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What are Agendas?

Agendas are Promise-like struct objects that allow you to easily schedule and chain together callbacks. Unlike Promises, Agendas forgo error catching in favor of a simpler design more suitable for offline-only singleplayer games.

An Agenda is essentially a fancy todo list — Todos get created within a Handler function and may be completed at any time. The Agenda is resolved once all created Todos are completed, or immediately if none were created, which will then execute the Handler function of the next Agenda in the chain if one exists.

Using Agendas

Creating Agendas

Agendas can be created like this agenda_create(scope, handler, [value]) or this new Agenda(scope, handler, [value]).
Agendas created in this way are handled immediately, meaning their handler is called immediately.

agenda_create(self, function(agenda, value) {
  var todo = agenda.create_todo()
  do_animation("jump", todo)

You can create new Todos within the handler function using the create_todo() method.
Any number of Todos can be created within an Agenda.

agenda_create(self, function(agenda, value) {
  for(var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
    var todo = agenda.create_todo()
    fire_projectile(obj_fireball, todo)

Resolving Agendas

An Agenda will resolve after all Todos created within the Agenda's handler are completed.
Todos can be completed with the complete() method.

static animation_finished = function(todo) {

If no Todos were created within the handler, the Agenda will resolve immediately.

Chaining Agendas

Agendas can be chained onto with the and_then(handler) method.
These Agendas will be handled after the Agenda they are chained onto is resolved.

agenda_create(self, function(agenda, value) {
  do_animation("attack_start", agenda.create_todo())

.and_then(function(agenda, value) {
  do_animation("attack_end", agenda.create_todo())

A final callback can be chained onto an Agenda with the and_finally([callback]) method.
This does not create a new Agenda, and cannot be chained off of.

agenda_create(self, function(agenda, value) {
  do_animation("attack_start", agenda.create_todo())

.and_then(function(agenda, value) {
  do_animation("attack_end", agenda.create_todo())

.and_finally(function(value) {
  finished_animating = true

Passing Values Through Agendas

agenda_create has an optional [value] argument which will be passed into the handler.

agenda_create(self, function(agenda, animation_name) {
  do_animation(animation_name, agenda.create_todo())
}, "attack_start")

This value will be passed into the next Agenda or final callback in the chain.

agenda_create(self, function(agenda, victim_instance) {
  do_animation("attack_start", agenda.create_todo())
}, victim_instance)

.and_then(function(agenda, victim_instance) {
  do_animation("attack_end", agenda.create_todo())

If you want to pass a different value into the next Agenda or final callback in the chain, return it in the handler

agenda_create(self, function(agenda, victim_instance) {
  do_animation("attack_start", agenda.create_todo())
}, victim_instance)

.and_then(function(agenda, victim_instance) {
  var retaliation_damage = attack_instance(victim_instance)
  do_animation("attack_end", agenda.create_todo())
  return retaliation_damage

.and_finally(retaliation_damage) {

Repeating Agendas

An Agenda can be repeated with the and_repeat_until(predicate_function) method.
The predicate function takes the return value of the previous Agenda's handler as an argument. It should return false if the previous Agenda should be handled again, or true if it should be resolved.

agenda_create(self, function(agenda, amount) {
  return amount --
}, 5)

.and_repeat_until(function(amount) {
  return ammount == 0

.and_finally(amount) {

If and_repeat_until is chained off of, it will pass the same value it received onto the next Agenda or final callback in the chain.

Chaining Agendas off of Todos

Agendas can be created from Todos with the agenda(scope, handler, [value]) method.

static do_animation = function(animation_name, todo) {
  todo.agenda(self, function(agenda, animation_name) {
    animate(animation_name, agenda.create_todo())
  }, animation_name)


agenda_create(self, function(agenda, value) {
  do_animation("attack_start", agenda.create_todo())

.and_finally(function(value) {
  finished_animating = true

After the chain reaches its and_finally callback, the chain's source Todo will complete itself.
Notice how no callback is passed into and_finally within do_animation. As long as the final Agenda in a chain has and_finally chained onto it, the source Todo will be completed whether a callback is passed or not.

Canceling Agendas

An Agenda can be canceled within the handler with the cancel([do_complete_source_todo]) method, preventing any further chaining.

agenda_create(self, function(agenda, value) {
  var success = do_animation("attack_start", agenda.create_todo())
  if !success {

.and_then(function(agenda, value) {
  var success = do_animation("attack_end", agenda.create_todo())
  if !success {

.and_finally(function(value) {
  finished_animating = true

If the Agenda was created from the agenda method of a Todo, you may optionally pass true into cancel to complete the original Todo.
If this is not done, the original Todo will not be completed because the and_finally callback will never be executed.
If the Agenda was created from agenda_create then this argument is ignored.