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Sinatra in The Wild |
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NOTE: Feel free to fork
Sinatra's website on GitHub
and add your own entry to the wild.markdown
file. Just push and we'll take
care of the rest.
- Integrity the easy and fun Continuous Integration server
- Wink minimalist blogging engine
- Marley the blog engine without <textareas>
- Scanty an even more minimalist blogging engine
- Scanty using CouchDB
- git-wiki a git-powered wiki
- Wordnatra an interface to Princeton's WordNet lexical dictionary
- GitHub-FogBuz logs your GitHub commits with FogBuz
- Notable listens on Jabber to take your notes and then displays them back to you
- Dash Sinatra provides a Ruby API to push metrics from an app to the FiveRuns Dash service
- Gaze tiny app that serves up your Markdown files
- Giftsmas Gift Tracking Website using Sinatra, Sequel, and Scaffolding Extensions
- Toopaste Pastebin site created with Sinatra and DataMapper
- go get me some Our new favorite timesink
- Sinatra's Hat Mount models as web services in Sinatra with ease
- Classy Resources Think resources controller, except for sinatra
- Sinatra Diddies A collection of plugins and useful helpers
- Chicago runtime and testing helpers, extensions, and macros commonly used by Thumblemonks
- Capinatra Quickly deploy Sinatra apps to Passenger.
- Frankie Easy creation of Facebook applications with Sinatra and the Facebook gem
- Sinatra Application Template Base app with DataMapper, Haml and RSpec. Fork and build.
- Sinatra OAuth Provider an OAuth provider implemented with Sinatra
- Spork Executes some aynchronous code using Sinatra running under Passenger
- Reteweet Create Twitter apps like tweetdreams.org with ease
- Calendar About Nothing Seinfeld calendar for hackers
- irclogger, logging #sinatra
- Follow Cost Is that Twitter celebrity worth the pain?
- Is LOST on yet?
- URL Unwind Don't get RickRolled again
- Tweetdreams Twitter dream journal