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Working with tables

Richard Bateman edited this page Oct 22, 2015 · 5 revisions

#Defining tables

Before doing anything else you'll probably want to define your tables.


var myTable = sql.define(tableConf);

##Table Config

tableConf is the definition for your table. It can have the following fields:

  • name: The name of the table (required)
  • columns: column definitions (see below)
  • columnWhiteList: TODO: define this parameter
  • isTemporary: true if this is a temporary table. Default value: false
  • snakeToCamel: if true column names will be converted to camelCase (e.g. needs_more_info will become needsMoreInfo, but the original will be used in generating queries)

###Column Definitions

There are two valid formats for your Column Definitions:

####Object-style Column Definitions

In this configuration the key is the column name, the value is the column spec.

    name: "AwesomeTable",
    columns: {
        id: {dataType: "serial primary key"},
        numCol: {dataType: "decimal"},
        notes: {dataType: "text"}

####Array-style Column Definitions

In this configuration an array of column definitions are used. The column definition can be a column spec object or a string; if a string then no type will be registered.

    name: "AwesomeTable",
    columns: {
        {name: "id", dataType: "serial primary key"},
        {name: "notes", dataType: "text"}

####Column Specification objects

The column specification can contain the following fields:

  • name: Not needed w/ Object-style column definitions; this is the name of the field.
  • dataType: specifies the SQL datatype of the field

TODO: What other fields are valid here?

Creating tables

You can generate the SQL for creating a table from any complete table definition; the primary requirement is that your defintion contain field types.

var createSqlStr = Table.create().toQuery().text;

Dropping tables

You can generate the SQL for dropping a table from any table definition.

var createSqlStr = Table.drop().toQuery().text;

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