Releases: bullet-db/
Releases · bullet-db/
Updating to Bullet Storm with separated Bullet Core
Bullet Storm 0.5.0
Updating to Bullet Storm with rounding points
Bullet Storm 0.4.3
Updating to UI with pivoting and charting
Bullet UI v0.3.1
Distributions, Top K and catching up UI with backend
v0.3.0 Bullet Storm 0.4.2 and Bullet UI 0.2.2
Caching downloads
v0.2.0 Caching downloads and nvm installation issues
NVM issues fix
v0.1.4 NVM fixes
Launch simplified
Launch no longer tries to kill an existing topology
Adding a install everything script
v0.1.2 Install script
Updated to 0.3.1 bullet-storm
v0.1.1 0.3.1 Bullet
First release of examples
This release hosts the the "uber-jar", configuration and the launch script for the example storm topology that generates random data and configuration for the example Bullet web-service and UI that work off it.