Upjet generates as much as it could using the available information in the Terraform resource schema. This includes an XRM-conformant schema of the resource, controller logic, late initialization, sensitive data handling, etc. However, there are still information that requires some input configuration which can be found by checking the Terraform documentation of the resource:
- External name
- Cross Resource Referencing
- Additional Sensitive Fields and Custom Connection Details
- Late Initialization Behavior
- Overriding Terraform Resource Schema
- Initializers
Crossplane uses crossplane.io/external-name
annotation in managed resource CR
to identify the external resource which is managed by Crossplane and always
shows the final value of the external resource name.
See the external name documentation and Naming Conventions - One Pager Managed Resource API Design for more details
The format and source of the external name depends on the cloud provider;
sometimes it could simply be the name of resource (e.g. S3 Bucket), and
sometimes it is an auto-generated id by cloud API (e.g. VPC id ). That is
something specific to resource, and we need some input configuration for upjet
to appropriately generate a resource.
Since Terraform already needs a similar identifier to import a resource, most helpful part of resource documentation is the import section.
Upjet performs some back and forth conversions between Crossplane resource model
and Terraform configuration. We need a custom, per resource configuration to
adapt Crossplane external name
from Terraform id
Here are the types for the External Name configuration:
// SetIdentifierArgumentsFn sets the name of the resource in Terraform attributes map,
// i.e. Main HCL file.
type SetIdentifierArgumentsFn func(base map[string]any, externalName string)
// GetExternalNameFn returns the external name extracted from the TF State.
type GetExternalNameFn func(tfstate map[string]any) (string, error)
// GetIDFn returns the ID to be used in TF State file, i.e. "id" field in
// terraform.tfstate.
type GetIDFn func(ctx context.Context, externalName string, parameters map[string]any, providerConfig map[string]any) (string, error)
// ExternalName contains all information that is necessary for naming operations,
// such as removal of those fields from spec schema and calling Configure function
// to fill attributes with information given in external name.
type ExternalName struct {
// SetIdentifierArgumentFn sets the name of the resource in Terraform argument
// map. In many cases, there is a field called "name" in the HCL schema, however,
// there are cases like RDS DB Cluster where the name field in HCL is called
// "cluster_identifier". This function is the place that you can take external
// name and assign it to that specific key for that resource type.
SetIdentifierArgumentFn SetIdentifierArgumentsFn
// GetExternalNameFn returns the external name extracted from TF State. In most cases,
// "id" field contains all the information you need. You'll need to extract
// the format that is decided for external name annotation to use.
// For example the following is an Azure resource ID:
// /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup1
// The function should return "mygroup1" so that it can be used to set external
// name if it was not set already.
GetExternalNameFn GetExternalNameFn
// GetIDFn returns the string that will be used as "id" key in TF state. In
// many cases, external name format is the same as "id" but when it is not
// we may need information from other places to construct it. For example,
// the following is an Azure resource ID:
// /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup1
// The function here should use information from supplied arguments to
// construct this ID, i.e. "mygroup1" from external name, subscription ID
// from providerConfig, and others from parameters map if needed.
// OmittedFields are the ones you'd like to be removed from the schema since
// they are specified via external name. For example, if you set
// "cluster_identifier" in SetIdentifierArgumentFn, then you need to omit
// that field.
// You can omit only the top level fields.
// No field is omitted by default.
OmittedFields []string
// DisableNameInitializer allows you to specify whether the name initializer
// that sets external name to metadata.name if none specified should be disabled.
// It needs to be disabled for resources whose external identifier is randomly
// assigned by the provider, like AWS VPC where it gets vpc-21kn123 identifier
// and not let you name it.
DisableNameInitializer bool
Comments explain the purpose of each field but let's clarify further with some example cases.
This is the simplest and most straightforward case with the following conditions:
- Terraform resource uses the
argument to identify the resources - Terraform resource can be imported with
, i.e.id
aws_iam_user is a good example here. In this case, we can just use the NameAsIdentifier config of Upjet as follows:
import (
p.AddResourceConfigurator("aws_iam_user", func(r *config.Resource) {
r.ExternalName = config.NameAsIdentifier
There are some resources which fits into this case with an exception by
expecting an argument other than name
to name/identify a resource, for
example, bucket for aws_s3_bucket and cluster_identifier for
Let's check aws_s3_bucket further. Reading the import section of s3 bucket
we see that bucket is imported with its name, however, checking arguments
section we see that this name is provided with the bucket argument. We also
notice, there is also another argument as bucket_prefix
which conflicts with
argument. We can just use the NameAsIdentifier config, however, we
also need to configure the bucket
argument with SetIdentifierArgumentFn
also omit bucket
and bucket_prefix
arguments from the spec with
import (
p.AddResourceConfigurator("aws_s3_bucket", func(r *config.Resource) {
r.ExternalName = config.NameAsIdentifier
r.ExternalName.SetIdentifierArgumentFn = func(base map[string]any, externalName string) {
base["bucket"] = externalName
r.ExternalName.OmittedFields = []string{
In this case, the (cloud) provider generates an identifier for the resource independent of what we provided as arguments.
Checking the import section of aws_vpc, we see that this resource is being
imported with vpc id
. When we check the arguments list and provided example
usages, it is clear that this id is not something that user provides,
rather generated by AWS API.
Here, we can just use IdentifierFromProvider configuration:
import (
p.AddResourceConfigurator("aws_vpc", func(r *config.Resource) {
r.ExternalName = config.IdentifierFromProvider
For some resources, Terraform uses a formatted string as id
which include
resource identifier that Crossplane uses as external name but may also contain
some other parameters.
Most azurerm
resources fall into this category. Checking the import section
of azurerm_sql_server, we see that can be imported with an id
in the
following format:
To properly set external name for such a resource, we need to configure how to
extract external name from this string (GetExternalNameFn
) and how to build
this id back (GetIDFn
import (
func getNameFromFullyQualifiedID(tfstate map[string]any) (string, error) {
id, ok := tfstate["id"]
if !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf(ErrFmtNoAttribute, "id")
idStr, ok := id.(string)
if !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf(ErrFmtUnexpectedType, "id")
words := strings.Split(idStr, "/")
return words[len(words)-1], nil
func getFullyQualifiedIDfunc(ctx context.Context, externalName string, parameters map[string]any, providerConfig map[string]any) (string, error) {
subID, ok := providerConfig["subscription_id"]
if !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf(ErrFmtNoAttribute, "subscription_id")
subIDStr, ok := subID.(string)
if !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf(ErrFmtUnexpectedType, "subscription_id")
rg, ok := parameters["resource_group_name"]
if !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf(ErrFmtNoAttribute, "resource_group_name")
rgStr, ok := rg.(string)
if !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf(ErrFmtUnexpectedType, "resource_group_name")
name, ok := parameters["name"]
if !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf(ErrFmtNoAttribute, "name")
nameStr, ok := rg.(string)
if !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf(ErrFmtUnexpectedType, "name")
return fmt.Sprintf("/subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/%s", subIDStr, rgStr, nameStr), nil
p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_sql_server", func(r *config.Resource) {
r.ExternalName = config.NameAsIdentifier
r.ExternalName.GetExternalNameFn = getNameFromFullyQualifiedID
r.ExternalName.GetIDFn = getFullyQualifiedIDfunc
With this, we have covered most common scenarios for configuring external name.
You can always check resource configurations of existing jet Providers as
further examples under config/<group>/config.go
in their repositories.
Please see this figure to understand why we really need 3 different functions
to configure external names and, it visualizes which is used how:
Note that, initially, GetIDFn
will use the external-name annotation to set the terraform.tfstate id and, after
that, it uses the terraform.tfstate id to update the external-name annotation.
For cases where both values are different, both GetIDFn and GetExternalNameFn
must be set in order to have the correct configuration.
Crossplane uses cross resource referencing to handle dependencies between managed resources. For example, if you have an IAM User defined as a Crossplane managed resource, and you want to create an Access Key for that user, you would need to refer to the User CR from the Access Key resource. This is handled by cross resource referencing.
See how the user referenced at forProvider.userRef.name
field of the Access
Key in the following example:
apiVersion: iam.aws.tf.crossplane.io/v1alpha1
kind: User
name: sample-user
forProvider: {}
apiVersion: iam.aws.tf.crossplane.io/v1alpha1
kind: AccessKey
name: sample-access-key
name: sample-user
name: sample-access-key-secret
namespace: crossplane-system
Historically, reference resolution method were written by hand which requires
some effort, however, with the latest Crossplane code generation tooling, it is
now possible to generate reference resolution methods by just adding some
marker on the fields. Now, the only manual step for generating cross resource
references is to provide which field of a resource depends on which information
(e.g. id
, name
, arn
etc.) from the other.
In Upjet, we have a configuration to provide this information for a field:
// Reference represents the Crossplane options used to generate
// reference resolvers for fields
type Reference struct {
// Type is the Go type name of the CRD if it is in the same package or
// <package-path>.<type-name> if it is in a different package.
Type string
// TerraformName is the name of the Terraform resource
// which will be referenced. The supplied resource name is
// converted to a type name of the corresponding CRD using
// the configured TerraformTypeMapper.
TerraformName string
// Extractor is the function to be used to extract value from the
// referenced type. Defaults to getting external name.
// Optional
Extractor string
// RefFieldName is the field name for the Reference field. Defaults to
// <field-name>Ref or <field-name>Refs.
// Optional
RefFieldName string
// SelectorFieldName is the Go field name for the Selector field. Defaults to
// <field-name>Selector.
// Optional
SelectorFieldName string
Please note the Reference.Type
field has been deprecated, use
instead. TerraformName
is a more stable and
less error prone API compared to Type
because it automatically accounts
for the configuration changes affecting the cross-resource reference target's
kind name, group or version.
For a resource that we want to generate, we need to check its argument list in Terraform documentation and figure out which field needs reference to which resource.
Let's check iam_access_key as an example. In the argument list, we see the user field which requires a reference to a IAM user. So, we need to the following referencing configuration:
func Configure(p *config.Provider) {
p.AddResourceConfigurator("aws_iam_access_key", func (r *config.Resource) {
r.References["user"] = config.Reference{
TerraformName: "aws_iam_user",
is the name of the Terraform resource, such as
. Because TerraformName
uniquely identifies a
Terraform resource, it remains the same when the referenced and
referencing resources are in different groups. A good example is
referencing a kms key from aws_ebs_volume
func Configure(p *config.Provider) {
p.AddResourceConfigurator("aws_ebs_volume", func(r *config.Resource) {
r.References["kms_key_id"] = config.Reference{
TerraformName: "aws_kms_key",
Cross Resource Referencing is one of the key concepts of the resource configuration. As a very common case, cloud services depend on other cloud services. For example, AWS Subnet resource needs an AWS VPC for creation. So, for creating a Subnet successfully, before you have to create a VPC resource. Please see the Managed Resources documentation for more details.
These documentations focus on the general concepts and manual configurations of Cross Resource References. However, the main topic of this documentation is automatic example&reference generation.
Upjet has a scraper tool for scraping provider metadata from the Terraform Registry. The scraped metadata are:
- Resource Descriptions
- Examples of Resources (in HCL format)
- Field Documentations
- Import Statements
These are very critical information for our automation processes. We use this scraped metadata in many contexts. For example, field documentation of resources and descriptions are used as Golang comments for schema fields and CRDs.
Another important scraped information is examples of resources. As a part of testing efforts, finding the correct combination of field values is not easy for every scenario. So, having a working example (combination) is very important for easy testing.
At this point, this example that is in HCL format is converted to a Managed Resource manifest, and we can use this manifest in our test efforts.
This is an example from Terraform Registry AWS Ebs Volume resource:
resource "aws_ebs_volume" "example" {
availability_zone = "us-west-2a"
size = 40
tags = {
Name = "HelloWorld"
resource "aws_ebs_snapshot" "example_snapshot" {
volume_id = aws_ebs_volume.example.id
tags = {
Name = "HelloWorld_snap"
The generated example:
apiVersion: ec2.aws.upbound.io/v1beta1
kind: EBSSnapshot
meta.upbound.io/example-id: ec2/v1beta1/ebssnapshot
testing.upbound.io/example-name: example_snapshot
name: example-snapshot
region: us-west-1
Name: HelloWorld_snap
testing.upbound.io/example-name: example
apiVersion: ec2.aws.upbound.io/v1beta1
kind: EBSVolume
meta.upbound.io/example-id: ec2/v1beta1/ebssnapshot
testing.upbound.io/example-name: example
name: example
availabilityZone: us-west-2a
region: us-west-1
size: 40
Name: HelloWorld
Here, there are three very important points that scraper makes easy our life:
- We do not have to find the correct value combinations for fields. So, we can easily use the generated example manifest in our tests.
- The HCL example was scraped from registry documentation of the
resource. In the example, you also see theaws_ebs_volume
resource manifest because, for the creation of an EBS Snapshot, you need an EBS Volume resource. Thanks to the source Registry, (in many cases, there are the dependent resources of target resources) we can also scrape the dependencies of target resources. - The last item is actually what is intended to be explained in this document. For using the Cross Resource References, as I mentioned above, you need to add some references to the resource configuration. But, in many cases, if in the scraped example, the mentioned dependencies are already described you do not have to write explicit references to resource configuration. The Cross Resource Reference generator generates the mentioned references.
As I mentioned, many references are generated from scraped metadata by an auto reference generator. However, there are two cases where we miss generating the references.
The first one is related to some bugs or improvement points in the generator. This means that the generator can handle many references in the scraped examples and correctly generate them. But we cannot say that the ratio is 100%. For some cases, the generator cannot generate references, even though they are in the scraped example manifests.
The second one is related to the scraped example itself. As I mentioned above, the source of the generator is the scraped example manifest. So, it checks the manifest and tries to generate the found cross-resource references. In some cases, although there are other reference fields, these do not exist in the example manifest. They can only be mentioned in schema/field documentation.
For these types of situations, you must configure cross-resource references explicitly.
In some cases, the generated references can narrow the reference pool covered by the field. For example, X resource has an A field and Y and Z resources can be referenced via this field. However, since the reference to Y is mentioned in the example manifest, this reference field will only be defined over Y. In this case, since the reference pool of the relevant field will be narrowed, it would be more appropriate to delete this reference. For example,
resource "aws_route53_record" "www" {
zone_id = aws_route53_zone.primary.zone_id
name = "example.com"
type = "A"
alias {
name = aws_elb.main.dns_name
zone_id = aws_elb.main.zone_id
evaluate_target_health = true
Route53 Record resource’s alias.name field has a reference. In the example, this
reference is shown by using the aws_elb
resource. However, when we check the
field documentation, we see that this field can also be referenced by other
Alias records support the following:
name - (Required) DNS domain name for a CloudFront distribution, S3 bucket, ELB,
or another resource record set in this hosted zone.
As a result, mentioned scraper and example&reference generators are very useful for making easy the test efforts. But using these functionalities, we must be careful to avoid undesired states.
Crossplane stores sensitive information of a managed resource in a Kubernetes secret, together with some additional fields that would help consumption of the resource, a.k.a. connection details.
In Upjet, we already handle sensitive fields that are marked as sensitive in Terraform schema and no further action required for them. Upjet will properly hide these fields from CRD spec and status by converting to a secret reference or storing in connection details secret respectively. However, we still have some custom configuration API that would allow including additional fields into connection details secret no matter they are sensitive or not.
As an example, let's use aws_iam_access_key
. Currently, Upjet stores all
sensitive fields in Terraform schema as prefixed with attribute.
, so without
any AdditionalConnectionDetailsFn
, connection resource will have
and attribute.secret
corresponding to id and secret fields
respectively. To see them with more common keys, i.e. aws_access_key_id
, we would need to make the following configuration:
func Configure(p *config.Provider) {
p.AddResourceConfigurator("aws_iam_access_key", func(r *config.Resource) {
r.Sensitive.AdditionalConnectionDetailsFn = func(attr map[string]any) (map[string][]byte, error) {
conn := map[string][]byte{}
if a, ok := attr["id"].(string); ok {
conn["aws_access_key_id"] = []byte(a)
if a, ok := attr["secret"].(string); ok {
conn["aws_secret_access_key"] = []byte(a)
return conn, nil
This will produce a connection details secret as follows:
apiVersion: v1
attribute.id: QUtJQVk0QUZUVFNFNDI2TlhKS0I=
attribute.secret: ABCxyzRedacted==
attribute.ses_smtp_password_v4: QQ00REDACTED==
aws_access_key_id: QUtJQVk0QUZUVFNFNDI2TlhKS0I=
aws_secret_access_key: ABCxyzRedacted==
kind: Secret
Late initialization configuration is only required if there are conflicting arguments in terraform resource configuration. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to figure that out without testing the resource, so feel free to skip this configuration at the first place and revisit only if you have errors like below while testing the resource.
observe failed: cannot run refresh: refresh failed: Invalid combination of arguments:
"address_prefix": only one of `address_prefix,address_prefixes` can be specified, but `address_prefix,address_prefixes` were specified.: File name: main.tf.json
If you would like to have the late-initialization library not to process the
parameter field, then the following configuration where we
specify the parameter field path is sufficient:
func Configure(p *config.Provider) {
p.AddResourceConfigurator("azurerm_subnet", func(r *config.Resource) {
r.LateInitializer = config.LateInitializer{
IgnoredFields: []string{"address_prefix"},
Please note that, there could be errors looking slightly different from above,
so please consider configuring late initialization behaviour whenever you got
some unexpected error starting with observe failed:
, once you are sure that
you provided all necessary parameters to your resource.
Upjet runtime automatically performs late-initialization during an
call with means of runtime reflection. State of the world
observed by Terraform CLI is used to initialize any nil
-valued pointer
parameters in the managed resource's spec
. In most of the cases no custom
configuration should be necessary for late-initialization to work. However,
there are certain cases where you will want/need to customize
late-initialization behaviour. Thus, Upjet provides an extensible
late-initialization customization API that controls late-initialization
The associated resource struct is defined here as follows:
// LateInitializer represents configurations that control
// late-initialization behaviour
type LateInitializer struct {
// IgnoredFields are the canonical field names to be skipped during
// late-initialization
IgnoredFields []string
Currently, it only involves a configuration option to specify certain spec
parameters to be ignored during late-initialization. Each element of the
slice represents the canonical path relative to
the parameters struct for the managed resource's Spec
using Go
type names as
path elements. As an example, with the following type definitions:
type Subnet struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Spec SubnetSpec `json:"spec"`
Status SubnetStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
type SubnetSpec struct {
ForProvider SubnetParameters `json:"forProvider"`
type DelegationParameters struct {
// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
Name *string `json:"name" tf:"name,omitempty"`
type SubnetParameters struct {
// +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
AddressPrefix *string `json:"addressPrefix,omitempty" tf:"address_prefix,omitempty"`
// +kubebuilder:validation:Optional
Delegation []DelegationParameters `json:"delegation,omitempty" tf:"delegation,omitempty"`
In most cases, custom late-initialization configuration will not be necessary.
However, after generating a new managed resource and observing its behaviour (at
runtime), it may turn out that late-initialization behaviour needs
customization. For certain resources like the provider-tf-azure
resource, we have observed that Terraform state contains
values for mutually exclusive parameters, e.g., for PostgresqlServer
, both
and StorageProfile[].StorageMb
get late-initialized. Upon next
reconciliation, we generate values for both parameters in the Terraform
configuration, and although they happen to have the same value, Terraform
configuration validation requires them to be mutually exclusive. Currently, we
observe this behaviour at runtime, and upon observing that the resource cannot
transition to the Ready
state and acquires the Terraform validation error
message in its status.conditions
, we do the LateInitializer.IgnoreFields
custom configuration detailed above to skip one of the mutually exclusive fields
during late-initialization.
Upjet generates Crossplane resource schemas (CR spec/status) using the Terraform schema of the resource. As of today, Upjet leverages the following attributes in the schema:
- Type and Elem to identify the type of the field.
- Sensitive to see if we need to keep it in a Secret instead of CR.
- Description to add as a description to the field in CRD.
- Optional and Computed to identify whether the fields go under spec or
- Not Optional & Not Computed => Spec (required)
- Optional & Not Computed => Spec (optional)
- Optional & Computed => Spec (optional, to be late-initialized)
- Not Optional & Computed => Status
Usually, we don't need to make any modifications in the resource schema and resource schema just works as is. However, there could be some rare edge cases like:
- Field contains sensitive information but not marked as
or vice versa. - An attribute does not make sense to have in CRD schema, like tags_all for provider-upjet-aws resources.
- Moving parameters from Terraform provider config to resources schema to fit Crossplane model, e.g. AWS region parameter is part of provider config in Terraform but Crossplane expects it in CR spec.
Schema of a resource could be overridden as follows:
p.AddResourceConfigurator("aws_autoscaling_group", func(r *config.Resource) {
// Managed by Attachment resource.
if s, ok := r.TerraformResource.Schema["load_balancers"]; ok {
s.Optional = false
s.Computed = true
if s, ok := r.TerraformResource.Schema["target_group_arns"]; ok {
s.Optional = false
s.Computed = true
Initializers involve the operations that run before beginning of reconciliation. This configuration option will provide that setting initializers for per resource.
Many resources in aws have tags
field in their schema. Also, in Crossplane
there is a tagging convention. To implement the tagging convention for jet-aws
provider, this initializer configuration support was provided.
There is a common struct (Tagger
) in upjet to use the tagging convention:
// Tagger implements the Initialize function to set external tags
type Tagger struct {
kube client.Client
fieldName string
// NewTagger returns a Tagger object.
func NewTagger(kube client.Client, fieldName string) *Tagger {
return &Tagger{kube: kube, fieldName: fieldName}
// Initialize is a custom initializer for setting external tags
func (t *Tagger) Initialize(ctx context.Context, mg xpresource.Managed) error {
paved, err := fieldpath.PaveObject(mg)
if err != nil {
return err
pavedByte, err := setExternalTagsWithPaved(xpresource.GetExternalTags(mg), paved, t.fieldName)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := json.Unmarshal(pavedByte, mg); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.kube.Update(ctx, mg); err != nil {
return err
return nil
As seen above, the Tagger
struct accepts a fieldName
. This fieldName
specifies which value of field to set in the resource's spec. You can use the
common Initializer
by specifying the field name that points to the external
tags in the configured resource.
There is also a default initializer for tagging convention, TagInitializer
. It
sets the value of fieldName
to tags
as default:
// TagInitializer returns a tagger to use default tag initializer.
var TagInitializer NewInitializerFn = func(client client.Client) managed.Initializer {
return NewTagger(client, "tags")
In jet-aws provider, as a default process, if a resource has tags
field in its
schema, then the default initializer (TagInitializer
) is added to Initializer
list of resource:
// AddExternalTagsField adds ExternalTagsFieldName configuration for resources that have tags field.
func AddExternalTagsField() tjconfig.ResourceOption {
return func(r *tjconfig.Resource) {
if s, ok := r.TerraformResource.Schema["tags"]; ok && s.Type == schema.TypeMap {
r.InitializerFns = append(r.InitializerFns, tjconfig.TagInitializer)
However, if the field name that used for the external label is different from
the tags
, the NewTagger
function can be called and the specific fieldName
can be passed to this:
r.InitializerFns = append(r.InitializerFns, func(client client.Client) managed.Initializer {
return tjconfig.NewTagger(client, "example_tags_name")
If the above tagging convention logic does not work for you, and you want to use
this configuration option for a reason other than tagging convention (for
another custom initializer operation), you need to write your own struct in
provider and have this struct implement the Initializer
function with a custom
This configuration option is set by using the InitializerFns field that is a list of NewInitializerFn:
// NewInitializerFn returns the Initializer with a client.
type NewInitializerFn func(client client.Client) managed.Initializer
Initializer is an interface in crossplane-runtime:
type Initializer interface {
Initialize(ctx context.Context, mg resource.Managed) error
So, an interface must be passed to the related configuration field for adding initializers for a resource.