:FieldType1, FieldName2:FieldType2, ...` | Defines the schema of the external data. |
+| `URL1, URL2, ...` | The external storage URIs where the source data resides. |
+| `format` | Optional: Specifies the file format. The supported types are `csv`, `scsv`, `tsv`, `psv`, `json`, `multijson`, `raw`, `txt`. |
+| `ignoreFirstRecord` | Optional: A Boolean value that specifies whether to ignore the first record in the external data sources. The default is false. Use this property for CSV files with headers. |
+### Returns
+The operator returns a table with the specified schema, containing data retrieved from the external source.
+## Use case examples
+You have an Axiom dataset that contains access logs with a field `employeeID`. You want to add extra information to your APL query by cross-referencing each employee ID in the Axiom dataset with an employee ID defined in an external lookup table. The lookup table is hosted somewhere else in CSV format.
+**External lookup table**
+employeeID, email, name, location
+00001, tifa@acme.com, Tifa Lockhart, US
+00002, barret@acme.com, Barret Wallace, Europe
+00003, cid@acme.com, Cid Highwind, Europe
+let employees = externaldata (employeeID: string, email: string, name: string, location: string) ["http://example.com/lookup-table.csv"] with (format="csv", skipFirstRow=true);
+| where severity == "high"
+| lookup employees on employeeID
+| project _time, severity, employeeID, email, name
+| _time | severity | employeeID | email | name |
+| Mar 13, 10:08:23 | high | 00001 | tifa@acme.com | Tifa Lockhart |
+| Mar 13, 10:05:03 | high | 00001 | tifa@acme.com | Tifa Lockhart |
+| Mar 13, 10:04:51 | high | 00003 | cid@acme.com | Cid Highwind |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:29 | high | 00002 | barret@acme.com | Barret Wallace |
+| Mar 13, 10:01:13 | high | 00001 | tifa@acme.com | Tifa Lockhart |
+This example extends the original dataset with the fields `email` and `name`. These new fields come from the external lookup table.
+Use a lookup table from an external source to extend an OTel logs dataset with a field that contains human-readable names for each service.
+**External lookup table**
+let LookupTable = externaldata (serviceName: string, humanreadableServiceName: string) ["http://example.com/lookup-table.csv"] with (format="csv", ignoreFirstRecord=true);
+| lookup kind=leftouter LookupTable on $left.['service.name'] == $right.serviceName
+| project _time, span_id, ['service.name'], humanreadableServiceName
+| _time | span_id | service.name | humanreadableServiceName |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:28 | 398050797bb646ef | flagd | Flagd |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:28 | 0ccd6baca8bea890 | flagd | Flagd |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:28 | 2e579cbb3632381a | flagd | Flagd |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:29 | 468be2336e35ca32 | loadgenerator | Loadgenerator |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:29 | e06348cc4b50ab0d | frontend | Frontend |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:29 | 74571a6fa797f769 | frontendproxy | Frontendproxy |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:29 | 7ab5eb0a5cd2e0cd | frontendproxy | Frontendproxy |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:29 | 050cf3e9ab7efdda | frontend | Frontend |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:29 | b2882e3343414175 | frontend | Frontend |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:29 | fd7c06a6a746f3e2 | frontend | Frontend |
+| Mar 13, 10:02:29 | 606d8a818bec7637 | productcatalogservice | Productcatalog |
+## List of related operators
+- [lookup](/apl/tabular-operators/lookup-operator): Performs joins between a dataset and an external table.
+- [union](/apl/tabular-operators/union-operator): Merges multiple datasets, including external ones.
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diff --git a/apl/tabular-operators/overview.mdx b/apl/tabular-operators/overview.mdx
index 8179003..c73aa49 100644
--- a/apl/tabular-operators/overview.mdx
+++ b/apl/tabular-operators/overview.mdx
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ The table summarizes the tabular operators available in APL.
| [distinct](/apl/tabular-operators/distinct-operator) | Returns a dataset with unique values from the specified fields, removing any duplicate entries. |
| [extend](/apl/tabular-operators/extend-operator) | Returns the original dataset with one or more new fields appended, based on the defined expressions. |
| [extend-valid](/apl/tabular-operators/extend-valid-operator) | Returns a table where the specified fields are extended with new values based on the given expression for valid rows. |
+| [externaldata](/apl/tabular-operators/externaldata-operator) | Returns a table with the specified schema, containing data retrieved from an external source. |
| [join](/apl/tabular-operators/join-operator) | Returns a dataset containing rows from two different tables based on conditions. |
| [limit](/apl/tabular-operators/limit-operator) | Returns the top N rows from the input dataset. |
| [lookup](/apl/tabular-operators/lookup-operator) | Returns a dataset where rows from one dataset are enriched with matching columns from a lookup table based on conditions. |
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+ "apl/tabular-operators/externaldata-operator",
diff --git a/getting-started-guide/feature-states.mdx b/getting-started-guide/feature-states.mdx
index 591a711..06b7786 100644
--- a/getting-started-guide/feature-states.mdx
+++ b/getting-started-guide/feature-states.mdx
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Current private preview features:
Current public preview features:
- [Cursor-based pagination](/restapi/pagination)
+- [externaldata operator](/apl/tabular-operators/externaldata-operator)
- [Send data from JavaScript app to Axiom using @axiomhq/logging library](/guides/javascript)
- [Send data from Next.js app to Axiom using @axiomhq/nextjs library](/send-data/nextjs)
- [Send data from React app to Axiom using @axiomhq/react library](/send-data/react)
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