In python-arango, a document is a Python dictionary with the following properties:
- Is JSON serializable.
- May be nested to an arbitrary depth.
- May contain lists.
- Contains the
field, which identifies the document uniquely within a specific collection. - Contains the
field (also called the handle), which identifies the document uniquely across all collections within a database. This ID is a combination of the collection name and the document key using the format{collection}/{key}
(see example below). - Contains the
field. ArangoDB supports MVCC (Multiple Version Concurrency Control) and is capable of storing each document in multiple revisions. Latest revision of a document is indicated by this field. The field is populated by ArangoDB and is not required as input unless you want to validate a document against its current revision.
For more information on documents and associated terminologies, refer to ArangoDB manual. Here is an example of a valid document in "students" collection:
.. testcode:: { '_id': 'students/bruce', '_key': 'bruce', '_rev': '_Wm3dzEi--_', 'first_name': 'Bruce', 'last_name': 'Wayne', 'address': { 'street' : '1007 Mountain Dr.', 'city': 'Gotham', 'state': 'NJ' }, 'is_rich': True, 'friends': ['robin', 'gordon'] }
Edge documents (edges) are similar to standard documents but with two
additional required fields _from
and _to
. Values of these fields must
be the handles of "from" and "to" vertex documents linked by the edge document
in question (see :doc:`graph` for details). Edge documents are contained in
:ref:`edge collections <edge-collections>`. Here is an example of a valid edge
document in "friends" edge collection:
.. testcode:: { '_id': 'friends/001', '_key': '001', '_rev': '_Wm3d4le--_', '_from': 'students/john', '_to': 'students/jane', 'closeness': 9.5 }
Standard documents are managed via collection API wrapper:
.. testcode:: from arango import ArangoClient # Initialize the ArangoDB client. client = ArangoClient() # Connect to "test" database as root user. db = client.db('test', username='root', password='passwd') # Get the API wrapper for "students" collection. students = db.collection('students') # Create some test documents to play around with. lola = {'_key': 'lola', 'GPA': 3.5, 'first': 'Lola', 'last': 'Martin'} abby = {'_key': 'abby', 'GPA': 3.2, 'first': 'Abby', 'last': 'Page'} john = {'_key': 'john', 'GPA': 3.6, 'first': 'John', 'last': 'Kim'} emma = {'_key': 'emma', 'GPA': 4.0, 'first': 'Emma', 'last': 'Park'} # Insert a new document. This returns the document metadata. metadata = students.insert(lola) assert metadata['_id'] == 'students/lola' assert metadata['_key'] == 'lola' # Check if documents exist in the collection in multiple ways. assert students.has('lola') and 'john' not in students # Retrieve the total document count in multiple ways. assert students.count() == len(students) == 1 # Insert multiple documents in bulk. students.import_bulk([abby, john, emma]) # Retrieve one or more matching documents. for student in students.find({'first': 'John'}): assert student['_key'] == 'john' assert student['GPA'] == 3.6 assert student['last'] == 'Kim' # Retrieve one or more matching documents, sorted by a field. for student in students.find({'first': 'John'}, sort=[{'sort_by': 'GPA', 'sort_order': 'DESC'}]): assert student['_key'] == 'john' assert student['GPA'] == 3.6 assert student['last'] == 'Kim' # Retrieve a document by key. students.get('john') # Retrieve a document by ID. students.get('students/john') # Retrieve a document by body with "_id" field. students.get({'_id': 'students/john'}) # Retrieve a document by body with "_key" field. students.get({'_key': 'john'}) # Retrieve multiple documents by ID, key or body. students.get_many(['abby', 'students/lola', {'_key': 'john'}]) # Update a single document. lola['GPA'] = 2.6 students.update(lola) # Update one or more matching documents. students.update_match({'last': 'Park'}, {'GPA': 3.0}) # Replace a single document. emma['GPA'] = 3.1 students.replace(emma) # Replace one or more matching documents. becky = {'first': 'Becky', 'last': 'Solis', 'GPA': '3.3'} students.replace_match({'first': 'Emma'}, becky) # Delete a document by key. students.delete('john') # Delete a document by ID. students.delete('students/lola') # Delete a document by body with "_id" or "_key" field. students.delete(emma) # Delete multiple documents. Missing ones are ignored. students.delete_many([abby, 'john', 'students/lola']) # Iterate through all documents and update individually. for student in students: student['GPA'] = 4.0 student['happy'] = True students.update(student)
You can manage documents via database API wrappers also, but only simple operations (i.e. get, insert, update, replace, delete) are supported and you must provide document IDs instead of keys:
.. testcode:: from arango import ArangoClient # Initialize the ArangoDB client. client = ArangoClient() # Connect to "test" database as root user. db = client.db('test', username='root', password='passwd') # Create some test documents to play around with. # The documents must have the "_id" field instead. lola = {'_id': 'students/lola', 'GPA': 3.5} abby = {'_id': 'students/abby', 'GPA': 3.2} john = {'_id': 'students/john', 'GPA': 3.6} emma = {'_id': 'students/emma', 'GPA': 4.0} # Insert a new document. metadata = db.insert_document('students', lola) assert metadata['_id'] == 'students/lola' assert metadata['_key'] == 'lola' # Check if a document exists. assert db.has_document(lola) is True # Get a document (by ID or body with "_id" field). db.document('students/lola') db.document(abby) # Update a document. lola['GPA'] = 3.6 db.update_document(lola) # Replace a document. lola['GPA'] = 3.4 db.replace_document(lola) # Delete a document (by ID or body with "_id" field). db.delete_document('students/lola')
See :ref:`StandardDatabase` and :ref:`StandardCollection` for API specification.
When managing documents, using collection API wrappers over database API wrappers is recommended as more operations are available and less sanity checking is performed under the hood.