Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you. This is a command line tool for easy generation of fake data in a static way.
You can find the latest phar on the releases page.
$ wget https://github.com/bit3/faker-cli/releases/download/1.4/faker.phar
$ ./faker.phar
$ composer create-project bit3/faker-cli
$ cd faker-cli
$ ./bin/faker.php
$ ./bin/faker.php
--locale (-l) # The locale to used. (default: "en_US")
--seed (-s) # The generators seed.
--pattern (-p) # The printf pattern. (default: "%s")
--delimiter (-d) # The delimiter is used by the csv and printf format.
--enclosure (-e) # The enclosure is used by the csv and printf format.
--escape (-E) # The escape character is used by the printf format. (default: "\\")
--format (-f) # The output format (json, xml, csv, php, printf, vprintf) (default: "printf")
--count (-c) # The count of generated data. (default: 1)
<type> # The data type to generate (e.g. "randomDigit", "words", "name", "city")
<args1>..<argsN> # Arguments for the type, e.g. "words 5" will generate 5 words.
$ ./bin/faker.php word
$ ./bin/faker.php --count 5 words 2
You can use different output formats by definint the --format
option. JSON is the default format.
$ ./bin/faker.php word
$ ./bin/faker.php --count 5 words 2
$ ./bin/faker.php --format xml word
<?xml version="1.0"?>
$ ./bin/faker.php --format csv word
$ ./bin/faker.php --format php word
array (
0 => 'culpa',
1 => 'consequatur',
2 => 'quisquam',
3 => 'recusandae',
4 => 'asperiores',
5 => 'accusamus',
6 => 'nihil',
7 => 'repellat',
8 => 'vero',
9 => 'omnis',
The printf and vprintf output are mostly equal. But printf
is designed for single value generator types e.g. safeEmail
and vprintf
is designed for multi value generator types e.g. words 5
$ ./bin/faker.php --format printf \
--pattern "INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), %s);" \
--enclosure "'" \
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), 'to\'[email protected]');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), '[email protected]');
INSERT INTO emails (uuid, email) VALUES (UUID(), '[email protected]');
./bin/faker.php --format vprintf \
--pattern "INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), %s, %s, %s);" \
--enclosure "'" \
words 3
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'est', 'illo', 'consequuntur');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'dolorem', 'temporibus', 'commodi');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'sint', 'reiciendis', 'sint');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'sunt', 'eum', 'id');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'tempora', 'rerum', 'occaecati');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'corrupti', 'impedit', 'doloribus');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'amet', 'consectetur', 'repudiandae');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'est', 'id', 'amet');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'odio', 'facere', 'nesciunt');
INSERT INTO keywords (uuid, keyword1, keyword2, keyword3) VALUES (UUID(), 'voluptas', 'quia', 'rerum');
You can also use printf
with multi value generator types, which will joined by the --delimiter
char, which is ,
by default.
$ ./bin/faker.php --format printf \
--pattern "INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), %s);" \
--delimiter ' / ' \
--enclosure "'" \
words 10
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'est / illo / consequuntur / dolorem / temporibus / commodi / sint / reiciendis / sint / sunt');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'eum / id / tempora / rerum / occaecati / corrupti / impedit / doloribus / amet / consectetur');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'repudiandae / est / id / amet / odio / facere / nesciunt / voluptas / quia / rerum');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'ad / sed / esse / sed / exercitationem / sed / et / rem / esse / excepturi');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'animi / minus / qui / perferendis / quo / repudiandae / aliquam / dolorem / voluptas / fugiat');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'at / odit / dolorem / a / aperiam / dignissimos / ipsa / sunt / consequatur / alias');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'accusantium / voluptatum / autem / nobis / cumque / neque / modi / iure / voluptatem / error');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'molestiae / consequatur / alias / eligendi / corrupti / illum / commodi / molestiae / aut / repellat');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'id / quisquam / et / sit / consequuntur / aut / et / ullam / asperiores / molestiae');
INSERT INTO words (uuid, words) VALUES (UUID(), 'cupiditate / culpa / voluptatem / et / mollitia / dolor / sit / nisi / praesentium / qui');
It is recommend to use the --enclosure
option. each occurrence of the --enclosure
char will be escaped with the --escape
char, which is \\
by default.
Install and run php-box:
$ curl -LSs https://box-project.github.io/box2/installer.php | php
$ ./box.phar build
Faker Command Line Tool is released under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.