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Make sure to install dependencies:

npm install

Chrome path

In this plugin we provide Lighthouse functionality exposed over the lighthousePlugin. To test lighthouse properly we work with a predefined testing setup.

On some OS there could be a problem finding the path to Chrome.

We try to detect it automatically in the chrome-path.mock.ts script. There we use getChromePath and have chromium installed as NPM package, so detecting the path should not cause any problem.

However, if no chrome path is detected automatically the error looks like this:

Runtime error encountered: No Chrome installations found.

To prevent this from happening you have to provide the path manually in your .env:

CUSTOM_CHROME_PATH=/Applications/Google Chrome

In the CI you can set a static path if needed over the env variable like this:

# ...
- name: Set custom Chrome path for Windows only
  if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
  run: |
    echo "CUSTOM_CHROME_PATH=C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append -Encoding utf8
  shell: pwsh

# Optional debug log
- name: Log all environment variables
  run: printenv
# ...

We consider this path in our beforeAll hook in a chrome-path.mock.ts script.

Testing chrome flags

  1. run npx chrome-debug --<chromium-flag> to pass terminal arguments to Chrome. E.g. npx chrome-debug --headless=shell. npx chrome-debug --headless=shell --@TODO-PUT-OTHER-EXAMPLE-FOR-FLAG

For a full list of available flags check out this document.


To pass chrome flags to lighthouse you have to provide them under --chrome-flags="<chrome-flags-as-array>". E.g. lighthouse --chrome-flage="--headless=shell"

  1. Check if the flag got accepted. This is quite unintuitive as we would expect the passed flag to be visible under chrome://flags/ but as you can see in the screenshot it is not visible. chrome-flags Instead open chrome://version/ and look under the "Command Line" section.

Chrome User Data

To bootstrap Chrome with a predefined for setting we have to provide a couple of config files that we located under <project-root>/mock/chromium-user-data. When executing Lighthouse we provide the path to this folder over the Flag object.

To generate initialise or edit the file structure under chromium-user-data do the following steps:

  1. Spin up Chrome by running npx chrome-debug --user-data-dir=./packages/plugin-lighthouse/mock/chromium-user-data chrome-blank-screen

  2. If you do this the first time you should already see content under <project-root>/mock/chromium-user-data

  3. Edit the configuration over the Chrome UI. E.g. adding a profile

  4. Close chromium and open it again, and you should see chromium bootstraps as the configured user chrome-blank-screen-pre-configured

To reset the above just delete the folder and apply the settings again.

A helpful chromium setup is preconfigured with the following settings:

  • A user profile is set up. This enables certain debugging related options as well as help to visually distinguish between test setups as the header bar is colored. chrome-settings-manage-profile



  1. Verify Chrome Installation
    Ensure Chrome is correctly installed and accessible to the Lighthouse process. Run npx chrome-debug to test it. Read further under chrome-path

  2. Increase Timeout
    Lighthouse has a longer runtime which can time out in different environments. Try increasing the test timeout in lighthouse-plugin.integration.test.ts for runner creation and execution test suite.

  3. Turn on debug mode
    Show debug logs of Lighthouse. Set the following environment variable: DEBUG='*'

  4. Understand error messages (⏳ could also be because of timeout problems :D )

  • Lighthouse error - Runtime error encountered: No Chrome installations found. Read further under chrome-path
  • Could not find report.json (⏳) lighthouse-error-2.png
  • Lighthouse Error - Could Not Connect to Chrome (⏳) lighthouse-error-1.png Your Chrome path is set incorrectly. Read further under chrome-path
  • Lighthouse Error - start lh:<any>:<performancemark>" performance mark has not been set (⏳)
    lighthouse-error-3.png If this error pops up you are able to launch Chrome but had problems to communicate over the ports.