All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
Each change is prefixed with one of these keywords::
- Added: Describes new features.
- Changed: Highlights modifications to existing functionality.
- Deprecated: Marks features that will be removed in the future.
- Removed: Indicates features that have been taken out.
- Fixed: Denotes bug fixes.
- Security: Pertains to actions taken in response to vulnerabilities.
Added: data-cy
labels for HeaderCellMenu and CellContent.
- Fixed: Pane footer cut-off issue in iOS Safari.
iPad Pro (11-inch) - Tested using Xcode
Fixed data-cy label for Input.
- Fixed TypeError in
- Wrapped all localStorage operations in try-catch blocks to handle potential failures in private browsing mode or due to storage restrictions.
- Fixed: Hex color input field auto-population issue in ColorPicker.
- Added logic to show clear selection callout when all table rows are selected
- Added:
label for ProgressBar
- Fixed TypeError in Pane component.
- Fixed height computation issue in Pane component.
- Fixed issue with table height computation when reorder column is enabled.
- Added: Click functionality to the Switch component
- Changed: Table font size unit from px to rem.
- Shows the color palette in the color picker by default.
- Updates the color list and the onChange handler to align with the color and onChange handler of the picker.
- Refactors and cleans up the onChange handlers and the associated functions.
- Skips over writing the saved email details with the duplicate email entered by the user.
Changed the data-cy
prop for Toast message component.
- The MouseTrap lib by default will not fire callbacks for events inside fields like input, textarea etc.. We have to use
if we want the key bindings for work for form fields as well.
By default all keyboard events will not fire if you are inside of a textarea, input, or select to prevent undesirable things from happening.
This means that a keyboard event bound using Mousetrap.bind will only work outside of form input fields, but using Mousetrap.bindGlobal will work in both places.
Documentation -
- Updates the color palette to support hex values and removes the tailwind dependency.
- Removed the logic to sanitize the value of the datepicker.
- The values are already sanitized in the onChange handler.
The false value of the prop
was ignored in the implementations before v9.0.2. -
After 9.0.2, the implementation is such that the icon is rendered as passed in the config.
Since the
value was used to show the default icon set internally, replaced it with a function that returns null which solved the problem.- Code ref:
- The
if (icon === false)
statement was never success for some reason.
PR which addressed this issue: fkhadra/react-toastify#758
- Updates the value and default value fixed to the allowed range only if the user has touched the fields. This will fix the values outside the allowed ranges until not properly rendered initially.
- Removed the toastr icon by default.
- Fixed: Added
to peer dependencies.
- Updated NeetoDatePicker to accept
as an optional prop and replaces thegenerateConfig.getNow
with the externalgetNow
when availabel. - set the
prop with valuedayjs
which will return the current time in the set timezone.
- The
will always return aPromise
, even if the submit handler inside doesn’t return one. This leads to unexpected bugs, as thePromise
resolves immediately when using themutate
function ofuseMutation
while the API call might still be in progress. - In Formik, if a Promise is returned, it waits for it to resolve before setting isSubmitting to false. In our case, this happens immediately after the button click.
- Since we weren’t returning the result of the submit handler, it consistently returned a Promise once the handler executed, which caused this behavior.
- Removed: Tailwind utility classes from components.
- Added: Utility classes for
. - Added: Utility classes for
. - Added: Utility classes for
. - Added: Utility classes for
font-size: inherit
- Fixed issues with the MultiEmailInput component when
option is enabled.
- Added: Text truncation for table column titles.
@praveen-murali-ind _a
- Changed: default vertical alignment of checkbox and radio buttons from
@praveen-murali-ind _a
- Added caching logic in days util function.
- Prevents calling hide tooltip if already destroyed, calling hide on a destroyed instance was throwing a warning in jest test.
- The removed props from the Dropdown component is no longer supported by Tippy, using those in the molecules was throwing warnings in the console.
- Fixes existing jest warnings.
- Adds
package to prevent checking in changes with warnings and errors in console.
Upgraded the Rollup package to latest version(4.24.1), and its plugins as well!
Added: data-cy
prop to Check and Close icons in Switch component.
This PR contains the following changes:
Added following improvements to the live playground:
- Added Syntax highlighting
- Changed the Editor to use light theme
- Added Default code to the Editor and removed the example code snippet
- Fixed dayjs timezone issue with DatePicker and TimePicker components.
- Removes the save and continue navigation functionality and replaces it with stay on the page.
The menu was not visible in the overlay components like Pane. To fix that increased the zIndex from the 9999 which was the default value of Tippy to 99999.
The existing implementation was ignoring the already set fixed columns. This will merge the frozen columns with the fixed columns in the columnData in the initial render.
- Updated the handleSubmit function on the Form component from Formik to be asynchronous.
- Implements freeze/unfreeze column feature in the Table.
- Replaced AntdTable loader with NeetoUI Spinner.

. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
- Added: Utility classes for the newly added colors.
- Updated:
torgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 2px 1px -1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07) 0px 1px 1px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 0px 1px 3px 0px
. - Updated:
torgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 3px 3px -2px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 3px 4px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 1px 8px 0px
. - Updated:
torgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 3px 5px -1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 6px 10px 0px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 1px 18px 0px
. - Updated:
torgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 5px 5px -3px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 8px 10px 1px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 3px 14px 2px
- Updated: Button hover/focus states.
- Improved: Callout styles.
- Improved: Table styles.
- Improved: Toast bg.
- Updated: Toast button style to tertiary.
- Updated: Tab border color.
- Updated: Storybook theme to match the branding.
- Improved: Documentation readability.
- Added option to pass data-cy to accordion
- Added: Autoscroll and autoformatting features in the MultiEmailInput component.
- Changed: BREAKING: Added @babel/runtime, @bigbinary/neeto-hotkeys, @tippyjs/react, classnames, dayjs, linkify-react, and qs and peer dependencies.
Adds logic to prevent multiple submissions when enter is pressed Video:
- Changed: status position to the bottom right.
- Changed: status size.
@praveen-murali-ind _a
- Fixed: mobile responsiveness of the Stepper component.
Repositions color palette to top
- Changed: Removed react-select and framer-motion from peer dependencies.
- Changed: Moved some dependencies to peerDependencies
- Added: a new component
- Fixed: color picker dropdown height.
- Updated: onChange handler types of ColorPicker
- Added: ability to reset timestamp value to null using value prop
- Added: onBlur handler for textarea to trim leading and trailing spaces
- Fixed:
when using Toastr.error
Added: Logic to return toastId
when calling Toastr.
Fixes the occasional scrollbar that appears when the input height is calculated based on the content in the value change handler.
- Added: Customizable border to Popover arrow.

- Added:
prop to allow time range picking. - Added: Selected values will be available on
. - Fixed: Error while string value is passed.
- Removed sort_by query param from URL when it takes no value
Added: data-cy
to Tag container div.
- Updated: Avatar theme.

- Removed: condition to disable FormikButton when the form is invalid.
- Updated
version to^0.29.0
in devDependencies. - Updated
version to^1.0.54
in devDependencies. - Updated
version to^2.0.87
in devDependencies. - Disabled
- Removed: CSS font smoothing.
- Updated: neeto language page - added rule for "Archive vs. deactivate"
- Fixed: Misalignment between input and prefix for large screens. Line break in prefix when hyphens are added.
- Fixes janky animation in Pane when form fields have the
Added: optionRemapping
prop to map the label and value properties of options
prop in Select component.
- Fixed: Overrided
function to output empty array if value is null in DatePicker
- Fixed: the issue of filter invalid emails link for valid emails in MultiEmailInput component
- Added:
prop to MultiEmailInput.
- Added: resize and reorder columns functionality to Table component.
Removed following components from neetoui
- Added:
prop to Input and Textarea and reverted the behaviour of maxlength prop to the native one.
- Fixed: Dropdown menu scroll issues.
- Fixed: multi dropdown position in Safari.
- Fixed: promise rejection in formik.
- Removed:
from bundling. - Added: sourcemaps for each bundle.
Added: Support for children array in Tooltip component.
- Fixed: defaulted buttons inside color picker to type
- Fixed: issue with content overflow and overlap in table cells
Added: children
prop for button and tag components
- Changed: -the default row size to 30 and hidden the page size changer in the Table component.
- Fixed: weird behavior or create new option in MultiEmailInput.
- Added: keyboard accessibility to color picker.
Added terser plugin to rollup config to minimise bundle size.
- Renamed the lib folder to src.
- Made the corresponding changes in config files.
- Updated imports with lib to use aliased imports.
- Updated the documentation.
- Ensured tests are running as expected.
This PR adds the following changes to the Switch component.
- Added
to the Switch component so that it supports adding Tooltip to it, as per this guide.
- Added:
prop to HelpSection component. - Added: data-cy to
prop. - Changed: label into an optional value in LinkType.
- Updated: product title font weight in ProductSwitcher from
- Updated: Search icon position from right to left in AppSwitcher search input.
After ## 4.2.9 - 2023-02-08 - Changed: `Neeto` logo in the sidebar. ## 4.2.8 - 2023-02-08 - Fixed: *Modal* and *Alert* was adding a `margin-right` to the *body* when there was no scrollbar which caused the UI elements to shift right. ## 4.2.7 - 2023-02-08 - Updated: Pageloader component. ## 4.2.6 - 2023-02-08 - Fixed: Submit on enter triggered when *Form* was being submitted. ## 4.2.5 - 2023-02-07 - Updated : Table sorting UI styles ## 4.2.4 - 2023-01-31 - Updated : `neeto-icons` ## 4.2.3 - 2023-01-30 - Added: transparency control option in *ColorPicker*, controlled via `showTransparencyControl`. ## 4.2.2 - 2023-01-29 - Fixed: respecting the prop `isCreatable` if `loadOptions` prop is provided in *Select* component ## 4.2.1 - 2023-01-24 - Changed: product descriptions as per the [list]( - Changed: product name from **Review** to **Deploy** in the app switcher. ## 4.2.0 - 2023-01-19 Fixed getToastrMessage in Toastr to accept object with the placeholder value for the translations. ## 4.1.44 - 2023-01-17 - Updated: Button keyboard focus styles - Updated: Radio keyboard focus styles - Updated: Checkbox keyboard focus styles - Updated: `antd` Checkbox focus styles in Table - Added: Switch focus styles - Added: Tab focus styles - Added: Accordion focus styles - Added: Pagination focus styles - Added: `antd` Pagination focus styles in Table Screenshot ## 4.1.43 - 2023-01-09 Added function in Toastr to check for notice_code in response and if it's not present then it will fall back to notice. ## 4.1.42 - 2023-01-05 - Updated: Sidebar neeto logo. ## 4.1.41 - 2023-01-05 - Fixed: Focus trap for conditionally rendered elements in *Overlay* ## 4.1.40 - 2022-12-30 - Added: word break for *Modal* body and *Tooltip* content ## 4.1.38 - 2022-12-29 - Fixed: proptypes declaration being included in production bundle (3% bundle size reduction) - Changed: github workflow compilation environment to `production` ## 4.1.37 - 2022-12-28 - Fixed: issue with multiple links in *Sidebar* getting active at the same time. - Changed: logic in *Select* component to respect `getOptionValue` prop. ## 4.1.35 - 2022-12-27 - Added: the ability to choose email from options in *EmailInput*. ## 4.1.34 - 2022-12-26 - Fixed: Select dropdown width when strategy fixed. ## 4.1.33 - 2022-12-25 - Fixed: Issues with `value` prop of *Select* component. ## 4.1.32 - 2022-12-25 Added: *Checkbox* and *MultiEmailInput* are wrapped with `forwardref`. ## 4.1.31 - 2022-12-21 - Fixed: issue with continue in *BlockNavigation*. ## 4.1.30 - 2022-12-21 - Added: functionality to scroll to the selected value in *Select* component ## 4.1.29 - 2022-12-21 - Fixed: pressing `enter` key in *Select* to select an option submitting the *Form*. ## 4.1.28 - 2022-12-20 - Fixed: **Form** `validateOnChange` and `validateOnBlur` is not being triggered after the form is submitted by pressing enter key and there are validation errors. ## 4.1.27 - 2022-12-19 - Updated: *Product switcher* component in neetoUI - Updated: the icon Tooltip content from "App switcher" to "Product switcher" ## 4.1.26 - 2022-12-19 - Added: support for `neeto-ui-shadow-sm`, `neeto-ui-shadow-md` and `neeto-ui-shadow-lg`. ## 4.1.25 - 2022-12-14 Fixed: Issue with overlapping column headers for fixed columns in tables. ## 4.1.24 - 2022-12-12 Added: `labelProps` to form elements to customize `Label`. Changed: Made `shouldDynamicallyRenderRowSize` `false` by default. ## 4.1.22 - 2022-12-07 - Added: *Popover* component ## 4.1.20 - 2022-12-06 - Changed: `color` prop in *Tag* component as optional in type definition. ## 4.1.19 - 2022-12-05 - Fixed: Prevented form submission on the `enter` key for neetoEditor. ## 4.1.18 - 2022-12-02 Added: `shouldDynamicallyRenderRowSize` to calculate rows per page dynamically based on viewport height. ## 4.1.17 - 2022-12-01 Fixed: Issue with class instance producing undefined in the host application. Added: Types for `manager`. ## 4.1.16 - 2022-12-01 Fixed: Prevents form submission when the `enter` key is pressed. ## 4.1.15 - 2022-11-28 Fixed: Form validation triggered with incorrect values from MultiEmailInput. ## 4.1.13 - 2022-11-24 - Fixed: Wrong managers bundle entry point in rollup config - Added: `OverlayManager` which is used by all overlay components in neetoUI internally. The host application can use the methods inside the class to determine whether an Overlay is open in the product or not. - Removed: `ModalManager` and migrate the Modal component to use `OverlayManager`. ## 4.1.12 - 2022-11-24 - Fixed: UI issues in Subheader ## 4.1.11 - 2022-11-21 - Fixed: warnings in *DatePicker* and *TimePicker* component ## 4.1.10 - 2022-11-17 - Adds formikBag to onSubmit ## 4.1.9 - 2022-11-16 - Fixed: `validateOnBlur` and `validateOnChange` getting triggered before the first submission of the *Form*. ## 4.1.8 - 2022-11-16 - Updated: Toaster styles. - Added: POC for Toasters with minimum content and bottom left positioning ## 4.1.7 - 2022-11-14 - Changed: color-picker related dependencies to dev dependency ## 4.1.6 - 2022-11-13 - Fixed: issue with *Select* dropdown when scrolling the page. ## 4.1.5 - 2022-11-11 - Added `system-ui` to `font-family` in `_base.scss` ## 4.1.4 - 2022-11-10 - Added: `className` as props to *Form* component. ## 4.1.3 - 2022-11-10 - Removes Tags molecule from library and moved to [neeto-tags-frontend]( ## 4.1.2 - 2022-11-09 - Added `Form` component to `neetoui/formik`. - Added relevant tests for `Form` component. - Removed the usage of `Formik` and `Form` from `formik` in stories and used `Form`. - Fixed flaky tests. ## 4.1.1 - 2022-11-03 - Added: Eyedropper to *ColorPicker* ## 4.1.0 - 2022-11-03 - Changed: **BREAKING** Name of the *EmailInput* component to *MultiEmailInput* in both components and Formik components. ## 4.0.17 - 2022-10-28 - Fixed:`ValidateDOMNesting` warning in *DatePicker* component. - Fixed: the issue with date items looking disabled in normal state ## 4.0.16 - 2022-10-28 Changes documentations to sentence case from title casing. ## 4.0.15 - 2022-10-28 - Added: Border for menubar block and item active states. ## 4.0.14 - 2022-10-28 - Added: ability to pass custom config to Toastr. ## 4.0.13 - 2022-10-20 - Fixed: Icons grabbing away click events & onClick not being triggered when icons are replaced during a state change. - Fixed: False positive type errors for MenuBar & Dropdown subcomponents ## 4.0.12 - 2022-10-17 - Added: tooltip to *Avatar* component ## 4.0.11 - 2022-10-10 - Fixed false positive type errors ## 4.0.10 - 2022-10-05 - Fixed: issue with week picker in `DatePicker`. ## 4.0.9 - 2022-09-29 - Fixed: warnings in `Tag` and `DatePicker` props. - Added: neetoReview app to `AppSwitcher`. ## 4.0.8 - 2022-09-28 - Added: *Kbd* component to render keyboard keys. ## 4.0.7 - 2022-09-22 - Fixed: Clicking on neetoQuiz from the app switcher takes the user to the consumer page. ## 4.0.6 - 2022-09-20 - Changed: default value of `defaultPageSize` prop of *Table* component from 100 to 15. ## 4.0.5 - 2022-09-20 - Added: type support for data-cy props in all components that are forward referenced to HTML native elements. ## 4.0.4 - 2022-09-16 - Changed: Allowed `hideOnSinglePage` override in *Table* `paginationProps` ## 4.0.3 - 2022-09-13 - Added: Storybook addon that lets users toggle between dark and light mode - Fixed: date/time input color in darkmode - Fixed: overlapping issue with *Dropdown* in *Table* ## 4.0.2 - 2022-09-12 - Fixed: navigation issue in *BlockNavigation* component ## 4.0.1 - 2022-09-12 - Added: `secondary` style variant - Added: `info` style variant - Removed: `inactive` style variant - Fixed issue with custom target in *Dropdown* - Fixed alignment issues in Dropdown `sizing` Story - Updated select styles of antd table pagination - Fixed Menuhorizontal button size in Table ## 4.0.0 - 2022-09-02 - Updated: Color palette - Added: CSS variables support - Added: Custom theming support - Added: Default dark theme support - Added: Design preview in Storybook - Added: Guidelines to structure content in applications - Changed: bundle type to `CJS` - Fixed: delay while opening overlays - Removed: `framer-motion` from dependencies. ### Color palette 🎨 - Updated color naming convention - Added CSS variables support for colors - Implemented dynamic color palette to support default dark mode - Served color codes as RBG numbers in CSS variables to achieve color transparency - Enhanced contrast of status color (info, success, error, warning) - Included existing pastel colors as the color swatches of primary, success, error, warning, and info - Added new set of pastel colors - Removed unused colors from the palette - Updated utility classes to match the new variable naming - Restructured documentation and created new documentation for color palette - Deprecated `neeto-ui-accent1`, `neeto-ui-accent2`, `neeto-ui-accent3`, `neeto-ui-accent4` colors and utility classes - Deprecated `neeto-ui-secondary-indigo`, `neeto-ui-secondary-green`, `neeto-ui-secondary-teal` colors and utility classes - Deprecated `neeto-ui-pastel-teal` - Renamed `neeto-ui-success` to `neeto-ui-success-500` - Renamed `neeto-ui-info` to `neeto-ui-info-500` - Renamed `neeto-ui-error` to `neeto-ui-error-500` - Renamed `neeto-ui-warning` to `neeto-ui-warning-500` - Renamed `neeto-ui-pastel-blue` to `neeto-ui-info-100` - Renamed `neeto-ui-pastel-green` to `neeto-ui-success-100` - Renamed `neeto-ui-pastel-yellow` to `neeto-ui-warning-100` - Renamed `neeto-ui-pastel-red` to `neeto-ui-error-100` ### Cosmetic changes 👁 #### Button - Updated primary button color to `neeto-ui-primary-500` - Added `:focus` rings to buttons for accessibility - Updated `:focus-visible` styles to match the new design - Updated border radius to `5px` - Updated CSS transition from `all .3s ease-in-out` to `all .3s linear` - Deprecated variants story in Storybook doc - Created independent stories for `Styles`, `Sizes`, `Icon only` etc #### Checkbox - Replaced checked state icon with neetoIcon - Updated checked state color to `neeto-ui-primary-500` - Changed default state border color from `grey 300` to `grey 400` - Updated `:hover` border color to `grey 500` - Updated `:focus-visible` border color to `neeto-ui-primary-500` - Updated focus ring styles to match `neeto-ui-primary` color - Improved spacing in component #### Radio - Replaced checked state icon with neetoIcon - Updated checked state color to `neeto-ui-primary-500` - Changed default state border color from `grey 300` to `grey 400` - Updated `:hover` border color to `grey 500` - Updated `:focus-visible` border color to `neeto-ui-primary-500` - Updated focus ring styles to match `neeto-ui-primary` color - Improved spacing in component #### Input - Updated border-radius to `5px` - Updated focus ring styles to match `neeto-ui-primary` color - Fixed unwanted spacing in maxLength label - Fixed alignment issues in Input with maxLength and no label text - Fixed spacing inconsistencies in error test and helper text - used same margin value for both - Fixed alignment issues in naked inputs - Deprecate `variants` story in Storybook and created individual stories for `Input sizing` #### Textarea - Updated border-radius to `5px` - Updated focus ring styles to match `neeto-ui-primary` color - Fixed unwanted spacing in the maxLength label - Fixed alignment issues in Input with maxLength and no label text - Fix spacing inconsistencies in error test and helper text - used the same margin value for both - Fixed alignment issues in naked inputs - Added size prop to Textarea #### Select - Updated border-radius to `5px` - Updated focus ring styles to match `neeto-ui-primary` color - Replaced the default dropdown icons with neetoIcons - Added CSS transition to the select options - Applied Badge styles to Multi select items - Replaced multivalue remove icon with neetoIcon - Updated multivalue error styles - Increased Story heights for better view #### Email input - Updated border radius to `5px` - Updated selected values styles to match Tag styles - Fixed prefix and suffix spacing - Updated prefix icon size to `16px` - Updated focus ring styles to match `neeto-ui-primary` color - Fixed spacing issues in counter - Fixed alignment issues in label row - Fixed spacing inconsistencies in error test and helper text - used same margin for both - Updated error styles of multivalue select #### Label - Updated label bottom margin to 8px - Removed letter-spacing in label text #### Dropdown & Action Dropdown - Updated border-radius to `5px` - Reduced the height of Dropdown options to `32px` - Created Storybook examples with semantic markup for easy keyboard win - Separated Delete/Remove actions with a border - Updated `box-shadow` #### Date Time picker - Replaced default icons with neetoIcons - Updated selection color to `neeto-ui-primary` - Added border to date and time dropdown - Updated box shadow of dropdown #### Accordion - Updated font weight of Accordion title to `500` - Updated `border-radius` to `8px` #### Avatar - Updated background colors to new pastel colors - Updated square variant `border-radius` to `5px` #### Table - Updated column title color to `grey 600` - Updated column title font weight to 700 - Reduced cell padding from `12px 16px` to `8px 16px` to accommodate more number of row in a given height - Removed border from pagination items - Updated pagination buttons to match neetoUI button style - Updated active pagination item styles to `neeto-ui-primary` - Replaced default icons with neetoIcons #### PageLoader - Updated neeto logo #### Color picker - Added border to input #### Alert & Modal - Reduced outer padding from `32px ` to `24px` to provide the compact view - Updated `border-radius` to `12px` #### Toast - Applied `48px` minimum height - Applied dark theme to all variants - Reduced text font weight to `400` #### Tooltip - Changed box shadow of light theme variant to `--neeto-ui-shadow-s` #### Sidebar - Increased width from `64px` to `72px` - Changed background color from `neeto-ui-gray-200` to `neeto-ui-white` - Added border on the right side - Updated `padding-top` and `padding-bottom` to `24px` ### Functionality changes 🛠️ #### Input - Changed: `maxlength` prop logic to allow typing characters beyond the specified maxlength. The character count will be shown only when the input length reaches 90% of maxlength and changes the state to error when input exceeds the maxlength #### TextArea - Changed: `maxlength` prop logic to allow typing characters beyond the specified maxlength. Character count will be shown only when the input length reaches 90% of maxlength and changes the state to error when input exceeds the maxlength #### Dropdown - Changed: **BREAKING** Renamed `ulProps` prop to `dropdownProps` - Added: `buttonSize` prop #### ActionDropdown - Changed: **BREAKING** Renamed `size` prop to `buttonSize` - Changed: **BREAKING** Renamed `style` prop to `buttonStyle` #### Tag - Changed: **BREAKING** Renamed `style` prop to `type` - Removed: **BREAKING** Renamed `color` and `indicatorColor` props - Added: **BREAKING** `style` and `indicatorStyle` props with options `"success" | "warning" | "danger" | "primary" | "inactive"` #### ColorPicker - Added: `Size` prop #### Typography - Added: new variant **nano** #### Modal - Added: `description` prop in header - Added: `initialFocusRef` and `finalFocusRef` to programmatically add focus to custom components. - Added: `blockScrollOnMount` prop to enable/disable body scrolling when the modal opens. - Added: focus trapping to focusable elements in Modal. #### Sidebar - Removed: **BREAKING** `footerLinks` props - Removed: **BREAKING** `isCollapsed` prop and **expanded state** of sidebar ## 3.5.17 - 2022-08-25 - Fixed: false positive type errors for tooltip ## 3.5.16 - 2022-08-17 - Changed: avoided showing duplicate toastr when called multiple times with the same arguments. ## 3.5.15 - 2022-08-05 - Fixed: Fixed false positive ts errors which were thrown since some of the fields were not marked optional. ## 3.5.14 - 2022-08-01 - Added: neetoTestify and neetoSite to AppSwitcher ## 3.5.13 - 2022-07-28 - Added: type support for all exported components. IDE will now auto-predict the component props. - Changed: Deprecated babel-eslint was replaced with @babel/eslint-parser ## 3.5.12 - 2022-07-25 - Security: Bump moment from 2.29.3 to 2.29.4 ## 3.5.11 - 2022-07-06 - Added: a *Button* component in neetoui/formik that automatically disables itself if the form is not in a submittable state. Example: the form contains any invalid data, the form content has not been changed, or the form is already being submitted. To make this work, you need to import *Button* from "neetoui/formik" as your submit button. - Changed: *ActionBlock* will now use the above-mentioned logic internally. So its submit/cancel buttons will also be automatically enabled or disabled. ## 3.5.10 - 2022-07-05 - Fixed: issue with closeOnEsc prop when the Pane is controlled. ## 3.5.9 - 2022-07-05 - Fixed: Checkbox in *Table* component cut off in lower screen resolutions. ## 3.5.8 - 2022-07-01 - Fixed: Error when handling `axios` error objects with `undefined` response in `Toastr.error` ## 3.5.7 - 2022-06-24 - Added: `startsFrom` to `counter` prop of *EmailInput* component. ## 3.5.6 - 2022-06-13 - Fixed: Calendar icon overflowing under the clear icon in Date Range picker ## 3.5.5 - 2022-06-09 - Fixed: issue with `onClose` function reference when closing the *Modal* using `Esc`. ## 3.5.4 - 2022-06-08 Fixed: `TypeError` issue in *Toastr* component. ## 3.5.3 - 2022-06-07 - Fixed: issue with `closeOnEsc` prop when the *Dropdown* is controlled. ## 3.5.2 - 2022-06-07 - Fixed : placeholder content extending into multiple lines in *Select* component. ## 3.5.1 - 2022-06-07 - Fixed: `useInsertionEffect` export issue due to `terser` compression. ## 3.5.0 - 2022-05-25 - Changed: Replaced webpack with rollup for bundling the package. ## 3.4.6 - 2022-05-19 - Updated: `react-toastify` to `9.0.1` ## 3.4.4 - Fixed: import for molecule components. ## 3.4.3 - Added: `prefix` and `suffix` to *EmailInput*. ## 3.4.2 - Fixed: issue with search not working with `isCreatable` *Select*. ## 3.4.1 - Fixed: issue with `autoFocus` not working on *Input* when inside *Dropdown*. ## 3.4.0 - Removed: all instances of TailwindCSS. - Added: `label` prop in *Tags* molecule. - Changed: Added `neetoCal` into *AppSwitcher* app list . - Removed: `count` limiting (to 99) logic from *MenuBar.Block*. ## 3.3.13 - Added: Tags in the molecule section. ## 3.3.12 - Fixed: loading state in *ActionBlock* component. ## 3.3.11 - Added: New input format for the *EmailInput* component. ## 3.3.10 - Fixed: Removed unnecessary scrollbar in *Table* component. - Added: `maxHeight` prop to the *EmailInput* component. ## 3.3.9 - Fixed: *ActionDropdown* issues with common props for button and dropdown ## 3.3.7 - Changed: Updated React version to 17.0.2. ## 3.3.6 - Fixed: Reset Formik data on continue action in *BlockNavigation* component. ## 3.3.5 - Added: active state to `NavLink` in *Sidebar* component. ## 3.3.4 - Added: `hideOnTargetExit` prop to *Tooltip* component ## 3.3.3 - Added: data-cy for in *Alert* component elements ## 3.3.2 - Fixed: Added override for `onClick` prop in *Dropdown* component ## 3.3.1 - Fixed: Typography of Header in *Alert* component. - Fixed: Max width issue in *Dropdown* component. ## 3.3.0 - Changed: **BREAKING** `isLoading` prop of *Table* to `loading`. - Changed: Implemented *Dropdown* component with Tippy.js and removed `react-popper` - Deprecated: **BREAKING** `loading` prop of *Pane*, *Modal* and *Alert* components. - Removed: **BREAKING** `placement` prop from *Tooltip* (Use position instead). #### UI - Changed: colors of `$neeto-ui-warning` and `$neeto-ui-error` in *Color Palette* - Changed: the text color in *Table* to `$neeto-ui-black` - Changed: UI of *Tag* of component - Changed: look and feel of *Danger Button* - Changed: Contrast of *Avatar*, *Accordian*, *Toastr* and *Callout* - Changed: Made *Modal* Header text and Close icon aligned in a line - Added: new variant for *Danger Button* -`danger-text` - Added: new accent colors -