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File metadata and controls

185 lines (125 loc) · 4.49 KB

Execute a system command.

{% note warning 'Anti-Pattern' %} Don't try to start a web server from cy.exec().

Read about {% url 'best practices' best-practices#Web-Servers %} here. {% endnote %}


cy.exec(command, options)


{% fa fa-check-circle green %} Correct Usage

cy.exec('npm run build')


{% fa fa-angle-right %} command (String)

The system command to be executed from the project root (the directory that contains cypress.json).

{% fa fa-angle-right %} options (Object)

Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of cy.exec().

Option Default Description
log true {% usage_options log %}
env {} Object of environment variables to set before the command executes (e.g. {USERNAME: 'johndoe'}). Will be merged with existing system environment variables
failOnNonZeroExit true whether to fail if the command exits with a non-zero code
timeout {% url execTimeout configuration#Timeouts %} {% usage_options timeout cy.exec %}

Yields {% helper_icon yields %}

cy.exec() yields an object with the following properties:

  • code
  • stdout
  • stderr



cy.exec() provides an escape hatch for running arbitrary system commands, so you can take actions necessary for your test outside the scope of Cypress. This is great for:

  • Running build scripts
  • Seeding your test database
  • Starting processes
  • Killing processes

Run a build command

cy.exec('npm run build').then((result) => {
  // yields the 'result' object
  // {
  //   code: 0,
  //   stdout: "Files successfully built",
  //   stderr: ""
  // }

Seed the database and assert it was successful

cy.exec('rake db:seed').its('code').should('eq', 0)

Run an arbitrary script and assert its output

cy.exec('npm run my-script').its('stdout').should('contain', 'Done running the script')

Write to a file to create a fixture from response body

cy.route('POST', '/comments').as('postComment')
cy.wait('@postComment').then((xhr) => {
  cy.exec(`echo ${JSON.stringify(xhr.responseBody)} >cypress/fixtures/comment.json`)
  cy.fixture('comment.json').should('deep.eq', xhr.responseBody)


Change the timeout

You can increase the time allowed to execute the command, although we don't recommend executing commands that take a long time to exit.

Cypress will not continue running any other commands until cy.exec() has finished, so a long-running command will drastically slow down your test cycle.

// will fail if script takes longer than 20 seconds to finish
cy.exec('npm run build', { timeout: 20000 })

Choose to not fail on non-zero exit and assert on code and stderr

  .exec('man bear pig', { failOnNonZeroExit: false })
  .its('code').should('eq', 1)
  .its('stderr').should('contain', 'No manual entry for bear')

Specify environment variables

  .exec('echo $USERNAME', { env: { USERNAME: 'johndoe' } })
  .its('stdout').should('contain', 'johndoe')


Commands Must Exit

Commands that do not exit are not supported

cy.exec() does not support commands that don't exit, such as:

  • Starting a rails server
  • A task that runs a watch
  • Any process that needs to be manually interrupted to stop

A command must exit within the execTimeout or Cypress will kill the command's process and fail the current test.


Requirements {% helper_icon requirements %}

{% requirements exec cy.exec %}

Assertions {% helper_icon assertions %}

{% assertions once cy.exec %}

Timeouts {% helper_icon timeout %}

{% timeouts exec cy.exec %}

Command Log

List the contents of cypress.json

if (Cypress.platform === 'win32') {
  cy.exec('print cypress.json')
} else {
  cy.exec('cat cypress.json')

The command above will display in the Command Log as:

{% imgTag /img/api/exec/exec-cat-in-shell.png "Command Log exec" %}

When clicking on the exec command within the command log, the console outputs the following:

{% imgTag /img/api/exec/console-shows-code-shell-stderr-and-stdout-for-exec.png "console.log exec" %}

See also

  • {% url cy.readFile() readfile %}
  • {% url cy.request() request %}
  • {% url cy.writeFile() writefile %}