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87 lines (62 loc) · 3.59 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (62 loc) · 3.59 KB

Why this lib

My opinion on why I chose a particular Third Party library

Developers who would like to suggest an alternative library, raise an issue with the license and advantages clearly outlined.


From target.fbs we can see the different parameters that are tracked

  • source files
  • header files
  • lib deps (built through buildcc)
  • external lib deps (passed in through the -l flag for prebuilt libraries)
  • include directories
  • lib directories
  • preprocessor flags
  • c compile flags
  • cpp compile flags
  • link flags

Also see Target::BuildRecompile() in build.cpp for rechecks

  • Provides helpful utility functions
  • flatbuffer can be used to generate strict + efficient json
    • flatbuffer has a few limitations when generation JSON
    • For example: an array cannot be a root when writing your schema.
  • flexbuffer can be used to generate flexibile + efficient JSON.


Fmtlib and Spdlog

  • Fmtlib and Spdlog are extremely popular libraries for formatting and logging.
  • Fmtlib is also used as a dependency in Spdlog which helps reduce library interdependencies.


  • Very efficient and easy to use parallel programming APIs
  • Easy to setup dependencies between two or more Tasks or Taskflows
    • This ensures that parts of the build that need to be independent can be built in parallel.
    • Automatically uses the C++ Thread library for speedup.
  • Provides Graph generation for visualization


  • Full feature argument parsing library
  • Has support for custom subcommands
  • Has support for configuration files in .toml or .ini format for ease of use
  • Also has future support for merging more than one configuration file similar to Meson build. CLI11 issue to merge more than 1 configuration file


  • See Unit-Testing and Mocking list
  • Google Test is amazing but Google mock is not as flexible
    • To create mocks in Google mock everything must be made virtual in a class
    • Google mock can also be intrusive in certain situations. I did not want ANY dependency to testing and mocking frameworks in the core code base.
  • Catch2 is another alternative to Google Test, unfortunately it does not have its own mocking framework and would need one of the following.
    • Trompeloeil (Compared Catch2 + Trompoliel to the CppUTest suite)
    • FFF (More useful to mock out C code)
    • FakeIt (Similar to Google mock)


  • CppUTest and CppUMock is provided as a single package with great compatibility.
  • Less number of library dependencies to manage
  • CppUMock is extremely customizable


  • CppUTest does not have AS MANY features as Google Test
  • CppUMock needs a lot of boilerplate (read customizable)
    • Thankfully mocking is used very sparingly in the code base


Unit-Tests and Mocking is used to check the behaviour of the core Target class i.e (Compile and Link strategies).

  • CppUTest is used for general assertions
  • CppUMock is used for mock out underlying process/system calls and instead verify that the function is being called accurately.
  • CppUMock is also used to verify rebuild states and to see if certain parts of the code are being accurately hit (through expect APIs).