Extended HTTP support. Again.
- Introduces the http namespace.
- PHP stream based message bodies.
- Encapsulated env request/response.
- Modular client support.
This extension is hosted at PECL and can be installed with PEAR's pecl command:
# pecl install pecl_http
This extension unconditionally depends on the pre-loaded presence of the following PHP extensions:
- raphf
- propro
- spl
If configured --with-http-shared-deps
(default) it requires on the pre-loaded presence of the following extensions, as long as they where available at build time:
- hash
- iconv
- json
pecl/http-v2 conflicts with thw following extensions:
- http-v1
- event
- http.etag.mode = "crc32b"
Default hash method for dynamic response payloads to generate an ETag.
The http extension registers the http.*
namespace for its stream filters. Provided stream filters are:
- http.chunked_decode
Decode a stream encoded with chunked transfer encoding. - http.chunked_encode
Encode a stream with chunked transfer encoding. - http.inflate
Decode a stream encoded with deflate/zlib/gzip encoding. - http.deflate
Encode a stream with deflate/zlib/gzip encoding.