So you're interested in giving us a hand? That's awesome! We've put together some guidelines that should help you get started.
There are many ways to get involved - this document covers:
This project has adopted the gitflow branching model derived by Vincent Driessen. Please see respective guidelines under submitting pull requests that discusses the appropriate branches to to branch from.
If you are going to raise an issue because you think you've found a problem, or you would like to submit a request for an awesome new feature, or for anything else... please read on.
GitHub issues is the preferred mechanism for bug reports, feature requests, change requests, and submitting pull requests. However, please respect the following general restrictions:
Before submitting an issue, please search if one already exists. Help us keep duplicate issues to a minimum by checking if someone has already reported your problem or idea.
Please keep discussions on topic and respect the opinions of others.
A bug is a demonstrable problem that is caused by code in this repository. We appreciate good bug reports!
Guidelines for bug reports:
Search for the issue — check if the issue has already been reported.
Check if the issue has been fixed — try to reproduce it using the latest
branch or look for closed issues. -
Reduce the problem — minimizing the dependencies while still being able to reproduce the problem is awesome.
It is important to include the details of your environment and what you have tried. Great bug reports shouldn't leave others needing to ask for further information; however, sometimes that does happen - not everyone is perfect.
Features requests are always welcome! Thanks for wanting to help out. Before you submit:
Search around if your feature is already being worked on or is already listed in our milestones.
Think about whether your idea fits with the scope of the project and its direction.
Make a strong case to convince the core contributors of the merits of the feature. Please provide as much detail as possible explaining the context and use case.
Change requests cover the internal architectural and functional change to how blpapi-http works. This includes new dependencies (or removal of them), refactorings, or an improvements to the system.
Search around and make sure a similar request doesn't already exist.
Please take the time to think about the best way to make a case for the change. Are you sure it is not a bug report or a feature request? What is the context and what precise problem is it solving; or is it many? Why this change that you are suggesting making (or replacing) what is already there better? Does it fit within the direction of the project?
We love pull requests! If you are raising a PR for something which doesn't have an open issue, please think carefully about raising an issue that your PR can close - especially if it is a bug. To expedite the process and ensure the acceptance of your PR, please read all the of guidelines on:
- code standards
- commit messages - the summary line-length is relaxed to something reasonable
Also when developing, and especially when fixing a bug, make sure that you base
your PR off of an appropriate branching point in accordance with development
workflow. For addressing a bug for release, base your
branch off of the appropriate release branch. If it is a severe bug and an
official release has already happened, create a hot-fix branch off of master
Anything else typically can be based off of the develop
branch. If you are
not sure where to start, ask in the issue your PR is planning to close or reach
out to the core contributors for guidance.
This project utilizies GitHub's milestones.
Yes - we need this. Once there is some code and a simple foundation, this will be built and more content will be written here.