For release 1 we focus on adopting within OSISM the best of pre-existing monitoring options from kolla-ansible. In particular:
- Centralised debug logs, as provided by fluentd and elasticsearch
- Prometheus based alerts and dashboards
We are looking for feedback from users and operators on what areas are in most need of attention. For future releases we identified the following aspects as worthwhile:
- audit logging framework
- adding any missing prometheus exporters (e.g. libvirt, OVN)
- improving the performance of existing exports, such as the OpenStack exporter
- billing telemetry sources (e.g. Notifications, CloudKitty, etc)
Details on kolla-ansible and its support for elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana and elasticsearch curator can be found here:
We are collaborating on a common set of dashboards and alerts here:
We hope to make them as widely applicable as possible through collaboration with all members of the SCS community, including those that do not make use of either OSISM or kolla-ansible.
For more details on what kolla-ansible provides, please see:
There is a certain need of resources associated with logging as well as the collection of metrics. Especially the cadvisor exporter can cause high load if fully enabled on compute nodes. For future releases we anticipate to provide an outline for the capacity needed in certain setups to achieve the recommended set of observability. For the time being, please be aware that resource consumptions grows the more data is collected and aggregated.