This is a Go client for the Pinterest API. For more information about the Pinterest API, check out their getting started guide.
To create a simple Pinterest client:
// Below imports aren't needed immediately, but you'll want these soon after
func main() {
client := pinterest.NewClient()
To create an authenticated Pinterest client you can just chain the RegisterAccessToken
// Below imports aren't needed immediately, but you'll want these soon after
func main() {
client := pinterest.NewClient().
Calling specific API methods matches 1:1 with the Pinterest API URL schema.
The best way to illustrate this is with a few examples:
// Fetch Board info:
// [GET] /v1/boards/<board_spec:board>/
board, err := client.Boards.Fetch("BrandonRRomano/go-pinterest")
// Unfollow a User:
// [DELETE] /v1/me/following/users/<user>/
err := client.Me.Following.Users.Delete("BrandonRRomano")
// Fetch the Pins on a Board:
// [GET] /v1/boards/<board_spec:board>/pins/
pins, err := client.Boards.Pins("BrandonRRomano/go-pinterest")
As you can see, you simply chain through the controllers following the URL in the Pinterest API. If there is a URL with a segment that is a parameter (see Fetch the Pins on a Board in above example), you simply skip that segment in the controller chaining; the parameter will be passed along in the parameters of the method.
Once you're at the final segment, you can call Create
, Fetch
, Update
, or Delete
, which will call the API's POST
methods respectively.
All required parameters to the Pinterest API's methods will be parameters in the method. All optional parameters will be stuffed in an Optionals
object as the last parameter.
For all requests made via this library, there is the possibility of the Pinterest API throwing an error.
When the API does throw an error, this library makes it very easy to handle it.
If the error came from Pinterest (and not the http.Client) this library wraps it in a custom error, PinterestError:
type PinterestError struct {
StatusCode int `json:"status_code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Here's some example usage of this:
// Fetch a board that doesn't exist
_, err := client.Boards.Fetch("BrandonRRomano/E20450921CE")
// Check error type
if pinterestError, ok := err.(*models.PinterestError); ok {
if pinterestError.StatusCode == 404 {
// Do something to handle it!
} else {
// something else!
} else {
// Was an error thrown by *http.Client!
// Something is probably wrong with your network
[POST] /v1/oauth/token
accessToken, err := client.OAuth.Token.Create(
[POST] /v1/boards/
board, err := client.Boards.Create(
"My Test Board",
Description: "This is a test!",
[DELETE] /v1/boards/<board_spec:board>/
err := client.Boards.Delete("BrandonRRomano/go-pinterest-test")
[PATCH] /v1/boards/<board_spec:board>/
board, err := client.Boards.Update(
Name: "Some new name",
Description: "Some new description",
[GET] /v1/boards/<board_spec:board>/
board, err := client.Boards.Fetch("BrandonRRomano/go-pinterest")
[GET] /v1/boards/<board_spec:board>/pins/
pins, err := client.Boards.Pins.Fetch(
Cursor: "some-cursor-from-pinterest",
[GET] /v1/me/
user, err := client.Me.Fetch()
[GET] /v1/me/boards/
boards, err := client.Me.Boards.Fetch()
[GET] /v1/me/boards/suggested/
boards, err := client.Me.Boards.Suggested.Fetch(
Count: 10,
Pin: "some-pin-id",
[GET] /v1/me/followers/
users, page, err := client.Me.Followers.Fetch(
Cursor: "some-cursor",
[GET] /v1/me/following/boards/
boards, page, err := client.Me.Following.Boards.Fetch(
Cursor: "some-cursor",
[POST] /v1/me/following/boards/
err := client.Me.Following.Boards.Create("pinterest/pinterest-100-for-2017")
[DELETE] /v1/me/following/boards/<board_spec:board>/
err := client.Me.Following.Boards.Delete("pinterest/pinterest-100-for-2017")
[GET] /v1/me/following/interests/
interests, page, err := client.Me.Following.Interests.Fetch(
Cursor: "some-cursor",
[GET] /v1/me/following/users/
users, page, err := client.Me.Following.Users.Fetch(
Cursor: "some-cursor",
[POST] /v1/me/following/users/
err := client.Me.Following.Users.Create("hhsnopek")
[DELETE] /v1/me/following/users/<user>/
err := client.Me.Following.Users.Delete("hhsnopek")
[GET] /v1/me/pins/
pins, page, err := client.Me.Pins.Fetch(
Cursor: "some-cursor",
[GET] /v1/me/search/boards/
// Load first page
boards, page, err := client.Me.Search.Boards.Fetch(
"Go Pinterest",
Cursor: "some-cursor",
Limit: 1,
[GET] /v1/me/search/pins/
pins, page, err := client.Me.Search.Pins.Fetch(
"Go Gopher",
Cursor: "some-cursor",
Limit: 1,
[POST] /v1/pins/
pin, err := client.Pins.Create(
"This is a cat",
Link: "",
ImageUrl: "",
[DELETE] /v1/pins/<pin>/
err := client.Pins.Delete("some-pin-id")
[PATCH] /v1/pins/<pin>/
pin, err := client.Pins.Update(
Board: "BrandonRRomano/go-pinterest",
Note: "This is a new cat",
Link: "",
[GET] /v1/pins/<pin>/
pin, err := client.Pins.Fetch("some-pin-id")
[GET] /v1/users/<user>/
user, err := client.Users.Fetch("BrandonRRomano")
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