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The Orchard Inspector

The Orchard Inspector provides functionality to inspect Clojure and Java objects and is a useful tool for debugging large data structures. It is inspired by the Slime Inspector for Common LISP and is used in the Cider NREPL middleware to power the Cider Inspector.


The Orchard inspector is a Clojure map that implements a stack and holds information about an inspected object. The orchard.inspect namespace provides functions to create the inspector data structure and to manipulate it, such as drilling down into an object, moving up and down the stack, configuring the inspector and paginating large collections.

(require '[orchard.inspect :as inspect])

The inspector data structure

To create the inspector data structure we can use the inspect/fresh function. It returns an empty inspector initialized with the value nil that looks like this:

{:path [],
 :index [],
 :pages-stack [],
 :value nil,
 :page-size 32,
 :counter 0,
 :rendered ("nil" (:newline)),
 :stack [],
 :indentation 0,
 :current-page 0}

The map contains the following keys:

  • :path is a vector that contains a symbolic path to the currently inspected object.
  • :index is a vector that holds the inspect-able objects that were rendered at the current stack level. These are the objects into which we can drill down to.
  • :pages-stack is a vector of page numbers, which is used to paginate collections.
  • :value is the currently inspected object. The empty inspector has this value always set to nil.
  • :page-size controls how many elements should be rendered per page.
  • :counter is a number that gets incremented when a new object is added to the index.
  • :rendered is a list of instructions on how to render the currently inspected object on the client (e.g in the Cider inspector). Here the list ("nil" (:newline)) instructs the client to render the string nil followed by a newline.
  • :stack is the stack of inspected objects. When drilling down into an object the new object will be pushed onto that stack.
  • :indentation is the number of spaces used for padding on the left side and is used by some render functions.
  • :current-page is the current page number used when paginating collections.

Inspecting an object

Let’s inspect a more interesting object. To start the inspection we can use the inspect/start function with the inspector and the object we want to inspect as its arguments. This will modify the inspector data structure in the following way:

(-> (inspect/fresh)
    (inspect/start {:a {:b 1}}))
{:path [],
 :index [clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap :a {:b 1}],
 :pages-stack [],
 :value {:a {:b 1}},
 :page-size 32,
 :counter 3,
 ("Class" ": " (:value "clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap" 0)
  "--- Contents:"
  "  " (:value ":a" 1) " = " (:value "{ :b 1 }" 2)
 :stack [],
 :indentation 0,
 :current-page 0}

The inspected object {:a {:b 1}} has been added to the :value key. The objects, into which we can drill down to, have been added to the :index, and the :counter has been increased by the sum of those objects.

Since we are inspecting a Clojure map, the inspector dispatched to a render function that knows how to render a Clojure map. The inspector has render functions for different kinds of objects, and what is added to the :index depends on those render functions.

The render function for Clojure maps has been implemented in a way that shows the class of the map and the its keys and values. When displayed on a client this will look like this:

Class: clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

--- Contents:
  :a = { :b 1 }

The class of the map, their keys and their values are inspect-able objects by themselves. The instructions under the :rendered key now contain lists starting with a :value keyword, such as (:value "clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap" 0). These lists represent objects, into which can be drilled down to. The first element of those lists tells the client that the element should be rendered as an inspect-able object. The 2nd element is it’s textual representation and the 3rd element is the position of the object in the :index.

Drilling into an object

To drill down into an object we can use the inspect/down function. After inspecting the object {:a {:b 1}} the :index is set to [clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap :a {:b 1}]. Passing 2 (the position in the index) as the argument to the inspect/down function means the next object that is going to be inspected is {:b 1}.

(-> (inspect/fresh)
    (inspect/start {:a {:b 1}})
    (inspect/down 2))
{:path [:a],
 :index [clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap :b 1],
 :pages-stack [0],
 :value {:b 1},
 :page-size 32,
 :counter 3,
 ("Class" ": " (:value "clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap" 0)
  "--- Contents:"
  "  " (:value ":b" 1) " = " (:value "1" 2)
  "--- Path:"
  "  " ":a"),
 :stack [{:a {:b 1}}],
 :indentation 0,
 :current-page 0}

We can see that the inspected object {:b 1} has been added to the :value key and got rendered under the :rendered key. The previous object has been pushed onto the :stack, and :path has been updated with the instructions that describe how to get from the original object to the object we drilled down to. :counter is again set to 3 because the inspector dispatched to the render function for maps, which renders the class of the map and it’s keys and values as inspected-able objects.


The following section describes how the Orchard Inspector renders different kinds of objects.


Classes are rendered with their name, the implemented interfaces, the available constructors, their fields and methods, and their datafied representation.

(inspect/inspect-print Boolean)
Class: java.lang.Class

--- Interfaces:

--- Constructors:
  public java.lang.Boolean(boolean)
  public java.lang.Boolean(java.lang.String)

--- Fields:
  public static final java.lang.Boolean java.lang.Boolean.FALSE
  public static final java.lang.Boolean java.lang.Boolean.TRUE
  public static final java.lang.Class java.lang.Boolean.TYPE

--- Methods:
  public boolean java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()
  public static int,boolean)
  public int java.lang.Boolean.compareTo(java.lang.Boolean)
  public int java.lang.Boolean.compareTo(java.lang.Object)
  public boolean java.lang.Boolean.equals(java.lang.Object)
  public static boolean java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean(java.lang.String)
  public final native java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()
  public int java.lang.Boolean.hashCode()
  public static int java.lang.Boolean.hashCode(boolean)
  public static boolean java.lang.Boolean.logicalAnd(boolean,boolean)
  public static boolean java.lang.Boolean.logicalOr(boolean,boolean)
  public static boolean java.lang.Boolean.logicalXor(boolean,boolean)
  public final native void java.lang.Object.notify()
  public final native void java.lang.Object.notifyAll()
  public static boolean java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(java.lang.String)
  public java.lang.String java.lang.Boolean.toString()
  public static java.lang.String java.lang.Boolean.toString(boolean)
  public static java.lang.Boolean java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(boolean)
  public static java.lang.Boolean java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(java.lang.String)
  public final native void java.lang.Object.wait(long) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
  public final void java.lang.Object.wait() throws java.lang.InterruptedException
  public final void java.lang.Object.wait(long,int) throws java.lang.InterruptedException

--- Datafy:
  :bases = #{ java.lang.Object java.lang.Comparable }
  :flags = #{ :public :final }
  :members = { FALSE [ { :name FALSE, :type java.lang.Boolean, :declaring-class java.lang.Boolean, :flags #{ :public :static :final } } ], TRUE [ { :name TRUE, :type java.lang.Boolean, :declaring-class java.lang.Boolean, :flags #{ :public :static :final } } ], TYPE [ { :name TYPE, :type java.lang.Class, :declaring-class java.lang.Boolean, :flags #{ :public :static :final } } ], booleanValue [ { :name booleanValue, :return-type boolean, :declaring-class java.lang.Boolean, :parameter-types [], :exception-types [], ... } ], compare [ { :name compare, :return-type int, :declaring-class java.lang.Boolean, :parameter-types [ boolean boolean ], :exception-types [], ... } ], ... }
  :name = java.lang.Boolean


Objects implementing the Datafiable protocol are rendered with an optional Datafy section. The section shows the result of calling the datafy function on the object, navigating 1 level into the children using nav and calling datafy again on them.

Since the Datafiable protocol is implemented for every object, this section will only be rendered if the datafy-ed version of the object is different than the original object.

(-> {:name "John Doe"}
    (with-meta {'clojure.core.protocols/datafy
                (fn [x] (assoc x :class (.getSimpleName (class x))))})
Class: clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

--- Meta Information:
  clojure.core.protocols/datafy = user$eval11033$fn__11034@213a1033

--- Contents:
  :name = "John Doe"

--- Datafy:
  :name = "John Doe"
  :class = "PersistentArrayMap"


Clojure keywords are rendered with their class name, their printed value, and the instance and static fields.

(inspect/inspect-print :abc/def)
Class: clojure.lang.Keyword
Value: ":abc/def"

--- Fields:
  "_str" = ":abc/def"
  "hasheq" = -1043781166
  "sym" = abc/def

--- Static fields:
  "rq" = java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue@7849a4c3
  "table" = { returns java.lang.ref.WeakReference@1b9ad0c1, dialect java.lang.ref.WeakReference@542db2ec, existing java.lang.ref.WeakReference@17d434cf, clojure.core.logic/unify-with-pmap* java.lang.ref.WeakReference@4d5b7e61, patch java.lang.ref.WeakReference@7239d9d7, ... }


Numbers keywords are rendered with their class name, their printed value, and the instance and static fields.

(inspect/inspect-print 1)
Class: java.lang.Long
Value: "1"

--- Fields:
  "value" = 1

--- Static fields:
  "BYTES" = 8
  "MAX_VALUE" = 9223372036854775807
  "MIN_VALUE" = -9223372036854775808
  "SIZE" = 64
  "TYPE" = long
  "serialVersionUID" = 4290774380558885855


Lists are rendered with their class name, the number of list items and the paginated items in tabular form.

(inspect/inspect-print (list :a :b))
Class: clojure.lang.PersistentList

--- Contents:
  0. :a
  1. :b


Maps are rendered with their class name, the number of map entries and the map entries in tabular form.

(inspect/inspect-print {:a 1 :b 2})
Class: clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

--- Contents:
  :a = 1
  :b = 2


Objects that have metadata attached to them are rendered with a Meta Information section that shows the metadata in tabular form.

(inspect/inspect-print (with-meta [1 2] {:a 1}))
Class: clojure.lang.PersistentVector

--- Meta Information:
  :a = 1

--- Contents:
  0. 1
  1. 2


Clojure namespaces are rendered with their class name, their printed value, the total number of mappings, and sections for the Refer from, Interns and Imports mappings.

(inspect/inspect-print (find-ns 'clojure.string))
Class: clojure.lang.Namespace
Count: 786

--- Refer from:
  clojure.core = [ #'clojure.core/primitives-classnames #'clojure.core/+' #'clojure.core/decimal? #'clojure.core/restart-agent #'clojure.core/sort-by ... ]

--- Imports:
  { Enum java.lang.Enum, InternalError java.lang.InternalError, NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException, InheritableThreadLocal java.lang.InheritableThreadLocal, Class java.lang.Class, ... }

--- Interns:
  { ends-with? #'clojure.string/ends-with?, replace-first-char #'clojure.string/replace-first-char, capitalize #'clojure.string/capitalize, reverse #'clojure.string/reverse, join #'clojure.string/join, ... }

--- Datafy:
  :name = clojure.string
  :publics = { blank? #'clojure.string/blank?, capitalize #'clojure.string/capitalize, ends-with? #'clojure.string/ends-with?, escape #'clojure.string/escape, includes? #'clojure.string/includes?, ... }
  :imports = { AbstractMethodError java.lang.AbstractMethodError, Appendable java.lang.Appendable, ArithmeticException java.lang.ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ArrayStoreException java.lang.ArrayStoreException, ... }
  :interns = { blank? #'clojure.string/blank?, capitalize #'clojure.string/capitalize, ends-with? #'clojure.string/ends-with?, escape #'clojure.string/escape, includes? #'clojure.string/includes?, ... }


Objects implementing the Navigable protocol are rendered with an optional Datafy section. The 'clojure.core.protocols/nav function of the object will be used for navigation, instead of the default implementation declared on object.

(-> {:name "John Doe"}
    (with-meta {'clojure.core.protocols/nav
                (fn [coll k v] [k (get coll k v)])})
Class: clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

--- Meta Information:
  clojure.core.protocols/nav = user$eval11043$fn__11044@4c605d88

--- Contents:
  :name = "John Doe"

--- Datafy:
  :name = [ :name "John Doe" ]

Collections that contain elements that implement the Datafiable and Navigable protocols will be rendered with an additional Datafy section that shows the datafy-ed version of the elements.

(->> (iterate inc 0)
     (map #(hash-map :x %))
     (map #(with-meta %
             {'clojure.core.protocols/datafy (fn [x] (assoc x :class (.getSimpleName (class x))))
              'clojure.core.protocols/nav (fn [coll k v] [k (get coll k v)])}))
     (take 5)
Class: clojure.lang.LazySeq

--- Contents:
  0. { :x 0 }
  1. { :x 1 }
  2. { :x 2 }
  3. { :x 3 }
  4. { :x 4 }

--- Datafy:
  0. { :class "PersistentHashMap", :x 0 }
  1. { :class "PersistentHashMap", :x 1 }
  2. { :class "PersistentHashMap", :x 2 }
  3. { :class "PersistentHashMap", :x 3 }
  4. { :class "PersistentHashMap", :x 4 }


Collections that have more than 32 elements are paginated. A paginated collection can be navigated with the inspect/next-page and inspect/prev-page functions. The size of each page can be adjusted with the inspect/set-page-size function.

(inspect/inspect-print (iterate inc 0))
Class: clojure.lang.Iterate

--- Contents:
  0. 0
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
  14. 14
  15. 15
  16. 16
  17. 17
  18. 18
  19. 19
  20. 20
  21. 21
  22. 22
  23. 23
  24. 24
  25. 25
  26. 26
  27. 27
  28. 28
  29. 29
  30. 30
  31. 31

--- Page Info:
  Page size: 32, showing page: 1 of ?


Clojure references are rendered with their class name, their containing object in the Contains section, and an optional Datafy section.

The object rendered under the Contains section is indented by 2 spaces to better distinguish it from enclosing reference object.

(inspect/inspect-print (atom {:a 1}))
Class: clojure.lang.Atom

--- Contains:
  Class: clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

  --- Contents:
    :a = 1

--- Datafy:
  0. { :a 1 }


Strings are rendered with their class name, their value, and the printed version of the string in the Printed Value section.

(inspect/inspect-print "Hello world")
Class: java.lang.String
Value: "Hello world"

--- Print:
  Hello world


Clojure symbols are rendered with their class name, their printed value, and their fields.

(inspect/inspect-print 'abc/def)
Class: clojure.lang.Symbol
Value: "abc/def"

--- Fields:
  "_hasheq" = 0
  "_meta" =
  "_str" = "abc/def"
  "name" = "def"
  "ns" = "abc"


Clojure vars are rendered with their class name, their value (if bound), metadata information and an optional Datafy section.

(inspect/inspect-print #'*assert*)
Class: clojure.lang.Var
Value: true

--- Meta Information:
  :ns = clojure.core
  :name = *assert*

--- Datafy:
  0. true


Vectors are rendered with their class name, the number of items and the paginated items in tabular form.

(inspect/inspect-print [1 2 3])
Class: clojure.lang.PersistentVector

--- Contents:
  0. 1
  1. 2
  2. 3