Just one line to create DataSource
and Delegate
for UITableView
中文文档 (Document in Chinese)
is a lightweight Framework which was used to create DataSource
and Delegate
for UITableView
quickly. It provides a simple API to create logical and easily maintained code.
The most lazy way to create DataSource
like this:
[_tableView cb_makeSectionWithData:self.viewModel.data andCellClass:[CustomCell class]];
Of course, you must follow some convention in this way. At the same time, I also provides others flexible way to create DataSource
Details as document below.
We always spend a lot of time and energy to create DataSource
and Delegate
for UITableView
when we develop an App. While those code tend to repetitive and hard maintenance, because them located in each position of each delegate method. We must found them from corner to corner, and modified them when we maintain program.
However, CBTableViewDataSource
changed all this, and provides a simple API to help us create logical and easily maintained code.
In order to make everyone notice advantages of this framework, let's do a compare.
Native way below:
// Native vision
// define a enum to split section
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, SectionNameDefine) {
// define identifier for section
// register cell class for section
[self.tableView registerClass:[OneCell class] forCellWithReuseIdentifier:IDENTIFIER_ONE];
[self.tableView registerClass:[TwoCell class] forCellWithReuseIdentifier:IDENTIFIER_TWO];
[self.tableView registerClass:[ThreeCell class] forCellWithReuseIdentifier:IDENTIFIER_THREE];
[self.tableView registerClass:[FourCell class] forCellWithReuseIdentifier:IDENTIFIER_FOUR];
// implementation datasource protocol
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
return ((NSArray*)self.data[section]).count;
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
NSUInteger section = (NSUInteger) indexPath.section;
NSUInteger index = (NSUInteger) indexPath.row;
switch(section) {
// to do something
return cell;
// to do something
return cell;
// to do something
return cell;
return cell;
// ...
It is cumbersome and hard maintenance in this way.
While using CBTableViewDataSource
[_tableView cb_makeDataSource:^(CBTableViewDataSourceMaker * make) {
// section one
[make makeSection:^(CBTableViewSectionMaker *section) {
section.cell([OneCell class])
.adapter(^(OneCell * cell,id data,NSUInteger index){
[cell configure:data];
// section two
[make makeSection:^(CBTableViewSectionMaker *section) {
section.cell([TwoCell class])
.adapter(^(FeedCell * cell,id data,NSUInteger index){
[cell configure:data];
// ... so on
It has been concise and layered. Most important is that it make codes accord with the man's thought better.
using cocoapods
pod 'CBTableViewDataSource'
#import <CBTableViewDataSource/CBTableViewDataSource.h>
[_tableView cb_makeDataSource:^(CBTableViewDataSourceMaker * make) {
// section one
[make makeSection:^(CBTableViewSectionMaker *section) {
section.cell([OneCell class])
.adapter(^(OneCell * cell,id data,NSUInteger index){
[cell configure:data];
// section two
[make makeSection:^(CBTableViewSectionMaker *section) {
section.cell([TwoCell class])
.adapter(^(FeedCell * cell,id data,NSUInteger index){
[cell configure:data];
// ... so on
UITableView tableView = [UITableView new];
[tableView cb_makeSectionWithData:data];
It will use default UITalbeViewCell
as Cell Class in this way.
The data must follow convention as follows:
data is a NSArray (NSArray < NSDictionary * >*).
The key of dictionary as follows:
use to set text forUITableViewCell
's textLabeldetail
use to set text forUITableViewCell
's detailTextLabelvalue
use to set text forUITableViewCell
's detailTextLabelimage
use to set image forUITableViewCell
's imageViewaccessoryType
use to set accessory type forUITableViewCell
both be used to set text forUITableViewCell
's detailTextLabel. If usedetail
as key, thedetailTextLabel
will show at the bottom oftextLabel
. If usevalue
as key, thedetailTextLabel
will show at the right oftextLabel
. Do not use both of them in the same time,and the first appear in array priority.
For example:
_data = @[
UI as follows:
Check detail on file named DemoTwoViewController.h
and DemoTwoViewController.m
[tableView cb_makeSectionWithData:data andCellClass:[CustomCell class]];
must provides a Configuer:
method or Configuer:index:
method to adapt data.
For example:
- (void)configure:(NSDictionary *)row index:(NSNumber * )index {
if (row[@"avatar"]) {
[self.avatarView setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:row[@"avatar"]]];
} else {
[self.avatarView setImage:nil];
[self.nameLabel setText:row[@"name"]];
[self.titleLabel setText:row[@"title"]];
[self.detailLabel setText:row[@"detail"]];
self.circleView.hidden = row[@"unread"] == nil;
if([index intValue] &1) {
self.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.95 green:0.96 blue:0.96 alpha:1.00];
} else {
self.contentView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
Check detail on file named CustomCell.h
and CustomCell.m
Check detail on file named DemoOneViewController.h
and DemoOneViewController.m
[tableView cb_makeSection:^(CBTableViewSectionMaker * section) {
section.cell([CustomCell class]);
section.adapter(^(CustomCell cell,id row,NSUInteger index) {
section.event(^() {
// do something
// other setting
Here show the case of single section.
was used to setting some attribute for section.
Available attribute as follows :
Setting the data be used show in UITableView
,argument was required a NSArray.
For example:
Setting the Cell Class
which was used to show data.
The identifier of cell will be register automatically.
For example:
section.cell([CustomCell class]);
Was used to adapt cell and date.
For example:
section.adapter(^(CustomCell * cell,id row,NSUInteger index) {
[cell configure:row];
// ...
Was used to setting event when cell be touch, for example:
section.event(^(NSUInteger index,id row) {
CustomViewController * controller = [CustomViewController new];
controller.viewModel.data = row;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
Used to setting height for cell
. Is required a static value.
This height just vail for current section.
Used to setting dynamic calculate height for cell.
If has setting autoHeight
,the height
will be invalid.
Used to setting header title for section. For example:
Used to setting footer title for section. ditto.
Used to setting header view for section. For example
UIView * headerView = [UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,40);
// ...
return headerView;
If has setting headerView
will be invalid.
Used to setting footer view for section. ditto.
[tableView cb_makeDataSource:^(CBTableViewDataSourceMaker * make) {
[make headerView:^{
return [HeaderView new];
[make makeSection: ^(CBTableViewSectionMaker * section) {
// ... so on
[make makeSection: ^(CBTableViewSectionMaker * section) {
// ... so on
[make makeSection: ^(CBTableViewSectionMaker * section) {
// ... so on
// .. so on
[make footView:^{
return [FooterView new];
UI as follows:
Check detail on file named DemoThreeViewController.h
and DemoThreeViewController.m
was used to setting some attribute for UITableView
Available attribute as follows :
Used to add a section for UITableView
.For example:
[tableView cb_makeDataSource:^(CBTableViewDataSourceMaker * make) {
[make makeSection: ^(CBTableViewSectionMaker * section) {
// ...
Used to setting default height for UITableView
If you had setting height
or autoHeight
for section, the height
of here will invalid. Default is 40.
Used to setting tableHeaderView for UITableView
.Notice the difference between tableHeaderView
and section‘s headerView
For example:
UIView * headerView = [[UIView alloc]init];
// ...
return headerView;
Used to setting tableFooterView for UITableView
. ditto.
Used to setting commitEditing
method for UITableViewDelegate
[make commitEditing:^(UITableView * tableView, UITableViewCellEditingStyle * editingStyle, NSIndexPath * indexPath) {
// do somethings.
Used to setting scrollViewDidScroll
method for UITableViewDelegate
[make scrollViewDidScroll:^(UIScrollView * scrollView) {
// do somethings
Thank you for using and supporting. Welcome to issue and pull request. I will deal with at first time.
I refer to many master in this framework. For example, I refer to famous autolayout
framework Masonary
when I design API. The way to dynamic calculate cell height is refer to @forkingdog
's UITableView-FDTemplateLayoutCell
Thinks them for bring inspiration to me.
Contact me by email :[email protected]