The “Regex Validation” plugin in Contentstack CLI allows users to search for invalid regexes within the content types and global fields of their stack.
Using the CLI “Regex Validation” plugin, you can find the invalid regexes within your stack and rectify them.
$ npm install -g @contentstack/cli
$ csdx plugins:install
$ csdx plugins
running command...
@contentstack/cli-cm-regex-validate/1.2.1 darwin-arm64 node-v20.8.0
$ csdx --help [COMMAND]
$ csdx COMMAND
Configured management token alias
This command is used to find all the invalid regexes present in the content types and global fields of your stack.
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex [-h] [-a <value>] [-c] [-g] [-f <value>]
-a, --alias=<value> Alias (name) assigned to the management token
-c, --contentType To find invalid regexes within the content types
-f, --filePath=<value> [optional] The path or the location in your file system where the CSV output file should be
-g, --globalField To find invalid regexes within the global fields
-h, --help To show the flags that can be used with this CLI command
This command is used to find all the invalid regexes present in the content types and global fields of your stack.
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -a <management_token_alias>
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -c
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -g
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -f <path/to/the/directory>
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -a <management_token_alias> -c -g
$ csdx cm:stacks:validate-regex -a <management_token_alias> -c -g -f <path/to/the/directory>
See code: src/commands/cm/stacks/validate-regex.ts