We'll use 7_SEG from the Watchy/examples/WatchFaces
directory as an example. The basic idea is that the subclass of Watchy
becomes a subclass of Screen
the and drawWatchFace()
method becomes the show()
First create a new platformio project with platform espressif32, board pico32, and framework arduino. If you're doing it in VS Code, go to platformio home, "+ New Project" pick a name, select "ESP32 Pico Kit (Espressif)" for the board. Default location is fine. Your platformio.ini
should look like:
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html
platform = espressif32
board = pico32
framework = arduino
We want as much memory as possible for our app don't use much SPIFFS so add
board_build.partitions = min_spiffs.csv
I suggest updating the serial speeds for faster uploading and faster monitoring. Add the following two lines:
monitor_speed = 115200
upload_speed = 921600
You'll need to add the libraries we depend on. You can use the PIO library manager, but Watchy-Screen is custom and you'll have to edit platformio.ini
by hand to add it so I just add them all by adding
lib_deps =
adafruit/Adafruit GFX Library@^1.10.10
jchristensen/[email protected]+sha.261ca7d0e6
adafruit/Adafruit BusIO@^1.7.5
after framework
but there may be newer versions since this was written, so check for updates.
Now copy your .h
and .cpp
files to the src
directory in your new project. In this case that means
- 7_SEG.ino
- DSEG7_Classic_Bold_25.h
- DSEG7_Classic_Regular_15.h
- DSEG7_Classic_Regular_39.h
- Seven_Segment10pt7b.h
- Watchy_7_SEG.cpp
- Watchy_7_SEG.h
- icons.h
rename the .ino
file to main.cpp
(overwrite any existing main.cpp
) In main.cpp
add an import for watchy #import <Watchy.h>
instantiate your screen (don't call it watchy
though, I usually name it after the class in this case watchy7SEG
), and change main instead of calling watchy.init()
first set the current screen then call Watchy::init()
not watchy.
because Watchy is now a namespace.) So main.cpp
should look like:
#include <Watchy.h>
#include "Watchy_7_SEG.h"
Watchy7SEG watchy7SEG;
void setup() {
// only set it if not already set so that changing
// screens persists over deep sleep
if (Watchy::screen == nullptr) {
Watchy::screen = &watch7SEG;
void loop() {}
Instead a subclass of the Watchy
class, it should be a subclass of Screen
. Import "Screen.h"
instead of <Watchy.h>
and change class Watchy7SEG : public Watchy{
to class Watchy7SEG : public Screen {
(change Watchy
to Screen
) and change void drawWatchFace();
to void show() override;
(change your drawWatchFace
method to a show
method). That's it for the header file.
We need to copy DSEG7_Classic_Bold_53.h
from Watchy into our project, since Watchy-Screen doesn't include it. Also add #include "DSEG7_Classic_Bold_53.h"
to the includes.
Add a using namespace Watchy;
right after the includes. This is bad style, but when porting will make things easier to get working. We'll fix it in a bit.
Change drawWatchFace
to show
That only leaves weather. Watchy-Screens
moves weather into its own file. So add #include <GetWeather.h>
to your includes, add a using namespace Watchy_GetWeather;
after your includes (we'll fix that too in a minute) and change getWeatherData
to getWeather
- Watchy Screen changed the name.
That's the minimal code changes. You should be able to build and upload the watch face, and it should display properly.
But using namespace Blah;
is bad coding practice. So we will clean that up. Delete the line using namespace Watchy_GetWeather;
and rebuild. You should see three complaints about names not declared in this scope
add Watchy_GetWeather::
to all of them. Next do the same thing with using namespace Watchy;
This time there will be quite a few more errors. Most of them related to display
and currentTime
- add Watchy::
to all of them.