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Contentstack - TypeScript generation library

This library helps to generate TypeScript type definition for the content types available in a Stack.


$ npm install @contentstack/types-generator


In NodeJs

require("@contentstack/types-generator") for Common JS (CJS)


import {<< required method >>} from "@contentstack/types-generator" for ECMAScript Modules (ESM)

In Web application

import {<< required method >>} from "@contentstack/types-generator/dist/web"

Usage Guide

1. generateTS() (Available for both NodeJS and Web application)

This is an asynchronous method which generates Typescript type definition of the content types available in a Stack using given inputs. Use this method for REST API.


Property Name Description Data type Accepted values Mandatory Default value
token Unique identifier used for authorization String Yes
tokenType Type of token being provided (Currently we are supporting only delivery token) String delivery Yes
apiKey Stack API key String Yes
environment Name of the environment (example: development, staging, production) String Yes
region Contentstack API region String US (for AWS NA), EU (for AWS EU), AZURE_NA, AZURE_EU, GCP_NA Yes
branch Stack branch name String No
prefix Optional prefix to add for each interface String No
includeDocumentation To add content type documentation in the generated file boolean true, false No true
systemFields Boolean flag indicating whether to include system-generated fields in the response boolean true, false No false


Returns a Promise that resolves with data or rejects with an error.

If resolved:

Type: String

Data: Generated Typescript type definition

If rejected:

Type: Error Object

Data: An object with error_message

Example usage: generateTS()

import { generateTS } from "@contentstack/types-generator"; // Import statement for NodeJS
import { generateTS } from "@contentstack/types-generator/dist/web"; // Import statement for Web application

async function getTypeDef() {
  try {
    const typeDef = await generateTS({
      token: "<< your_delivery_token >>",
      tokenType: "delivery", // Currently we are supporting only delivery token
      apiKey: "<< your_stack_api_key >>",
      environment: "development",
      region: "US",
      branch: "main",
      prefix: "CS",
      includeDocumentation: true,
      systemFields: false,

    // Handle the resolved promise, e.g., process the typeDef
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle the rejected promise
    // error: { error_message: "Unauthorized! Please check the given token and api key" }


Example output: generateTS()

/** This is a description. */
interface BuiltinExample {
  /** Title */
  title: string;
  /** URL */
  url: string;
  /** Group1 */
  group1?: {
    /** Group2 */
    group2?: {
      /** Group3 */
      group3?: {
        /** Number */
        number?: number;
  /** SEO */
  seo?: Seo;
  /** Single line textbox */
  single_line?: string;
  /** Multi line textbox */
  multi_line?: string;
  /** Rich text editor */
  rich_text_editor?: string;
  /** Multiple Single Line Textbox */
  multiple_single_line_textbox?: string[];
  /** Markdown */
  markdown?: string;
  /** Multiple Choice */
  multiple_choice?: ("Choice 1" | "Choice 2" | "Choice 3")[];
  /** Single Choice */
  single_choice: "Choice 1" | "Choice 2" | "Choice 3";
  /** Modular Blocks */
  modular_blocks?: ModularBlocks[];
  /** Number */
  number?: number;
  /** Link */
  link?: Link;
  /** File */
  file?: File;
  /** Boolean */
  boolean?: boolean;
  /** Date */
  date?: string;

interface ModularBlocks {
  block_1: {
    /** Number */
    number?: number;
    /** Single line textbox */
    single_line?: string;
  block_2: {
    /** Boolean */
    boolean?: boolean;
    /** Date */
    date?: string;
  seo_gf: {
    /** Keywords */
    keywords?: string;
    /** Description */
    description?: string;

2. graphqlTS() (Available only for NodeJS)

This is an asynchronous method which generates Typescript type definition of the content types available in a Stack using given inputs for GraphQL. Use this method for GraphQL.


Property Name Description Data type Accepted values Mandatory
token Unique identifier used for authorization. This should be the delivery token of the stack. String Yes
apiKey Stack API key String Yes
environment Name of the environment (example: development, staging, production) String Yes
region Contentstack API region String US (for AWS NA), EU (for AWS EU), AZURE_NA, AZURE_EU, GCP_NA Yes
branch Stack branch name String No
namespace Identifies the specific namespace within schema String No


Returns a Promise that resolves with data or rejects with an error.

If resolved:

Type: String

Data: Generated Typescript type definition

If rejected:

Type: Error Object

Data: An object with error_message

Example usage: graphqlTS()

import { graphqlTS } from "@contentstack/types-generator"; // Import statement for NodeJS

async function getTypeDef() {
  try {
    const typeDef = await graphqlTS({
      token: "<< your_delivery_token >>", // Currently we are supporting only delivery token
      apiKey: "<< your_stack_api_key >>",
      environment: "development",
      region: "US",
      branch: "main",
      namespace: "<< your_name_space >>",

    // Handle the resolved promise, e.g., process the typeDef
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle the rejected promise
    // error: { error_message: "Unauthorized! Please check the given token and api key" }
