- FEATURE: pre::retry_for (Function which retries a callback during a given duration)
- Support build on MSVC 2015 update 4
- Include mapbox.variant and support of it for pre/json/[to, from]_json and for Boost.Spirit.Qi/Karma.
unified for Boost.Variant / Mapbox.Variant to make the variant type easily switchable.- FEATURE: pre::variant::polymorphic_get implemented for mapbox::variant as well.
- BUGFIX: Fix #5 thread datarace in mockup_serial_port.
- BUGFIX: Mockup implementations of boost::asio::flush & boost::asio::get_bytes_available for code tested under mockup_serial_port.
- [BREAKING] REFACTORING: This is a change in the api of to_hexstring(const string) into buffer_from_hexstring.
- pre::type_traits::function_traits for lambda, functions, member functions
- fix for stopping the mockup_serial_port for ASIO as well as windows builds.