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192 lines (178 loc) · 8.75 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (178 loc) · 8.75 KB

Configuration file reference

Top level options

  • compilation_database_dir - path to the directory containing compile_commands.json
  • output_directory - path to the directory where PlantUML diagrams will be generated
  • diagrams - the map of diagrams to be generated, each diagram name is provided as the key of the diagram YAML node
  • debug_mode - add inline debug information in the generated diagrams
  • add_compile_flags - add compile flags to all compilation database entries
  • remove_compile_flags - remove compile flags from all compilation database entries
  • query_driver - name or path to compiler driver, which should be queried for system include paths (e.g. arm-none-eabi-g++)
  • user_data - arbitrary data that can be used in Jinja templates

Diagram options

  • type - type of diagram, one of [class, sequence, package, include]
  • glob - list of glob patterns to match source code files for analysis
  • include_relations_also_as_members - when set to false, class members for relationships are rendered in UML are skipped from class definition (default: true)
  • generate_method_arguments - determines whether the class diagrams methods contain full arguments (full), are abbreviated (abbreviated) or skipped (none)
  • generate_concept_requirements - determines whether concept requirements are rendered in the diagram (default: true)
  • using_namespace - similar to C++ using namespace, a A::B value here will render a class A::B::C::MyClass in the diagram as C::MyClass, at most 1 value is supported
  • generate_packages - whether or not the class diagram should contain packages generated from namespaces or subdirectories
  • package_type - determines how the packages are inferred: namespace - use C++ namespaces, directory - use project's directory structure
  • include - definition of inclusion patterns:
    • namespaces - list of namespaces to include
    • relationships - list of relationships to include
    • elements - list of elements, i.e. specific classes, enums, templates to include
    • element_types - list of element types e.g. enum, class, concept
    • access - list of visibility scopes to include (e.g. private)
    • subclasses - include only subclasses of specified classes (and themselves)
    • specializations - include all specializations or instantiations of a given template
    • dependants - include all classes, which depend on the specified class
    • dependencies - include all classes, which are dependencies of the specified class
    • context - include only entities in direct relationship with specified classes
  • exclude - definition of exclusion patterns:
    • namespaces - list of namespaces to exclude
    • relationships - list of relationships to exclude
    • elements - list of elements, i.e. specific classes, enums, templates to exclude
    • element_types - list of element types e.g. enum, class, concept
    • access - list of visibility scopes to exclude (e.g. private)
    • subclasses - exclude subclasses of specified classes (and themselves)
    • specializations - exclude all specializations or instantiations of a given template
    • dependants - exclude all classes, which depend on the specified class
    • dependencies - exclude all classes, which are dependencies of the specified class
    • context - exclude only entities in direct relationship with specified classes
  • layout - add layout hints for entities (classes, packages)
  • plantuml - verbatim PlantUML directives which should be added to a diagram
    • before - list of directives which will be added before the generated diagram
    • after - list of directives which will be added after the generated diagram
  • mermaid - verbatim MermaidJS directives which should be added to a diagram
    • before - list of directives which will be added before the generated diagram
    • after - list of directives which will be added after the generated diagram
  • graphml - custom properties for GraphML output
    • notes - object whose keys represent fully qualified diagram elements and values are lists of notes to be attached as nodes in the GraphML model

Example complete config

# Directory containing the compile_commands.json file
compilation_database_dir: debug
# Inject additional compile commands to the compilation database entries
  - '-Wno-vla-extension'
# Remove specified compile flags from all compilation database entries
  - '-Wshadow'
# Compiler driver command to query for system include paths
  - arm-none-eabi-g++
# The directory where *.puml files will be generated
output_directory: docs/diagrams
# Set this as default for all diagrams
generate_method_arguments: none
# Enable generation of hyperlinks to diagram elements
  # Link pattern
  link: "{{ git.commit }}/{{ element.source.path }}#L{{ element.source.line }}"
  # Tooltip pattern
  tooltip: "{{ }}"
# Custom user data that can be used in Jinja templates
    name: Bartek Kryza
      type: CC-0
# The map of diagrams - keys are also diagram file names
    # Include this diagram definition from a separate file
    include!: uml/main_package_diagram.yml
    type: class
    # Do not include rendered relations in the class box
    include_relations_also_as_members: false
    # Generate packages from the namespaces
    generate_packages: true
    package_type: namespace  # or 'directory' to generate from projects subdirectories
    # Limiting the number of files to include can significantly improve
    # diagram generation times
      - src/common/model/*.h
      - src/common/model/*.cc
      - src/class_diagram/model/*.h
      - src/class_diagram/model/*.cc
      - r: ".*test.*\\.cpp$
      # Only include entities from the following namespaces
        - clanguml::common::model
        - clanguml::class_diagram::model
      # Only include elements in direct relationship with ClassA
        - ClassA
      # Do not include private members and methods in the diagram
        - private
      # Add layout hints for PlantUML
        - up: ClassB
        - left: ClassC
        - together: [ClassE, ClassF, EnumG]
        - row: [ClassY1, ClassZ1]
        - column: [ClassY2, ClassZ2]
    # Specify customized relationship hints for types which are
    # arguments in template instantiations
      # All tuple arguments should be treated as aggregation
      std::tuple: aggregation
      # All some_template arguments should be treated as associations
      # except for arguments with indexes 2 and 10
        default: association
        2: composition
        10: aggregation          
    # Entities from this namespace will be shortened
    # (can only contain one element at the moment)
      - clanguml::class_diagram::model
      # Add this line to the beginning of the resulting puml file
        - 'title clang-uml class diagram model'
      # Add this line at the end of a Mermaid diagram
        - 'direction LR'
          - 'This is class ClassA'

Determining config file location

If -c,--config option is not provided, clang-uml will try to open file .clang-uml in the current directory and fail if it doesn't exist.

With -c,--config option pointing to a valid .clang-uml file path, the file configuration will be loaded from that file.

Furthermore, when the value of -c,--config option is - - the entire config will be read from stdin, which can be useful for scripting and generating config Yaml documents on the fly.


By default, all paths specified in the configuration file, including:

  • glob
  • output_directory
  • compilation_database_dir
  • paths filter

are relative to the parent directory of the configuration file. This can be changed in the following ways:

  • by specifying relative_to option in the configuration file
  • by providing --paths-relative-to-pwd command line option, in which case all paths will be relative to the directory where clang-uml is executed (this only makes sense for automation where clang-uml is executed from the same location relative to the project directory