My opinion on why I chose a particular Third Party library
Developers who would like to suggest an alternative library, raise an issue with the license and advantages clearly outlined.
- Flatbuffers C++ Benchmarks
- Serialization is needed for optimized rebuilds
- The previous build is compared with the current build
From target.fbs we can see the different parameters that are tracked
- source files
- header files
- lib deps (built through buildcc)
- external lib deps (passed in through the
flag for prebuilt libraries) - include directories
- lib directories
- preprocessor flags
- c compile flags
- cpp compile flags
- link flags
Also see Target::BuildRecompile() in build.cpp for rechecks
- Provides helpful utility functions
can be used to generate strict + efficient jsonflatbuffer
has a few limitations when generation JSON- For example: an array cannot be a root when writing your schema.
can be used to generate flexibile + efficient JSON.
- See #222
- Fmtlib and Spdlog are extremely popular libraries for formatting and logging.
- Fmtlib is also used as a dependency in Spdlog which helps reduce library interdependencies.
- Very efficient and easy to use parallel programming APIs
- Easy to setup dependencies between two or more
- This ensures that parts of the build that need to be independent can be built in parallel.
- Automatically uses the C++ Thread library for speedup.
- Provides Graph generation for visualization
- Full feature argument parsing library
- Has support for custom subcommands
- Has support for configuration files in
format for ease of use - Also has future support for merging more than one configuration file similar to
Meson build
. CLI11 issue to merge more than 1 configuration file
- See Unit-Testing and Mocking list
- Google Test is amazing but Google mock is not as flexible
- To create mocks in Google mock everything must be made virtual in a class
- Google mock can also be intrusive in certain situations. I did not want ANY dependency to testing and mocking frameworks in the core code base.
- Catch2 is another alternative to Google Test, unfortunately it does not have its own mocking framework and would need one of the following.
- Trompeloeil (Compared Catch2 + Trompoliel to the CppUTest suite)
- FFF (More useful to mock out C code)
- FakeIt (Similar to Google mock)
- CppUTest and CppUMock is provided as a single package with great compatibility.
- Less number of library dependencies to manage
- CppUMock is extremely customizable
- CppUTest does not have AS MANY features as Google Test
- CppUMock needs a lot of boilerplate (read customizable)
- Thankfully mocking is used very sparingly in the code base
Unit-Tests and Mocking is used to check the behaviour of the core Target class i.e (Compile and Link strategies).
- CppUTest is used for general assertions
- CppUMock is used for mock out underlying process/system calls and instead verify that the function is being called accurately.
- CppUMock is also used to verify rebuild states and to see if certain parts of the code are being accurately hit (through