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DSL: AshPostgres.DataLayer

A postgres data layer that leverages Ecto's postgres capabilities.


Postgres data layer configuration

Nested DSLs


postgres do
  repo MyApp.Repo
  table "organizations"


Name Type Default Docs
repo{: #postgres-repo .spark-required} module | (any, any -> any) The repo that will be used to fetch your data. See the AshPostgres.Repo documentation for more. Can also be a function that takes a resource and a type :read | :mutate and returns the repo
migrate?{: #postgres-migrate? } boolean true Whether or not to include this resource in the generated migrations with mix ash.generate_migrations
storage_types{: #postgres-storage_types } keyword [] A keyword list of attribute names to the ecto type that should be used for that attribute. Only necessary if you need to override the defaults.
migration_types{: #postgres-migration_types } keyword [] A keyword list of attribute names to the ecto migration type that should be used for that attribute. Only necessary if you need to override the defaults.
migration_defaults{: #postgres-migration_defaults } keyword [] A keyword list of attribute names to the ecto migration default that should be used for that attribute. The string you use will be placed verbatim in the migration. Use fragments like fragment(\\"now()\\"), or for nil, use \\"nil\\".
calculations_to_sql{: #postgres-calculations_to_sql } keyword A keyword list of calculations and their SQL representation. Used when creating unique indexes for identities over calculations
identity_wheres_to_sql{: #postgres-identity_wheres_to_sql } keyword A keyword list of identity names and the SQL representation of their where clause. Used when creating unique indexes for identities over calculations
base_filter_sql{: #postgres-base_filter_sql } String.t A raw sql version of the base_filter, e.g representative = true. Required if trying to create a unique constraint on a resource with a base_filter
simple_join_first_aggregates{: #postgres-simple_join_first_aggregates } list(atom) [] A list of :first type aggregate names that can be joined to using a simple join. Use when you have a :first aggregate that uses a to-many relationship , but your filter statement ensures that there is only one result. Optimizes the generated query.
skip_unique_indexes{: #postgres-skip_unique_indexes } atom | list(atom) false Skip generating unique indexes when generating migrations
unique_index_names{: #postgres-unique_index_names } list({list(atom), String.t} | {list(atom), String.t, String.t}) [] A list of unique index names that could raise errors that are not configured in identities, or an mfa to a function that takes a changeset and returns the list. In the format {[:affected, :keys], "name_of_constraint"} or {[:affected, :keys], "name_of_constraint", "custom error message"}
exclusion_constraint_names{: #postgres-exclusion_constraint_names } any [] A list of exclusion constraint names that could raise errors. Must be in the format {:affected_key, "name_of_constraint"} or {:affected_key, "name_of_constraint", "custom error message"}
identity_index_names{: #postgres-identity_index_names } any [] A keyword list of identity names to the unique index name that they should use when being managed by the migration generator.
foreign_key_names{: #postgres-foreign_key_names } list({atom | String.t, String.t} | {atom | String.t, String.t, String.t}) [] A list of foreign keys that could raise errors, or an mfa to a function that takes a changeset and returns a list. In the format: {:key, "name_of_constraint"} or {:key, "name_of_constraint", "custom error message"}
migration_ignore_attributes{: #postgres-migration_ignore_attributes } list(atom) [] A list of attributes that will be ignored when generating migrations.
table{: #postgres-table } String.t The table to store and read the resource from. If this is changed, the migration generator will not remove the old table.
schema{: #postgres-schema } String.t The schema that the table is located in. Schema-based multitenancy will supercede this option. If this is changed, the migration generator will not remove the old schema.
polymorphic?{: #postgres-polymorphic? } boolean false Declares this resource as polymorphic. See the polymorphic resources guide for more.


A section for configuring indexes to be created by the migration generator.

In general, prefer to use identities for simple unique constraints. This is a tool to allow for declaring more complex indexes.

Nested DSLs


custom_indexes do
  index [:column1, :column2], unique: true, where: "thing = TRUE"


index fields

Add an index to be managed by the migration generator.


index ["column", "column2"], unique: true, where: "thing = TRUE"


Name Type Default Docs
fields{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-fields } atom | String.t | list(atom | String.t) The fields to include in the index.


Name Type Default Docs
error_fields{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-error_fields } list(atom) The fields to attach the error to.
name{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-name } String.t the name of the index. Defaults to "#{table}_#{column}_index".
unique{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-unique } boolean false indicates whether the index should be unique.
concurrently{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-concurrently } boolean false indicates whether the index should be created/dropped concurrently.
using{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-using } String.t configures the index type.
prefix{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-prefix } String.t specify an optional prefix for the index.
where{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-where } String.t specify conditions for a partial index.
include{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-include } list(String.t) specify fields for a covering index. This is not supported by all databases. For more information on PostgreSQL support, please read the official docs.
nulls_distinct{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-nulls_distinct } boolean true specify whether null values should be considered distinct for a unique index. Requires PostgreSQL 15 or later
message{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-message } String.t A custom message to use for unique indexes that have been violated
all_tenants?{: #postgres-custom_indexes-index-all_tenants? } boolean false Whether or not the index should factor in the multitenancy attribute or not.


Target: AshPostgres.CustomIndex


A section for configuring custom statements to be added to migrations.

Changing custom statements may require manual intervention, because Ash can't determine what order they should run in (i.e if they depend on table structure that you've added, or vice versa). As such, any down statements we run for custom statements happen first, and any up statements happen last.

Additionally, when changing a custom statement, we must make some assumptions, i.e that we should migrate the old structure down using the previously configured down and recreate it.

This may not be desired, and so what you may end up doing is simply modifying the old migration and deleting whatever was generated by the migration generator. As always: read your migrations after generating them!

Nested DSLs


custom_statements do
  # the name is used to detect if you remove or modify the statement
  statement :pgweb_idx do
    up "CREATE INDEX pgweb_idx ON pgweb USING GIN (to_tsvector('english', title || ' ' || body));"
    down "DROP INDEX pgweb_idx;"


statement name

Add a custom statement for migrations.


statement :pgweb_idx do
  up "CREATE INDEX pgweb_idx ON pgweb USING GIN (to_tsvector('english', title || ' ' || body));"
  down "DROP INDEX pgweb_idx;"


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #postgres-custom_statements-statement-name .spark-required} atom The name of the statement, must be unique within the resource


Name Type Default Docs
up{: #postgres-custom_statements-statement-up .spark-required} String.t How to create the structure of the statement
down{: #postgres-custom_statements-statement-down .spark-required} String.t How to tear down the structure of the statement
code?{: #postgres-custom_statements-statement-code? } boolean false By default, we place the strings inside of ecto migration's execute/1 function and assume they are sql. Use this option if you want to provide custom elixir code to be placed directly in the migrations


Target: AshPostgres.Statement


Configuration for the behavior of a resource that manages a tenant


manage_tenant do
  template ["organization_", :id]
  create? true
  update? false


Name Type Default Docs
template{: #postgres-manage_tenant-template .spark-required} String.t | atom | list(String.t | atom) A template that will cause the resource to create/manage the specified schema.
create?{: #postgres-manage_tenant-create? } boolean true Whether or not to automatically create a tenant when a record is created
update?{: #postgres-manage_tenant-update? } boolean true Whether or not to automatically update the tenant name if the record is udpated


A section for configuring the references (foreign keys) in resource migrations.

This section is only relevant if you are using the migration generator with this resource. Otherwise, it has no effect.

Nested DSLs


references do
  reference :post, on_delete: :delete, on_update: :update, name: "comments_to_posts_fkey"


Name Type Default Docs
polymorphic_on_delete{: #postgres-references-polymorphic_on_delete } :delete | :nilify | :nothing | :restrict | {:nilify, atom | list(atom)} For polymorphic resources, configures the on_delete behavior of the automatically generated foreign keys to source tables.
polymorphic_on_update{: #postgres-references-polymorphic_on_update } :update | :nilify | :nothing | :restrict For polymorphic resources, configures the on_update behavior of the automatically generated foreign keys to source tables.


reference relationship

Configures the reference for a relationship in resource migrations.

Keep in mind that multiple relationships can theoretically involve the same destination and foreign keys. In those cases, you only need to configure the reference behavior for one of them. Any conflicts will result in an error, across this resource and any other resources that share a table with this one. For this reason, instead of adding a reference configuration for :nothing, its best to just leave the configuration out, as that is the default behavior if no relationship anywhere has configured the behavior of that reference.


reference :post, on_delete: :delete, on_update: :update, name: "comments_to_posts_fkey"


Name Type Default Docs
relationship{: #postgres-references-reference-relationship .spark-required} atom The relationship to be configured


Name Type Default Docs
ignore?{: #postgres-references-reference-ignore? } boolean If set to true, no reference is created for the given relationship. This is useful if you need to define it in some custom way
on_delete{: #postgres-references-reference-on_delete } :delete | :nilify | :nothing | :restrict | {:nilify, atom | list(atom)} What should happen to records of this resource when the referenced record of the destination resource is deleted.
on_update{: #postgres-references-reference-on_update } :update | :nilify | :nothing | :restrict What should happen to records of this resource when the referenced destination_attribute of the destination record is update.
deferrable{: #postgres-references-reference-deferrable } false | true | :initially false Whether or not the constraint is deferrable. This only affects the migration generator.
name{: #postgres-references-reference-name } String.t The name of the foreign key to generate in the database. Defaults to _<source_attribute>_fkey
match_with{: #postgres-references-reference-match_with } keyword Defines additional keys to the foreign key in order to build a composite foreign key. The key should be the name of the source attribute (in the current resource), the value the name of the destination attribute.
match_type{: #postgres-references-reference-match_type } :simple | :partial | :full select if the match is :simple, :partial, or :full
index?{: #postgres-references-reference-index? } boolean false Whether to create or not a corresponding index


Target: AshPostgres.Reference


A section for configuring the check constraints for a given table.

This can be used to automatically create those check constraints, or just to provide message when they are raised

Nested DSLs


check_constraints do
  check_constraint :price, "price_must_be_positive", check: "price > 0", message: "price must be positive"


check_constraint attribute, name

Add a check constraint to be validated.

If a check constraint exists on the table but not in this section, and it produces an error, a runtime error will be raised.

Provide a list of attributes instead of a single attribute to add the message to multiple attributes.

By adding the check option, the migration generator will include it when generating migrations.


check_constraint :price, "price_must_be_positive", check: "price > 0", message: "price must be positive"


Name Type Default Docs
attribute{: #postgres-check_constraints-check_constraint-attribute .spark-required} any The attribute or list of attributes to which an error will be added if the check constraint fails
name{: #postgres-check_constraints-check_constraint-name .spark-required} String.t The name of the constraint


Name Type Default Docs
message{: #postgres-check_constraints-check_constraint-message } String.t The message to be added if the check constraint fails
check{: #postgres-check_constraints-check_constraint-check } String.t The contents of the check. If this is set, the migration generator will include it when generating migrations


Target: AshPostgres.CheckConstraint

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