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439 lines (312 loc) · 11.5 KB

File metadata and controls

439 lines (312 loc) · 11.5 KB


Caplet is a tiny (11kb) modeling library.

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Caplet is the M in "MVC". It works independently from any other library, and can easily be used with your existing framework/view layer such as AngularJS, ReactJS, RactiveJS, or PaperclipJS (shameless plug).

Caplet doesn't make any assumptions about your code. It just gives organization to your model relationships in a sane way. It also gives you a relatively higher level of encapsulation for your data, while also encouraging you, but not forcefuly, to follow design patterns that scale quite well.

Caplet has been an evolution of many libraries in the past, which have been used in a few pretty large applications (30k-ish loc). The first version came about sometime around 2013 as mojo-models, and has since been further generalized for all intensive purposes.

The newer, hip version of Caplet has been designed for React, and pairs wells with the Hierarchial nature of React-based applications.

Caplet can be a great companion to Flux. It also serves as a Flux alternative if you enjoy the good 'ol (and well proven when done right) MVC approach (Caplet (M) + React (VC)).


  • Scales. Concepts have been used in various apps consisting of ~30k LOC.
  • Simple. You just have models & collections. Nothing else to learn.
  • Familiar. Caplet isn't too inventive. If you're familiar with Symfony, Mongoose, or Ember, then Caplet shouldn't be tough to learn.
  • Obvious. It's easier to reconcile how your application should be structured if the only thing you have to deal with are models & collections.
  • Encapsulated. Caplet was design to encourage you to focus how your models & collections relate to one other versus how they relate to other parts of your application - this includes views, and even the API. This allows you to:
  • Re-use your models for other applications - web/desktop/server-side.
  • Maintain your model structure even if the API changes.
  • Write your front-end in parallel with your API.
  • Lightweight. Caplet is small (11 KB minified).
  • Testable. Run 'em in the browser, in node, wherever you want.


npm install caplet



Basic Example

var Caplet = require("caplet");
var React  = require("react");


var TodoModel = Caplet.createModelClass({


var TodoCollection = Caplet.createCollectionClass({
    modelClass: TodoModel,
    create: function(properties) {
      var todo = this.createModel(properties);
      return todo;


var TodoComponent = React.createClass({
    mixins: [Caplet.watchModelsMixin],
    render: function() {
        return <li><a href="#" onClick={this.props.todo.dispose.bind(this.props.todo)}>x</a> {this.props.todo.text}</li>


var TodosComponent = React.createClass({
    mixins: [Caplet.watchModelsMixin],
    handleKeyDown: function(event) {
        if (event.keyCode !== 13) return;
        this.props.todos.create({ text: this.refs.todoText.getDOMNode().value });
    render: function() {
        return <div>
            <input type="text" ref="todoText" onKeyDown={this.handleKeyDown} />
            <ul>{ {
                return <TodoComponent todo={todo} />;


React.render(<TodosComponent todos={ TodoCollection({
    data: [{ text: "drive car" }, { text: "wash car" }]
})} />, document.body);


Model Caplet.createModelClass(properties)

creates a new model class

  • properties - prototype properties to set on the new class
    • mixins - array of mixins to add - adds to the prototype of class


creates a new model

var model = new Model(); // this is valid
var model = Model();     // you can also omit the "new" keyword


called when the model is instantiated

var Model = Caplet.createModelClass({
    initialize: function() {
        // initialize stuff here

Model(); // initialize() called


called when the data property is set. This method deserializes data and sets the returned object as properties on the model.

Note that uid should be set for an existing model

var Address = Caplet.createModelClass({
    // impl here

var Person = Caplet.createModelClass({
   fromData: function(data) {
        return {
            uid       : data._id,
            firstName : data.firstName,
            lastName  : data.lastName,
            address   : Address({ data: data.address })

var person = Person({
    data: {
        _id       : "dbId",
        firstName : "Jeff",
        lastName  : "Gordon",
        address   : {
            city  : "San Francisco",
            state : "CA",
            zip   : 94114

console.log(person.firstName); // Jeff
console.log(person.lastName);  // Gordon
console.log(person.address);   // [object Address]
console.log(;      // data prop


Serializes the model back into data.

var Person = Caplet.createModelClass({
   toData: function(data) {
        return {
            _id       : this.uid,
            firstName : this.firstName,
            lastName  : this.lastName,
            address   : this.address ? this.address.toData() : void 0

Model.onDataChange(newData, oldData)

called when the data property changes


calls toData()


returns a property

Model.set(property, value)

sets a property value

unserialized data on the model


sets multiple property values


watches the model for any changes

var m = new Caplet.Model({ name: "Oprah" }); {
m.set("name", "Ryan"); // triggers watcher


disposes the model - also removes it from a collection if it is in one

Collection Caplet.createCollectionClass(properties)

creates a new collection class

  • properties - prototype properties to set on the new class
    • mixins - array of mixins to add - adds to the prototype of class


creates a new collection

var collection = new Collection();
var collection = Collection();


called when the collection is created


deserializes properties on the collection. This is already set, but you can easily override it.

var People = Caplet.createCollectionClass({
    fromData: function(data) {
        return {
            anotherProp: "blah",
            source: {
                return this.createModel({ data: data });

Collection.onDataChange(newData, oldData)

called when the data property changes


The model class to instantiate for each data item

var Person = Caplet.createModelClass();
var People = Caplet.createCollectionClass({
    modelClass: Person

var people = People({ data: [{ name: "Ben"}, { name: "Carmen" }]});
console.log(; // [object Person]


the source of the collection


override this if you want to listen for any changes on the collection

var Todo = Caplet.createModelClass({
    toggleComplete: function() {
        this.set("complete", !this.complete);

var Todos = Caplet.createCollectionClass({
    modelClass: Todo,
    getInitialProperties: function() {
        return {
            allComplete: this._isAllComplete();
    onChange: function() {
    _isAllComplete: function() {
        for (var i = this.length; i--;) if (! return false;
        return true;

var todos = Todos({
    data: [
        { text: "wash car" },
        { text: "buy groceries", "complete": true }

console.log(todos.allComplete); // false"complete", true);
console.log(todos.allComplete); // true

returns a model at the given index


filters the collection


pushes a model onto the collection


unshifts a mdoel

Collection.splice(index, numToRemove[, ...replace])

Removes / replaces items in the collection

maps & returns values


source of the collection (array of models)

raw unserialized data


Caplet.setVirtuals(target, virtuals)

Sets virtual properties which get called on demand

var People = Caplet.createCollectionClass({
    load: function() {
        Caplet.load(this, function(next) {
            $.get(this.person ? "/people/" + this.person.uid + "/friends" : "/people", next);

var Person = Caplet.createModelClass({
    initialize: function() {
        Caplet.setVirtuals(this, {
            friends: function(onLoad) {
                People({ person: this }).load(onLoad);

var person = Person({ uid: "personId" }); {
    console.log(person.get("people")); // should be defined
person.get("people"); // trigger virtual property

Caplet.watchProperty(target, property, listener)

watches a property on the model or collection

Caplet.load(target, load, onLoad)

var Person = Caplet.createModelClass({
    load: function(onLoad) {
        Caplet.load(this, function(onLoad) {
            $.get("/people/" + this.uid, onLoad);
        }, onLoad);


React mixin which automatically watches properties on a component & triggers a re-render if anything changes